Monday, May 28, 2012

1107.4394 (F. Ciccarello et al.)

Quasideterministic realization of a universal quantum gate in a single
scattering process

F. Ciccarello, D. E. Browne, L. C. Kwek, H. Schomerus, M. Zarcone, S. Bose

1108.1053 (M. R. Scholz et al.)

High spin polarization and circular dichroism of topological surface
states on Bi2Te3

M. R. Scholz, J. Sánchez-Barriga, D. Marchenko, A. Varykhalov, A. Volykhov, L. V. Yashina, O. Rader

1108.4384 (Moitri Maiti et al.)

A semi-classical analysis of Dirac fermions in 2+1 dimensions    [PDF]

Moitri Maiti, R. Shankar

1112.4077 (Maxim Trushin)

Thermally activated conductivity in gapped bilayer graphene    [PDF]

Maxim Trushin

1205.5554 (Dohun Kim et al.)

Intrinsic Electron-Phonon Resistivity in Bi2Se3 in the Topological

Dohun Kim, Qiuzi Li, Paul Syers, Nicholas P. Butch, Johnpierre Paglione, S. Das Sarma, Michael S. Fuhrer

1205.5591 (R. Vijay et al.)

Quantum feedback control of a superconducting qubit: Persistent Rabi

R. Vijay, C. Macklin, D. H. Slichter, S. J. Weber, K. W. Murch, R. Naik, A. N. Korotkov, I. Siddiqi

1205.5622 (Amnon Aharony et al.)

Partial decoherence in mesoscopic systems    [PDF]

Amnon Aharony, Shmuel Gurvitz, Yasuhiro Tokura, Ora Entin-Wohlmna, Sushanta Dattagupta

1205.5623 (K. H. Madsen et al.)

Non-Markovian phonon dephasing of a quantum dot probed by cavity quantum

K. H. Madsen, P. Kaer, A. Kreiner-Møller, S. Stobbe, A. Nysteen, J. Mørk, P. Lodahl

1205.5629 (Filippo Troiani et al.)

Hyperfine-induced decoherence in triangular spin-cluster qubits    [PDF]

Filippo Troiani, Dimitrije Stepanenko, Daniel Loss

1205.5630 (M. Kohda et al.)

Gate-controlled Persistent Spin Helix State in Materials with Strong
Spin-Orbit Interaction

M. Kohda, V. Lechner, Y. Kunihashi, T. Dollinger, P. Olbrich, C. Schönhuber, I. Caspers, V. V. Bel'kov, L. E. Golub, D. Weiss, K. Richter, J. Nitta, S. D. Ganichev

1205.5650 (S. Borlenghi et al.)

Spin wave amplification driven by heat flow: the role of damping and
exchange interaction

S. Borlenghi, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, L. Bergqvist, a. Delin

1205.5654 (Giuseppe D'Adamo et al.)

Polymers as compressible soft spheres    [PDF]

Giuseppe D'Adamo, Andrea Pelissetto, Carlo Pierleoni

1205.5659 (Y. Kubo et al.)

Electron spin resonance detected by a superconducting qubit    [PDF]

Y. Kubo, I. Diniz, C. Grezes, T. Umeda, J. Isoya, H. Sumiya, T. Yamamoto, H. Abe, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, V. Jacques, A. Dréau, J. -F. Roch, A. Auffeves, D. Vion, D. Esteve, P. Bertet

1205.5711 (D. V. Kolesnikov et al.)

Low-temperature thermal conductivity in polycrystalline graphene    [PDF]

D. V. Kolesnikov, V. A. Osipov

1205.5749 (Akihisa Yamamoto et al.)

Direct measurement of single soft lipid nano-tubes: nano-scale
information extracted in non-invasive manner

Akihisa Yamamoto, Masatoshi Ichikawa

1205.5795 (Yogesh N. Joglekar et al.)

Fourier Response of a Memristor: Generation of High Harmonics with
Increasing Weights

Yogesh N. Joglekar, Natalia Meijome