Friday, June 1, 2012

1111.1591 (Sven S. Buchholz et al.)

Noise thermometry in narrow 2D electron gas heat baths connected to a
quasi-1D interferometer

Sven S. Buchholz, Elmar Sternemann, Olivio Chiatti, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, Saskia F. Fischer

1111.5776 (P. I. Arseyev et al.)

Coulomb correlations effects on localized charge relaxation in the
coupled quantum dots

P. I. Arseyev, N. S. Maslova, V. N. Mantsevich

1112.3831 (V. N. Mantsevich et al.)

Localized charge bifurcation in the coupled quantum dots    [PDF]

V. N. Mantsevich, N. S. Maslova, P. I. Arseyev

1205.6797 (V. Leyton et al.)

Quantum noise properties of multiphoton transitions in driven nonlinear

V. Leyton, V. Peano, M. Thorwart

1205.6813 (Matthew Killi et al.)

Graphene: Kinks, Superlattices, Landau levels, and Magnetotransport    [PDF]

Matthew Killi, Si Wu, Arun Paramekanti

1205.6841 (Hugen Yan et al.)

Plasmonics of coupled graphene micro-structures    [PDF]

Hugen Yan, Fengnian Xia, Zhiqiang Li, Phaedon Avouris

1205.6879 (Alex Hayat et al.)

Dynamic Stark Effect in Strongly Coupled Microcavity Exciton-Polaritons    [PDF]

Alex Hayat, Christoph Lange, Lee A. Rozema, Ardavan Darabi, Henry M. van Driel, Aephraim M. Steinberg, Bryan Nelsen, David W. Snoke, Loren N. Pfeiffer, Kenneth W. West

1205.6909 (Pia Juliane Wessely et al.)

Transfer-free Grown Bilayer Graphene Transistors for Digital

Pia Juliane Wessely, Frank Wessely, Emrah Birinci, Bernadette Riedinger, Udo Schwalke

1205.6914 (E. R. Bezerra de Mello et al.)

Casimir-Polder interaction between an atom and a conducting wall in
cosmic string spacetime

E. R. Bezerra de Mello, V. B. Bezerra, H. F. Mota, A. A. Saharian

1205.6941 (René Hammer et al.)

Dirac fermion wave guide networks on topological insulator surfaces    [PDF]

René Hammer, Christian Ertler, Walter Pötz

1205.6953 (Edward McCann et al.)

The electronic properties of bilayer graphene    [PDF]

Edward McCann, Mikito Koshino

1205.6955 (Rin Okuyama et al.)

Optical Phonon Lasing in Semiconductor Double Quantum Dots    [PDF]

Rin Okuyama, Mikio Eto, Tobias Brandes

1205.6959 (Nicolas I. Grigorchuk)

Resonance Plasmon Linewidth Oscillations in Spheroidal Metallic
Nanoparticle Embedded in a Dielectric Matrix

Nicolas I. Grigorchuk

1205.6984 (Yu Song et al.)

Intrinsic Effect of Goos-Hänchen Shift on 2D Group Delay and Its
Observation by Spin Precession in Graphene

Yu Song, Han-Chun Wu, Yong Guo

1205.7007 (Takahiro Tanaka et al.)

Signature of Coherent Transport in Epitaxial Spinel-based Magnetic
Tunnel Junctions Probed by Shot Noise Measurement

Takahiro Tanaka, Tomonori Arakawa, Kensaku Chida, Yoshitaka Nishihara, Daichi Chiba, Kensuke Kobayashi, Teruo Ono, Hiroaki Sukegawa, Shinya Kasai, Seiji Mitani

1205.7021 (B. T. Draine et al.)

Magnetic Nanoparticles in the Interstella Medium: Emission Spectrum and

B. T. Draine, Brandon Hensley

1205.7034 (H. Liu et al.)

Time-Resolved Magnetic Relaxation of a Nanomagnet on Subnanosecond Time

H. Liu, D. Bedau, J. Z. Sun, S. Mangin, E. E. Fullerton, J. A. Katine, A. D. Kent

1205.7054 (Jelena Klinovaja et al.)

Composite Majorana Fermion Wavefunctions in Nanowires    [PDF]

Jelena Klinovaja, Daniel Loss

1205.7055 (Peter G. McDonald et al.)

Tuning biexciton binding and anti-binding in core/shell quantum dots    [PDF]

Peter G. McDonald, Edward J. Tyrrell, John Shumway, Jason M. Smith, Ian Galbraith

1205.7070 (G. M. Gusev et al.)

Nonlocal transport near the charge neutrality point in a two-dimensional
electron-hole system

G. M. Gusev, E. B. Olshanetsky, Z. D. Kvon, A. D. Levin, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky

1205.7073 (Anindya Das et al.)

Evidence of Majorana fermions in an Al - InAs nanowire topological

Anindya Das, Yuval Ronen, Yonatan Most, Yuval Oreg, Moty Heiblum, Hadas Shtrikman

1205.7076 (Tony Low et al.)

Cooling of photoexcited carriers in graphene by internal and substrate

Tony Low, Vasili Perebeinos, Raseong Kim, Marcus Freitag, Phaedon Avouris