Friday, June 8, 2012

1105.2938 (D. Szczȩśniak et al.)

Electronic conductance via atomic wires: a phase field matching theory

D. Szczȩśniak, A. Khater

1206.1354 (I. Filikhin et al.)

Quantum Mechanics of Semiconductor Quantum Dots and Rings    [PDF]

I. Filikhin, S. G. Matinyan, B. Vlahovic

1206.1359 (Gediminas Kiršanskas et al.)

Cotunneling renormalization in carbon nanotube quantum dots    [PDF]

Gediminas Kiršanskas, Jens Paaske, Karsten Flensberg

1206.1371 (A. A. Kozikov et al.)

Interference of electrons in backscattering through a quantum point

A. A. Kozikov, C. Rössler, T. Ihn, K. Ensslin, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider

1206.1392 (Shuntaro Tani et al.)

Terahertz radiation induced ballistic electron transport in graphene    [PDF]

Shuntaro Tani, François Blanchard, Koichiro Tanaka

1206.1442 (Ilias Amanatidis et al.)

Conductance of 1D quantum wires with anomalous electron-wavefunction

Ilias Amanatidis, Ioannis Kleftogiannis, Fernando Falceto, Victor A. Gopar

1206.1462 (Regine Frank)

Coherent Control of Floquet-Mode Dressed Plasmon Polaritons    [PDF]

Regine Frank

1206.1539 (Alexandru Petrescu et al.)

Anomalous Hall Effects of Light and Chiral Edge Modes on the Kagome

Alexandru Petrescu, Andrew A. Houck, Karyn Le Hur

1206.1543 (Thomas Stegmann et al.)

Statistical model for the effects of phase and momentum randomization on
electron transport

Thomas Stegmann, Matías Zilly, Orsolya Ujsághy, Dietrich E. Wolf

1206.1544 (I. Nandori et al.)

Magnetic particle hyperthermia: Neel relaxation under circularly
polarized field in anisotropic nanoparticles

I. Nandori, J. Racz

1206.1581 (Liang Jiang et al.)

Magneto-Josephson effects in junctions with Majorana bound states    [PDF]

Liang Jiang, David Pekker, Jason Alicea, Gil Refael, Yuval Oreg, Arne Brataas, Felix von Oppen