Monday, March 25, 2013

1303.5448 (Nuno M. R. Peres et al.)

Enhancing the absorption of graphene in the terahertz range    [PDF]

Nuno M. R. Peres, Yuliy V. Bludov

1303.5458 (Saumitra Mehrotra et al.)

Engineering Nanowire n-MOSFETs at Lg < 8 nm    [PDF]

Saumitra Mehrotra, SungGeun Kim, Tillmann Kubis, Michael Povolotskyi, Mark Lundstrom, Gerhard Klimeck

1303.5474 (E. Grichuk et al.)

Adiabatic quantum pumping in graphene with magnetic barriers    [PDF]

E. Grichuk, E. Manykin

1303.5476 (Masataka Koyama et al.)

Realization of Carrier Tunneling from InAlAs Quantum Dots to AlAs    [PDF]

Masataka Koyama, Dai Suzuki, Xiangmeng Lu, Yoshiaki Nakata, Shunichi Muto

1303.5546 (Jin-Wu Jiang et al.)

Mechanical Oscillation of Kinked Silicon Nanowires: a Natural Nanoscale

Jin-Wu Jiang, Timon Rabczuk

1303.5548 (Jin-Wu Jiang et al.)

Chirality Dependent Intrinsic Thermal Conductivity in Single-Layer MoS2    [PDF]

Jin-Wu Jiang, Timon Rabczuk

1303.5562 (Zhongming Zeng et al.)

Ultralow-current-density and bias-field-free spin-transfer

Zhongming Zeng, Giovanni Finocchio, Baoshun Zhang, Pedram Khalili Amiri, Jordan A. Katine, Ilya N. Krivorotov, Yiming Huai, Juergen Langer, Bruno Azzerboni, Kang L. Wang, Hongwen Jiang

1303.5565 (P. Mirovsky et al.)

Towards quantized current arbitrary waveform synthesis    [PDF]

P. Mirovsky, L. Fricke, F. Hohls, B. Kaestner, Ch. Leicht, K. Pierz, J. Melcher, H. W. Schumacher

1303.5598 (Jie Shen et al.)

Anomalous Cooper pair interference on Bi2Te3 surface    [PDF]

Jie Shen, Yue Ding, Yuan Pang, Fan Yang, Fanming Qu, Zhongqing Ji, Xiunian Jing, Jie Fan, Guangtong Liu, Changli Yang, Genghua Chen, Li Lu

1303.5625 (Daniel Braam et al.)

The role of the ligand layer for photoluminescence spectral diffusion of
CdSe/ZnS nanoparticles

Daniel Braam, Andreas Mölleken, Günther M. Prinz, Christian Notthoff, Martin Geller, Axel Lorke

1303.5628 (K. Sääskilahti et al.)

Thermal balance and quantum heat transport in nanostructures thermalized
by local Langevin heat baths

K. Sääskilahti, J. Oksanen, J. Tulkki

1303.5643 (Roman Shayduk et al.)

Direct time domain sampling of sub-THz coherent acoustic phonon spectra
in SrTiO$_3$ using ultrafast X-ray diffraction

Roman Shayduk, Marc Herzog, André Bojahr, Daniel Schick, Peter Gaal, Wolfram Leitenberger, Hengameh Navirian, Mathias Sander, Jevgenij Goldshteyn, Ionela Vrejoiu, Matias Bargheer