Tuesday, December 11, 2012

1104.5260 (F. Libisch et al.)

Coherent transport through graphene nanoribbons in the presence of edge

F. Libisch, S. Rotter, J. Burgdörfer

1212.1745 (Yen-Chun Tseng et al.)

Current Rectification and Seebeck Coefficient of Serially Coupled Double
Quantum Dots

Yen-Chun Tseng, David M. -T. Kuo

1212.1760 (M. Oliva-Leyva et al.)

Uniform pseudomagnetic fields in graphene: corrections due to lattice

M. Oliva-Leyva, Gerardo G. Naumis

1212.1808 (Sahar Pakdel et al.)

Faraday Rotation and Circular Dichroism Spectra of Gold and Silver
Nanoparticle Aggregates

Sahar Pakdel, MirFaez Miri

1212.1847 (F. T. Vasko)

Resonant and non-dissipative tunneling in independently contacted
graphene structures

F. T. Vasko

1212.1880 (Giulia Lorusso et al.)

Surface-confined molecular coolers for cryogenics    [PDF]

Giulia Lorusso, Mark Jenkins, Pablo Gonzalez-Monje, Ana Arauzo, Javier Sese, Daniel Ruiz-Molina, Olivier Roubeau, Marco Evangelisti

1212.1886 (J. -J. Zhu et al.)

Plasmonic excitations in Coulomb coupled N-layer graphene structures    [PDF]

J. -J. Zhu, S. M. Badalyan, F. M. Peeters

1212.1894 (M. Bordag)

Surface plasmon for graphene in the Dirac equation model    [PDF]

M. Bordag

1212.1911 (J. G. G. S. Ramos et al.)

Generalized correlation functions for conductance fluctuations and the
mesoscopic spin Hall effect

J. G. G. S. Ramos, A. L. R. Barbosa, D. Bazeia, M. S. Hussein, C. H. Lewenkopf

1212.1933 (Ka Shen et al.)

Interacting drift-diffusion theory for photoexcited electron-hole
gratings in semiconductor quantum wells

Ka Shen, G. Vignale

1212.1950 (M. Veldhorst et al.)

Magnetotransport and induced superconductivity in Bi based
three-dimensional topological insulators

M. Veldhorst, M. Snelder, M. Hoek, C. G. Molenaar, D. P. Leusink, A. A. Golubov, H. Hilgenkamp, A. Brinkman

1212.1964 (Ran Cheng et al.)

Microscopic Theory of Spin Transfer Torques in Ferromagnets    [PDF]

Ran Cheng, Qian Niu

1212.1991 (Jesper Goor Pedersen et al.)

Optical Hall conductivity in bulk and nanostructured graphene beyond the
Dirac approximation

Jesper Goor Pedersen, Mikkel H. Brynildsen, Horia D. Cornean, Thomas Garm Pedersen

1212.2010 (Alan A. Dzhioev et al.)

Out-of-equilibrium catalysis of chemical reactions by electronic tunnel

Alan A. Dzhioev, Daniel S. Kosov, Felix von Oppen

1212.2026 (A. D. Chepelianskii et al.)

Quantized escape and formation of edge channels at high Landau levels    [PDF]

A. D. Chepelianskii, J. Laidet, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, K. Kono, H. Bouchiat

1212.2031 (M. Flöser et al.)

Classical percolation fingerprints in the high-temperature regime of the
integer quantum Hall effect

M. Flöser, B. A. Piot, C. L. Campbell, D. K. Maude, M. Henini, R. Airey, Z. R. Wasilewski, S. Florens, T. Champel

1212.2038 (Günther Reithmaier et al.)

Optimisation of NbN thin films on GaAs substrates for in-situ single
photon detection in structured photonic devices

Günther Reithmaier, Jörg Senf, Stefan Lichtmannecker, Thorsten Reichert, Fabian Flassig, Andrej Voss, Rudolf Gross, Jonathan Finley

1212.2063 (Ilirjan Aliaj et al.)

Evidence of inter-layer interaction in magneto-luminescence spectra of
electron bilayers

Ilirjan Aliaj, Vittorio Pellegrini, Andrea Gamucci, Biswajit Karmakar, Aron Pinczuk, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Ken W. West

1212.2070 (Sebastian Schmidt et al.)

Circuit QED lattices: towards quantum simulation with superconducting

Sebastian Schmidt, Jens Koch

1212.2073 (M. B. Jungfleisch et al.)

Heat-induced damping modification in YIG/Pt hetero-structures    [PDF]

M. B. Jungfleisch, T. An, K. Ando, Y. Kajiwara, K. Uchida, V. I. Vasyuchka, A. V. Chumak, A. A. Serga, E. Saitoh, B. Hillebrands

1212.2114 (Rafael A. Molina et al.)

Mesoscopic behavior of the transmission phase through confined
correlated electronic systems

Rafael A. Molina, Peter Schmitteckert, Dietmar Weinmann, Rodolfo A. Jalabert, Philippe Jacquod

1212.2183 (Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi et al.)

Mechanism of Fast Axially--Symmetric Reversal of Magnetic Vortex Core    [PDF]

Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi, Denis D. Sheka, Volodymyr P. Kravchuk, Yuri Gaididei, Franz G. Mertens

1212.2203 (Katja C. Nowack et al.)

Imaging currents in HgTe quantum wells in the quantum spin Hall regime    [PDF]

Katja C. Nowack, Eric M. Spanton, Matthias Baenninger, Markus König, John R. Kirtley, Beena Kalisky, C. Ames, Philipp Leubner, Christoph Brüne, Hartmut Buhmann, Laurens W. Molenkamp, David Goldhaber-Gordon, Kathryn A. Moler