Tuesday, March 26, 2013

1106.2174 (E. B. Magnusson et al.)

Bistability phenomena in one-dimensional polariton wires    [PDF]

E. B. Magnusson, I. G. Savenko, I. A. Shelykh

1303.6233 (A. L. Kuzemsky)

Unconventional and Exotic Magnetism in Carbon-Based Structures and
Related Materials

A. L. Kuzemsky

1303.5784 (M. M. Vazifeh et al.)

Electromagnetic Response of Weyl Semimetals    [PDF]

M. M. Vazifeh, M. Franz

1303.5801 (Adrian G. Swartz et al.)

Integrating MBE materials with graphene to induce novel spin-based

Adrian G. Swartz, Kathleen M. McCreary, Wei Han, Jared J. I. Wong, Patrick M. Odenthal, Hua Wen, Jen-Ru Chen, Yufeng Hao, Rodney S. Ruoff, Jaroslav Fabian, Roland K. Kawakami

1303.5807 (Xing-Xiang Liu et al.)

Generalized Retrieval Method for Metamaterial Constitutive Parameters
Based on a Physically-Driven Homogenization Approach

Xing-Xiang Liu, Andrea Alu

1303.5815 (D. Segal)

Qubit-mediated energy transfer between thermal reservoirs: beyond
Markovian Master equation

D. Segal

1303.5826 (Sumanta Das et al.)

Collective Quantum Dot Inversion and Amplification of Photon and Phonon

Sumanta Das, Mihai Macovei

1303.5852 (Jeroen Danon et al.)

Pauli spin blockade and the ultrasmall magnetic field effect    [PDF]

Jeroen Danon, Xuhui Wang, Aurélien Manchon

1303.5854 (Michael Moskalets)

Floquet scattering matrix approach to the phase noise of a
single-electron source in the adiabatic regime

Michael Moskalets

1303.5860 (H. Ochoa et al.)

Spin-Orbit mediated spin relaxation in monolayer MoS2    [PDF]

H. Ochoa, R. Roldán

1303.5901 (R. Stein et al.)

Electric Field Effects on the Optical Vibrations in AB-Stacked Bilayer

R. Stein, D. Hughes, Jia-An Yan

1303.5902 (J. Cayssol)

Various probes of Dirac matter: from graphene to topological insulators    [PDF]

J. Cayssol

1303.5921 (Kjetil M. D. Hals et al.)

Spin-Transfer Torques in Helimagnets    [PDF]

Kjetil M. D. Hals, Arne Brataas

1303.5933 (E. Kogan)

Comment on the "Create Dirac Cones in Your Favorite Materials", by
Chia-Hui Lin and Wei Ku (arXiv:1303.4822)

E. Kogan

1303.6035 (S. Imamura et al.)

Optical control of individual carbon nanotube light emitters by spectral
double resonance in silicon microdisk resonators

S. Imamura, R. Watahiki, R. Miura, T. Shimada, Y. K. Kato

1303.6044 (Denis Konstantinov et al.)

First Study of Intersubband Absorption in Electrons on Helium under
Quantizing Magnetic Fields

Denis Konstantinov, Kimitoshi Kono

1303.6072 (Anagnostis Tsiatmas et al.)

Optical generation of intense ultrashort magnetic pulses at the

Anagnostis Tsiatmas, Evangelos Atmatzakis, Nikitas Papasimakis, Vassili Fedotov, Boris Lukyanchuk, Nikolay I. Zheludev, F. Javier Garcia de Abajo

1303.6133 (Obafemi O. Otelaja et al.)

Design and operation of a microfabricated phonon spectrometer utilizing
superconducting tunnel junctions as phonon transducers

Obafemi O. Otelaja, Jared B. Hertzberg, Mahmut Aksit, Richard D. Robinson

1303.6161 (M. R. Scholz et al.)

Reversal of the circular dichroism in the angle-resolved photoemission
from Bi2Te3

M. R. Scholz, J. Sánchez-Barriga, J. Braun, D. Marchenko, A. Varykhalov, M. Lindroos, Yung Jui Wang, Hsin Lin, A. Bansil, J. Minár, H. Ebert, A. Volykhov, L. V. Yashina, O. Rader

1303.6164 (Tatsuya Sasaki et al.)

Band-edge Exciton States in a Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Revealed by
Ultra-high Magnetic Field Magneto-optical Spectroscopy

Tatsuya Sasaki, Weihang Zhou, Daisuke Nakamura, Huaping Liu, Hiromichi Kataura, Shojiro Takeyama

1303.6174 (Nicolas Vernier et al.)

Modified current induced domain wall motion in GaMnAs nanowire    [PDF]

Nicolas Vernier, Jean-Paul Adam, Andre Thiaville, Vincent Jeudy, Aristide Lemaitre, Jacques Ferré, Giancarlo Faini

1303.6196 (Bernd Braunecker et al.)

Entanglement detection from conductance measurements in carbon nanotube
Cooper pair splitters

Bernd Braunecker, Pablo Burset, Alfredo Levy Yeyati

1303.6201 (Riku Tuovinen et al.)

Time-dependent Landauer-Büttiker formula for transient dynamics    [PDF]

Riku Tuovinen, Robert van Leeuwen, Enrico Perfetto, Gianluca Stefanucci

1303.6206 (G Bevilacqua)

Some integrals related to the Fermi function    [PDF]

G Bevilacqua

1303.6264 (M. Titov et al.)

Giant magneto-drag in graphene at charge neutrality    [PDF]

M. Titov, R. V. Gorbachev, B. N. Narozhny, T. Tudorovskiy, M. Schuett, P. M. Ostrovsky, I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin, M. I. Katsnelson, A. K. Geim, L. A. Ponomarenko