Monday, April 22, 2013

1304.5246 (M. Remeika et al.)

Pattern Formation in the Exciton Inner Ring    [PDF]

M. Remeika, A. T. Hammack, S. Poltavtsev, L. V. Butov, J. Wilkes, A. L. Ivanov, K. L. Campman, M. Hanson, A. C. Gossard

1304.5335 (Ivan A. Vartanyants et al.)

Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging of Nanostructures    [PDF]

Ivan A. Vartanyants, Oleksandr M. Yefanov

1304.5344 (Pablo San-Jose et al.)

Chiral networks in twisted graphene bilayers under interlayer bias    [PDF]

Pablo San-Jose, Elsa Prada

1304.5381 (S. Samaddar et al.)

Niobium-based superconducting nano-devices fabrication using all-metal
suspended masks

S. Samaddar, D. van Zanten, A. Fay, H. Courtois, C. B. Winkelmann

1304.5393 (Maciej Woloszyn et al.)

Stark resonance induced periodicity of resonant tunneling current in
semiconductor nanowire with double-barrier structure

Maciej Woloszyn, Janusz Adamowski, Pawel Wojcik, Bartlomiej J. Spisak

1304.5415 (Y. Ma et al.)

Effects of Electron-Electron Interactions on Electronic Raman Scattering
of Graphite in High Magnetic Fields

Y. Ma, Y. Kim, N. G. Kalugin, A. Lombardo, A. C. Ferrari, J. Kono, A. Imambekov, D. Smirnov

1304.5451 (A. Biella et al.)

Subradiance localization in the open 3D Anderson-Dicke model    [PDF]

A. Biella, F. Borgonovi, R. Kaiser, G. L. Celardo

1304.5452 (Pawel Bruski et al.)

All-electrical spin injection and detection in the Co2FeSi/GaAs hybrid
system in the local and non-local configuration

Pawel Bruski, Yori Manzke, Rouin Farshchi, Oliver Brandt, Jens Herfort, Manfred Ramsteiner

1304.5501 (R. van Gelderen et al.)

Screening in multilayer graphene    [PDF]

R. van Gelderen, R. Olsen, C. Morais Smith

1304.5503 (Anton Ivanov et al.)

Bosonic transport through a chain of quantum dots    [PDF]

Anton Ivanov, Georgios Kordas, Andreas Komnik, Sandro Wimberger