Monday, April 2, 2012

1104.0708 (Karyn Le Hur)

Kondo Resonance of a Microwave Photon    [PDF]

Karyn Le Hur

1109.2581 (Juan L. Manes)

Existence of bulk chiral fermions and crystal symmetry    [PDF]

Juan L. Manes

1203.6707 (Daichi Asahi et al.)

Topological indices, defects and Majorana fermion in chiral

Daichi Asahi, Naoto Nagaosa

1203.6726 (Xing-Tao An et al.)

Pure spin current in a two-dimensional topological insulator    [PDF]

Xing-Tao An, Yan-Yang Zhang, Jian-Jun Liu, Shu-Shen Li

1203.6735 (A. Ozaeta et al.)

Electron cooling in diffusive normal metal - superconductor tunnel
junctions with a spin-valve ferromagnetic interlayer

A. Ozaeta, A. S. Vasenko, F. W. J. Hekking, F. S. Bergeret

1203.6777 (B Amorim et al.)

On Coulomb drag in double layer systems    [PDF]

B Amorim, N M R Peres

1203.6862 (Yan Wang et al.)

Electronic and transport properties of azobenzene monolayer junctions as
molecular switches

Yan Wang, Hai-Ping Cheng

1203.6873 (J. Lorenzana et al.)

Density functional theory with adaptive pair density    [PDF]

J. Lorenzana, Z. -J. Ying, V. Brosco