Monday, February 6, 2012

0804.4583 (K. Sabeeh et al.)

Electronic structure of magnetically modulated graphene    [PDF]

K. Sabeeh, M. Tahir, A. MacKinnon

0808.4120 (M. Tahir et al.)

Magnetocapacitance of a graphene monolayer    [PDF]

M. Tahir, K. Sabeeh, A. MacKinnon

1107.3256 (G. D. Tsibidis et al.)

Thermoplastic deformation of silicon surfaces induced by ultrashort
pulsed lasers in submelting conditions

G. D. Tsibidis, E. Stratakis, K. E. Aifantis

1110.1204 (F. F. Bellotti et al.)

A supercircle description of universal three-body states in two

F. F. Bellotti, T. Frederico, M. T. Yamashita, D. V. Fedorov, A. S. Jensen, N. T. Zinner

1111.0011 (Xiaoqing Zhou et al.)

Resistivity saturation in a weakly interacting 2D Fermi liquid at
intermediate temperatures

Xiaoqing Zhou, B. Schmidt, L. W. Engel, G. Gervais, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West, S. Das Sarma

1112.0552 (Ming-Hao Liu et al.)

Spin-dependent Klein tunneling in graphene: Role of Rashba spin-orbit

Ming-Hao Liu, Jan Bundesmann, Klaus Richter

1112.2776 (Andrey V. Panov)

Dipolar ordering of random two-dimensional spin ensemble    [PDF]

Andrey V. Panov

1201.3640 (E. R. Viana et al.)

Quantized Conductance in SnO2 nanobelts    [PDF]

E. R. Viana, G. M. Ribeiro, J. C. Gonzalez, A. G. de Oliveira

1202.0566 (Kristinn Torfason et al.)

Excitation of collective modes in a quantum flute    [PDF]

Kristinn Torfason, Andrei Manolescu, Valeriu Molodoveanu, Vidar Gudmundsson

1202.0614 (Ashutosh Rath et al.)

Nano scale phase separation in Au-Ge system on ultra clean Si(100)

Ashutosh Rath, J. K. Dash, R. R. Juluri, Marco Schowalter, Knut Mueller, A. Rosenauer, P. V. Satyam

1202.0615 (Yihong Wu et al.)

Electrical transport across metal/two-dimensional carbon junctions: Edge
versus side contacts

Yihong Wu, Ying Wang, Jiayi Wang, Miao Zhou, Aihua Zhang, Chun Zhang, Yanjing Yang, Younan Hua, Baoxi Xu

1202.0626 (Dong E. Liu et al.)

Mesoscopic Anderson Box: Connecting Weak to Strong Coupling    [PDF]

Dong E. Liu, Sébastien Burdin, Harold U. Baranger, Denis Ullmo

1202.0642 (Fernando Domínguez et al.)

On the Dynamical detection of Majorana fermions in current-biased

Fernando Domínguez, Fabian Hassler, Gloria Platero

1202.0647 (Ashutosh Rath et al.)

Temperature-dependent electron microscopy study of Au thin films on Si
(100) with and without native oxide layer as barrier at the interface

Ashutosh Rath, J. K. Dash, R. R. Juluri, A Rosenauer, P V Satyam

1202.0651 (J. P. F. LeBlanc et al.)

Distinguishing Coulomb and electron-phonon interactions for massless
Dirac fermions

J. P. F. LeBlanc, Jungseek Hwang, J. P. Carbotte

1202.0669 (Vibhor Singh et al.)

Coupling between quantum Hall state and electromechanics in suspended
graphene resonator

Vibhor Singh, Bushra Irfan, Ganesh Subramanian, Hari S. Solanki, Shamashis Sengupta, Sudipta Dubey, Anil Kumar, S. Ramakrishnan, Mandar M. Deshmukh

1202.0676 (Håkon Brox et al.)

The importance of level statistics for the decoherence of a central spin
due to a spin environment

Håkon Brox, Joakim Bergli, Yuri M. Galperin

1202.0680 (Kimmo Sääskilahti et al.)

Thermal conduction and interface effects in nanoscale Fermi-Pasta-Ulam

Kimmo Sääskilahti, Jani Oksanen, Riku Linna, Jukka Tulkki

1202.0708 (R. Zamoum et al.)

A one-channel conductor coupled to a quantum of resistance: exact
finite-frequency conductance and noise

R. Zamoum, A. Crépieux, I. Safi

1202.0735 (Liam Britnell et al.)

Atomically thin boron nitride: a tunnelling barrier for graphene devices    [PDF]

Liam Britnell, Roman V. Gorbachev, Rashid Jalil, Branson D. Belle, Fred Schedin, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Laurence Eaves, Sergey V. Morozov, Alexander S. Mayorov, Nuno M. R. Peres, Antonio H. Castro Neto, Jon Leist, Andre K. Geim, Leonid A. Ponomarenko, Kostya S. Novoselov

1202.0801 (Alexandra C. Ford et al.)

Observation of degenerate one-dimensional sub-bands in cylindrical InAs

Alexandra C. Ford, S. Bala Kumar, Rehan Kapadia, Jing Guo, Ali Javey

1202.0809 (Bryan M. Wong et al.)

Reversible, Opto-Mechanically Induced Spin-Switching in a
Nanoribbon-Spiropyran Hybrid Material

Bryan M. Wong, Simon H. Ye, Greg O'Bryan

1202.0816 (P. J. de Visser et al.)

Microwave-induced excess quasiparticles in superconducting resonators
measured through correlated conductivity fluctuations

P. J. de Visser, J. J. A. Baselmans, S. J. C. Yates, P. Diener, A. Endo, T. M. Klapwijk

1202.0817 (Daniel Brinkman et al.)

A Drift-Diffusion-Reaction Model for Excitonic Photovoltaic Bilayers:
Asymptotic Analysis and A 2-D HDG Finite-Element Scheme

Daniel Brinkman, Klemens Fellner, Peter A. Markowich, Marie-Therese Wolfram