Tuesday, July 16, 2013

1307.3565 (Justin Wu et al.)

Self-Assembly of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into
Dense, Aligned Rafts

Justin Wu, Liying Jiao, Alexander Antaris, Charina L. Choi, Liming Xie, Yingpeng Wu, Shuo Diao, Changxin Chen, Yongsheng Chen, Hongjie Dai

1307.3569 (Mahmoud Lababidi et al.)

Anomalous edge states and topological phases of a kicked quantum Hall

Mahmoud Lababidi, Indubala I. Satija, Erhai Zhao

1307.3594 (C. H. Wong et al.)

Quasiparticle Berry curvature and Chern numbers in spin-orbit coupled
bosonic Mott insulators

C. H. Wong, R. A. Duine

1307.3601 (Michal Bajcsy et al.)

Non-classical three-photon correlations with a quantum dot strongly
coupled to a photonic-crystal nanocavity

Michal Bajcsy, Armand Rundquist, Arka Majumdar, Tomas Sarmiento, Kevin Fischer, Konstantinos G. Lagoudakis, Sonia Buckley, Jelena Vuckovic

1307.3609 (Hiroshi Frusawa et al.)

Electric moulding of dispersed lipid nanotubes into a nanofluidic device    [PDF]

Hiroshi Frusawa, Tatsuhiko Manabe, Eri Kagiyama, Ken Hirano, Naohiro Kameta, Mitsutoshi Masuda, Toshimi Shimizu

1307.3618 (Pei Wang et al.)

The numerical operator method to the real time dynamics of currents
through the nanostructures with different topologies

Pei Wang, Xuean Zhao, Ling Tang

1307.3631 (Jian-Hao Li et al.)

Plasmonic excitations in quantum-sized sodium nanoparticles studied by
time-dependent density functional calculations

Jian-Hao Li, Michitoshi Hayashi, Guang-Yu Guo

1307.3670 (Vittorio Peano et al.)

Quantum fluctuations in modulated nonlinear oscillators    [PDF]

Vittorio Peano, M I Dykman

1307.3697 (Tanmoy Das)

Weyl semimetals and superconductors designed in an orbital selective

Tanmoy Das

1307.3732 (Sejoong Kim et al.)

Scattering Theory Approach to Inelastic Transport in Nanoscale Systems    [PDF]

Sejoong Kim, Young-Woo Son

1307.3742 (Eui-Sup Lee et al.)

Evaluating the Seebeck effect at the atomic scale    [PDF]

Eui-Sup Lee, Sanghee Cho, Ho-Ki Lyeo, Yong-Hyun Kim

1307.3774 (You Zhou et al.)

Voltage-triggered Ultra-fast Metal-insulator Transition in Vanadium
Dioxide Switches

You Zhou, Xiaonan Chen, Changhyun Ko, Zheng Yang, Chandra Mouli, Shriram Ramanathan

1307.3792 (A. Satou et al.)

Transient stimulated emission from multi-split-gated graphene structure    [PDF]

A. Satou, F. T. Vasko, T. Otsuji, V. V. Mitin

1307.3814 (Ying Wang et al.)

Local Electron Field Emission Study of Two-dimensional Carbon    [PDF]

Ying Wang, Yumeng Yang, Zizheng Zhao, Chi Zhang, Yihong Wu

1307.3825 (Bin Hu et al.)

On the Instabilities of the Walker Propagating Domain Wall Solution    [PDF]

Bin Hu, Xiangrong Wang

1307.3826 (A. Kashuba)

Critical phenomena in the bifurcation line's perspective    [PDF]

A. Kashuba

1307.3828 (Kun-Rok Jeon et al.)

Thermal spin injection and accumulation in n-type Si with CoFe/MgO
tunnel contacts through Seebeck spin tunneling

Kun-Rok Jeon, Byoung-Chul Min, Seung-Young Park, Kyeong-Dong Lee, Hyon-Seok Song, Youn-Ho Park, Sung-Chul Shin

1307.3829 (E. Burzurí et al.)

Quantum interference oscillations of the superparamagnetic blocking in
an Fe8 molecular nanomagnet

E. Burzurí, F. Luis, O. Montero, B. Barbara, R. Ballou, S. Maegawa

1307.3842 (K. Zberecki et al.)

Thermoelectric effects in silicene nanoribbons    [PDF]

K. Zberecki, M. Wierzbicki, J. Barnaś, R. Swirkowicz

1307.3870 (B. Peropadre et al.)

Nonequilibrium and nonperturbative dynamics of ultrastrong coupling in
open lines

B. Peropadre, D. Zueco, D. Porras, J. J. Garcia-Ripoll

1307.3878 (M. B. Kenmoe et al.)

Landau-Zener transitions between two and three decaying levels    [PDF]

M. B. Kenmoe, S. C. Kenfack, A. J. Fotue, A. B. Tchapda, M. Tchoffo, L. C. Fai, J. E. Danga, M. E. Ateuafack, M. P. Djemmo

1307.4008 (Benedikt Scharf et al.)

Magneto-optical conductivity of graphene on polar substrates    [PDF]

Benedikt Scharf, Vasili Perebeinos, Jaroslav Fabian, Igor Žutić

1307.4012 (N. A. Pike et al.)

Theory of plasmonic waves on a chain of metallic nanoparticles in a
liquid crystalline host

N. A. Pike, D. Stroud

1307.4022 (Tian Liang et al.)

Evidence for massive bulk Dirac Fermions in Pb$_{1-x}$Sn$_x$Se from
Nernst and thermopower experiments

Tian Liang, Quinn Gibson, Jun Xiong, Max Hirschberger, Sunanda P. Koduvayur, R. J. Cava, N. P. Ong

1307.4039 (Felix Hoehne et al.)

Time Constants of Spin-Dependent Recombination Processes    [PDF]

Felix Hoehne, Lukas Dreher, Maximilian Suckert, David P. Franke, Martin Stutzmann, Martin S. Brandt