Friday, November 30, 2012

1211.6764 (Y. V. Pershin et al.)

Two-Beam Spin Noise Spectroscopy    [PDF]

Y. V. Pershin, V. A. Slipko, D. Roy, N. A. Sinitsyn

1211.6769 (J. Botimer et al.)

Robust Surface Hall Effect and Nonlocal Transport in SmB6: Indication
for an Ideal Topological Insulator

J. Botimer, D. J. Kim, S. Thomas, T. Grant, Z. Fisk, Jing Xia

1211.6825 (K. Hamaya et al.)

Room-temperature detection of spin accumulation in silicon across
Schottky tunnel barriers using a MOSFET structure

K. Hamaya, Y. Ando, K. Masaki, Y. Maeda, Y. Fujita, S. Yamada, K. Sawano, M. Miyao

1211.6837 (B. Sbierski et al.)

Rabi-Kondo correlated state in a laser-driven quantum dot    [PDF]

B. Sbierski, M. Hanl, A. Weichselbaum, H. E. Tuereci, M. Goldstein, L. I. Glazman, J. von Delft, A. Imamoglu

1211.6854 (M. V. Durnev et al.)

Magnetic field induced valence band mixing in [111] grown semiconductor
quantum dots

M. V. Durnev, M. M. Glazov, E. L. Ivchenko, M. Jo, T. Mano, T. Kuroda, K. Sakoda, S. Kunz, G. Sallen, L. Bouet, X. Marie, D. Lagarde, T. Amand, B. Urbaszek

1211.6877 (Frans Godschalk et al.)

Lasing at half the Josephson frequency with exponentially long coherence

Frans Godschalk, Yuli. V. Nazarov

1211.6879 (B. Abdollahipour et al.)

Pumping $ac$ Josephson current in the Single Molecular Magnets by spin

B. Abdollahipour, J. Abouie, A. A. Rostami

1211.6924 (C. H. Wong et al.)

Topological transport in a spin-orbit coupled bosonic Mott insulator    [PDF]

C. H. Wong, R. A. Duine

1211.6970 (J. Weerasinghe et al.)

Emergence of central mode in the paraelectric phase of ferroelectric

J. Weerasinghe, L. Bellaiche, T. Ostapchuk, P. Kuzel, C. Kadlec, S. Lisenkov, I. Ponomareva, J. Hlinka

1211.7013 (Georg Kastlunger et al.)

Coherent electron transport under electrochemical conditions in
single-molecule junctions with a redox-active center

Georg Kastlunger, Robert Stadler

1211.7029 (Talitha Weiss et al.)

Strong-coupling effects in dissipatively coupled optomechanical systems    [PDF]

Talitha Weiss, Christoph Bruder, Andreas Nunnenkamp

1211.7032 (V. S. Babichenko et al.)

Many-body Correlation Effects in the Spatially Separated Electron and
Hole Layers in the Coupled Quantum Wells

V. S. Babichenko, I. Ya. Polishchuk

1211.7036 (M. R. Vanner et al.)

Experimental Pulsed Quantum Optomechanics    [PDF]

M. R. Vanner, J. Hofer, G. D. Cole, M. Aspelmeyer

1211.7042 (Anders Mathias Lunde et al.)

Temperature dependent dynamical nuclear polarization bistabilities in
double quantum dots in the spin-blockade regime

Anders Mathias Lunde, Carlos López-Monís, Ioanna A. Vasiliadou, Luis L. Bonilla, Gloria Platero