Wednesday, March 21, 2012

1109.4866 (Roberto Bondesan et al.)

Exact exponents for the spin quantum Hall transition in the presence of
multiple edge channels

Roberto Bondesan, Ilya A. Gruzberg, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hideaki Obuse, Hubert Saleur

1110.5978 (Kun-Rok Jeon et al.)

Effect of spin relaxation rate on the interfacial spin depolarization in
ferromagnet/oxide/semiconductor contacts

Kun-Rok Jeon, Byoung-Chul Min, Youn-Ho Park, Young-Hun Jo, Seung-Young Park, Chang-Yup Park, Sung-Chul Shin

1201.1479 (Lih-King Lim et al.)

Bloch-Zener oscillations across a merging transition of Dirac points    [PDF]

Lih-King Lim, Jean-Noël Fuchs, Gilles Montambaux

1203.4241 (J. Flores et al.)

Anderson Localization in Disordered Vibrating Rods    [PDF]

J. Flores, L. Gutiérrez, R. A. Méndez-Sánchez, G. Monsivais, P. Mora, A. Morales

1203.4247 (Gunnar K. Palsson et al.)

Hydrogen site occupancy and strength of forces in nano-sized metal

Gunnar K. Palsson, Moritz Wälde, Martin Amft, Yuanyuan Wu, Martina Ahlberg, Max Wolff, Björgvin Hjörvarsson

1203.4264 (N. J. Harmon et al.)

The effects of spin-spin interactions on magnetoresistance in disordered
organic semiconductors

N. J. Harmon, M. E. Flatté

1203.4282 (Denis L. Nika et al.)

Phonon Transport in Graphene    [PDF]

Denis L. Nika, Alexander A. Balandin

1203.4308 (Choon How Gan et al.)

Synthesis of highly confined surface plasmon modes with doped graphene
sheets in the mid-infrared and terahertz frequencies

Choon How Gan, Hong Son Chu, Er Ping Li

1203.4312 (J. D. Watson et al.)

Exploration of the Limits to Mobility in Two-Dimensional Hole Systems in
GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells

J. D. Watson, S. Mondal, G. Gardner, G. A. Csáthy, M. J. Manfra

1203.4340 (I. G. Savenko et al.)

Asymmetric quantum dot in microcavity as a nonlinear optical element    [PDF]

I. G. Savenko, O. V. Kibis, I. A. Shelykh

1203.4360 (Sergey Smirnov et al.)

Keldysh effective action theory for universal physics in spin-1/2 Kondo

Sergey Smirnov, Milena Grifoni

1203.4365 (T. Skrbic et al.)

The Role of Non-native Interactions in the Folding of Knotted Proteins    [PDF]

T. Skrbic, C. Micheletti, P. Faccioli

1203.4368 (F. M. D. Pellegrino et al.)

Resonant modes in strain-induced graphene superlattices    [PDF]

F. M. D. Pellegrino, G. G. N. Angilella, R. Pucci

1203.4395 (Anton Y. Bykov et al.)

Second harmonic generation in multilayer graphene induced by direct
electric current

Anton Y. Bykov, Tatiana V. Murzina, Maxim G. Rybin, Elena D. Obraztsova

1203.4397 (Niklas Lindahl et al.)

Determination of the Bending Rigidity of Graphene via Electrostatic
Actuation of Buckled Membranes

Niklas Lindahl, Daniel Midtvedt, Johannes Svensson, Oleg A. Nerushev, Niclas Lindvall, Andreas Isacsson, Eleanor E. B. Campbell

1203.4439 (K. Miyamoto et al.)

Topological Surface States with Persistent High Spin Polarization across
Dirac Point in Bi$_{2}$Te$_{2}$Se and Bi$_{2}$Se$_{2}$Te

K. Miyamoto, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, H. Miyahara, K. Kuroda, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, S. V. Eremeev, T. V. Menshchikova, E. V. Chulkov, K. A. Kokh, O. E. Tereshchenko

1203.4444 (M. M. Santos et al.)

Using quantum state protection via dissipation in a quantum-dot molecule
to solve the Deutsch problem

M. M. Santos, F. O. Prado, H. S. Borges, A. M. Alcalde, J. M. Villas-Bôas, E. I. Duzzioni

1203.4486 (G. Dolcetto et al.)

Tunneling between helical edge states through extended contacts    [PDF]

G. Dolcetto, S. Barbarino, D. Ferraro, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti

1203.4488 (Elsa Prada et al.)

Transport spectroscopy of NS nanowire junctions with Majorana fermions    [PDF]

Elsa Prada, Pablo San-Jose, Ramon Aguado

1203.4492 (E. Kogan)

Symmetry classification of energy bands in graphene in the framework of
the tight-binding approximation

E. Kogan

1203.4525 (M. R. Vanner et al.)

Quantum State Orthogonalization and a Toolset for Quantum Optomechanical
Phonon Control

M. R. Vanner, M. Aspelmeyer, M. S. Kim

1203.4536 (D. Hsieh et al.)

Observation of a Slater-type metal-to-insulator transition in
Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ from time-resolved photo-carrier dynamics

D. Hsieh, F. Mahmood, D. H. Torchinsky, G. Cao, N. Gedik