Wednesday, March 27, 2013

1103.1336 (I. G. Savenko et al.)

Nonlinear Terahertz Emission in Semiconductor Microcavities    [PDF]

I. G. Savenko, I. A. Shelykh, M. A. Kaliteevski

1303.6599 (Ai Yamakage et al.)

Klein tunneling in pn and npn junctions of silicene    [PDF]

Ai Yamakage, Motohiko Ezawa, Yukio Tanaka, Naoto Nagaosa

1303.6299 (Bo Yang)

Analytic Wavefunctions for Collective Modes in Fractional Quantum Hall

Bo Yang

1303.6302 (Joseph B. Herzog et al.)

Dark plasmons in hot spot generation and polarization in interelectrode
nanoscale junctions

Joseph B. Herzog, Mark W. Knight, Yajing Li, Kenneth M. Evans, Naomi J. Halas, Douglas Natelson

1303.6320 (Miguel A. Bandres et al.)

Three-dimensional Accelerating Electromagnetic Waves    [PDF]

Miguel A. Bandres, Miguel A. Alonso, Ido Kaminer, Mordechai Segev

1303.6330 (Christian Heiliger et al.)

Ab initio studies of the tunneling magneto-Seebeck effect: influence of
magnetic material

Christian Heiliger, Christian Franz, Michael Czerner

1303.6363 (S. Nadj-Perge et al.)

Majorana fermions in chains of magnetic atoms on a superconductor    [PDF]

S. Nadj-Perge, I. K. Drozdov, B. A. Bernevig, Ali Yazdani

1303.6364 (Ahmad Umair et al.)

On the Crystal Size Studies of Pyrolytic Carbon by Raman Spectroscopy    [PDF]

Ahmad Umair, Tehseen Z. Raza, Hassan Raza

1303.6368 (Hassan Raza et al.)

A hands-on laboratory and computational experience for nanoscale
materials, devices and systems education for electronics, spintronics and

Hassan Raza, Tehseen Z. Raza

1303.6399 (Stephanie M. Moyerman et al.)

High quality superconducting tunnel junction barriers using atomic layer

Stephanie M. Moyerman, Guangyuan Feng, Lisa Krayer, Nathan Stebor, Brian G. Keating

1303.6436 (Albert Prodan et al.)

Nanostructured and Modulated Low-Dimensional Systems    [PDF]

Albert Prodan, Herman J. P. van Midden, Erik Zupanič, Rok Žitko

1303.6458 (Jisu Ryu et al.)

Current-driven domain wall motion with spin Hall effect: Reduction of
threshold current density

Jisu Ryu, Kyung-Jin Lee, Hyun-Woo Lee

1303.6468 (Giandomenico Palumbo et al.)

Topological effective field theories for Dirac fermions from index

Giandomenico Palumbo, Roberto Catenacci, Annalisa Marzuoli

1303.6538 (Josep Planelles et al.)

Magnetic field implementation in multiband k.p Hamiltonians of holes in
semiconductor heterostructures

Josep Planelles, Juan I. Climente

1303.6553 (Alexander Boehnke et al.)

Time-resolved measurement of the tunnel magneto-Seebeck effect in a
single magnetic tunnel junction

Alexander Boehnke, Marvin Walter, Niklas Roschewsky, Tim Eggebrecht, Volker Drewello, Karsten Rott, Markus Münzenberg, Andy Thomas, Günter Reiss

1303.6603 (Ahmad Umair et al.)

Molecular Memory with Atomically-Smooth Graphene Contacts    [PDF]

Ahmad Umair, Tehseen Z. Raza, Hassan Raza

1303.6616 (Shoichi Ichinose)

Velocity-Field Theory, Boltzmann's Transport Equation, Geometry and
Emergent Time

Shoichi Ichinose