Thursday, April 26, 2012

1110.6386 (L. Thompson et al.)

Quantum Dynamics of a Bose Superfluid Vortex    [PDF]

L. Thompson, P. C. E. Stamp

1201.3361 (E. P. L. van Nieuwenburg et al.)

Metal--topological-insulator transition in the quantum kicked rotator
with Z2 symmetry

E. P. L. van Nieuwenburg, J. M. Edge, J. P. Dahlhaus, J. Tworzydło, C. W. J. Beenakker

1204.5422 (Thorsten Feichtner et al.)

Evolutionary optimization of optical antennas    [PDF]

Thorsten Feichtner, Oleg Selig, Markus Kiunke, Bert Hecht

1204.5483 (Shimon Kolkowitz et al.)

Sensing distant nuclear spins with a single electron spin    [PDF]

Shimon Kolkowitz, Quirin P. Unterreithmeier, Steven D. Bennett, Mikhail D. Lukin

1204.5501 (David Cereceda et al.)

Temperature-induced screw dislocation core transformation and its effect
on mobility in pure W

David Cereceda, J. Manuel Perlado, Sylvain Queyreau, Alexander Stukowski, Jaime Marian, Lisa Ventelon, M. -Cosmin Marinica

1204.5523 (L. D. Machado et al.)

Anomalous Magnetoresistance in Fibonacci Multilayers    [PDF]

L. D. Machado, C. G. Bezerra, M. A. Correa, C. Chesman, J. E. Pearson, A. Hoffmann

1204.5533 (Hiroshi Matsuoka)

Green-Kubo formulas with symmetrized correlation functions for quantum
systems in steady states: the shear viscosity of a fluid in a steady shear

Hiroshi Matsuoka

1204.5539 (Rui Xu et al.)

Experimental realization of single electron tunneling diode based on
vertical graphene two-barrier junction

Rui Xu, Ke-Ke Bai, Jia-Cai Nie, Lin He

1204.5555 (Yi S. Ding et al.)

Modulational instability of a recent nonlinear plasmonic metamaterial:
Finite-difference-time-domain simulations

Yi S. Ding, Jiasen Zhang, Ruo-Peng Wang

1204.5557 (Danil W. Boukhvalov et al.)

A Computational Investigation of the Catalytic Properties of Graphene
Oxide: Exploring Mechanisms Using DFT Methods

Danil W. Boukhvalov, Daniel R. Dreyer, Christopher W. Bielawski, Young-Woo Son

1204.5562 (Tetsuro Habe et al.)

Interface Metallic States between a Topological Insulator and a
Ferromagnetic Insulator

Tetsuro Habe, Yasuhiro Asano

1204.5568 (E. V. Deviatov et al.)

Two regimes of quantum Hall Mach-Zehnder interferometer at fractional
filling factors

E. V. Deviatov, S. V. Egorov, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba

1204.5585 (Titus S. van Erp et al.)

The dynamics of the DNA denaturation transition    [PDF]

Titus S. van Erp, Michel Peyrard

1204.5596 (Tomohiro Taniguchi et al.)

Numerical Study on Spin Torque Switching in Thermally Activated Region    [PDF]

Tomohiro Taniguchi, Mitsutoshi Shibata, Michael Marthaler, Yasuhiro Utsumi, Hiroshi Imamura

1204.5597 (Carlos Echeverría-Arrondo et al.)

Spin freezing by Anderson localization in one-dimensional semiconductors    [PDF]

Carlos Echeverría-Arrondo, E. Ya. Sherman

1204.5616 (Zhi Wang et al.)

Ratchet potential and rectification effect in Majorana fermion SQUID    [PDF]

Zhi Wang, Qi-Feng Liang, Xiao Hu

1204.5630 (E. Pelucchi et al.)

Semiconductor nanostructures engineering: Pyramidal quantum dots    [PDF]

E. Pelucchi, V. Dimastrodonato, L. O. Mereni, G. Juska, A. Gocalinska

1204.5634 (S. K. Firoz Islam et al.)

Thermoelectric probe for Rashba spin-orbit interaction strength in a two
dimensional electron gas

S. K. Firoz Islam, Tarun Kanti Ghosh

1204.5649 (Christoph Drexler et al.)

Helicity sensitive terahertz radiation detection by field effect

Christoph Drexler, Nina Dyakonova, Peter Olbrich, Johannes Karch, Michael Schafberger, Krzysztof Karpierz, Yuri Mityagin, Masha Lifshits, Frederic Teppe, Oleg Klimenko, Yahia Meziani, Wojciech Knap, Sergey Ganichev

1204.5650 (Torben Winzer et al.)

Impact of Auger processes on carrier dynamics in graphene    [PDF]

Torben Winzer, Ermin Malic

1204.5712 (C. Dillard et al.)

Breakdown of the integer and fractional quantum Hall states in a quantum
point contact

C. Dillard, X. Lin, M. A. Kastner, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West

1204.5733 (Netanel H. Lindner et al.)

Fractionalizing Majorana fermions: non-abelian statistics on the edges
of abelian quantum Hall states

Netanel H. Lindner, Erez Berg, Gil Refael, Ady Stern

1204.5737 (Gia-Wei Chern et al.)

Emergent quadratic Fermi point with nontrivial topology in two

Gia-Wei Chern, C. D. Batista

1204.5738 (Konstantin N. Nesterov et al.)

Thermodynamics of ultra-small metallic grains in the presence of pairing
and exchange correlations: mesoscopic fluctuations

Konstantin N. Nesterov, Y. Alhassid