Wednesday, August 1, 2012

1111.2076 (Robert E. Throckmorton et al.)

Fermions on bilayer graphene: symmetry breaking for B=0 and nu=0    [PDF]

Robert E. Throckmorton, Oskar Vafek

1207.7078 (Han-Chih Chang et al.)

Novel Solutions of Finite-Density D3/D5 Probe Brane System and Their
Implications for Stability

Han-Chih Chang, Andreas Karch

1207.7081 (Thore Posske et al.)

Exact results for the Kondo screening cloud of two helical liquids    [PDF]

Thore Posske, Chao-Xing Liu, Jan Carl Budich, Björn Trauzettel

1207.7084 (G. Catelani et al.)

Decoherence of superconducting qubits caused by quasiparticle tunneling    [PDF]

G. Catelani, Simon E. Nigg, S. M. Girvin, R. J. Schoelkopf, L. I. Glazman

1207.7088 (A. D. Alhaidari et al.)

Full transmission within a wide energy range and super-criticality in
relativistic barrier scattering

A. D. Alhaidari, H. Bahlouli, Y. Benabderahmane, A. Jellal

1207.7102 (Timo Hyart et al.)

Influence of topological excitations on Shapiro steps and microwave
dynamical conductance in bilayer exciton condensates

Timo Hyart, Bernd Rosenow

1207.7119 (J. Dubail et al.)

Edge state inner products and real-space entanglement spectrum of trial
quantum Hall states

J. Dubail, N. Read, E. H. Rezayi

1207.7172 (Feng Li et al.)

ZnO-Based Polariton Laser Operating at Room Temperature: From Excitonic
to Photonic Condensate

Feng Li, Laurent Orosz, Olfa Kamoun, Sophie Bouchoule, Christelle Brimont, Pierre Disseix, Thierry Guillet, Xavier Lafosse, Mathieu Leroux, Joel Leymarie, Meletis Mexis, Martine Mihailovic, François Réveret, Dmitry Solnyshkov, Jesus Zuniga-Perez, Guillaume Malpuech

1207.7223 (Minjung Kim et al.)

Polarization dependence of photocurrent in a metal-graphene-metal device    [PDF]

Minjung Kim, Ho Ang Yoon, Seungwoo Woo, Duhee Yoon, Sang Wook Lee, Hyeonsik Cheong

1207.7232 (Robert Stadler et al.)

Electron transfer through a single barrier inside a molecule: from
strong to weak coupling

Robert Stadler, Jerome Cornil, Victor Geskin

1207.7243 (T. Nakajima et al.)

Gate-Control of Spin Precession in Quantum Hall Edge States    [PDF]

T. Nakajima, Kuan-Ting Lin, S. Komiyama

1207.7259 (Adrian Del Maestro et al.)

Backscattering Between Helical Edge States via Dynamic Nuclear

Adrian Del Maestro, Timo Hyart, Bernd Rosenow

1207.7282 (Z. Papic et al.)

Numerical studies of the fractional quantum Hall effect in systems with
tunable interactions

Z. Papic, D. A. Abanin, Y. Barlas, R. N. Bhatt

1207.7288 (Christopher T. Olund et al.)

Current-phase relation for Josephson effect through helical metal    [PDF]

Christopher T. Olund, Erhai Zhao

1207.7289 (Camille NDebeka-Bandou et al.)

Quasi-selection rules for inter-subband absorption and the
interpretation of free carrier absorption in quasi 2D quantum

Camille NDebeka-Bandou, Francesca Carosella, Robson Ferreira, Andreas Wacker, Gérald Bastard

1207.7293 (I. -H. Chen et al.)

Solitons in cavity-QED arrays containing interacting qubits    [PDF]

I. -H. Chen, Y. Y. Lin, Y. -C. Lai, E. S. Sedov, A. P. Alodjants, S. M. Arakelian, R. -K. Lee

1207.7312 (Marco Piazzi et al.)

Laser-induced etching of few-layer graphene synthesized by
Rapid-Chemical Vapour Deposition on Cu thin films

Marco Piazzi, Luca Croin, Ettore Vittone, Giampiero Amato

1207.7318 (Francisco Guinea et al.)

Odd momentum pairing and superconductivity in vertical graphene

Francisco Guinea, Bruno Uchoa

1207.7319 (Paul Meuffels et al.)

Fundamental Issues and Problems in the Realization of Memristors    [PDF]

Paul Meuffels, Rohit Soni

1207.7322 (Jelena Klinovaja et al.)

Transition from fractional to Majorana fermions in Rashba nanowires    [PDF]

Jelena Klinovaja, Peter Stano, Daniel Loss

1207.7356 (A. Iovan et al.)

Sub-10 nm colloidal lithography for integrated spin-photo-electronic

A. Iovan, M. Fischer, R. Lo Conte, V. Korenivski