Friday, December 7, 2012

1105.5354 (Eduardo Vaz et al.)

Resonant Regimes in the Fock-Space Coherence of Multilevel Quantum Dots    [PDF]

Eduardo Vaz, Jordan Kyriakidis

1212.1343 (Gufeng Zhang et al.)

Topological Proximity Effects in Graphene Nanoribbon Heterostructures    [PDF]

Gufeng Zhang, Xiaoguang Li, Guangfen Wu, Jie Wang, Dimitrie Culcer, Efthimios Kaxiras, Zhenyu Zhang

1212.1163 (Gilad Ben-Shach et al.)

Detecting Non-Abelian Anyons by Charging Spectroscopy    [PDF]

Gilad Ben-Shach, Chris R. Laumann, Izhar Neder, Amir Yacoby, Bertrand I. Halperin

1212.1196 (A. Tiberj et al.)

Raman spectrum and optical extinction of graphene buffer layers on the
Si-face of 6H-SiC

A. Tiberj, J. R. Huntzinger, N. Camara, P. Godignon, J. Camassel

1212.1225 (A. Kandala et al.)

Magneto-transport Signatures of a Magnetic Gap in Hybrid Topological
Insulator-Ferromagnetic Insulator Heterostructure Devices

A. Kandala, A. Richardella, D. W. Rench, D. M. Zhang, T. C. Flanagan, N. Samarth

1212.1237 (Gen Tatara et al.)

Active electromagnetic metamaterial based on spin torque oscillators    [PDF]

Gen Tatara, Hiroaki T. Ueda, Katsuhisa Taguchi, Yuta Sasaki, Miyuki Nishijima, Akihito Takeuchi

1212.1240 (V. N. Mantsevich et al.)

Non-stationary effects in the coupled quantum dots influenced by the
electron-phonon interaction

V. N. Mantsevich, N. S. Maslova, P. I. Arseyev

1212.1242 (M. M. Uddin et al.)

Characterization of InSb quantum wells with atomic layer deposited gate

M. M. Uddin, H. W. Liu, K. F. Yang, K. Nagase, T. D. Mishima, M. B. Santos, Y. Hirayama

1212.1261 (Kazuyuki Uchida et al.)

New Identification of Metallic Phases of In Atomic layers on Si(111)

Kazuyuki Uchida, Atsushi Oshiyama

1212.1303 (Tutul Biswas et al.)

Phonon-drag thermopower and hot-electron energy-loss rate in a Rashba
spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional electron system

Tutul Biswas, Tarun Kanti Ghosh

1212.1318 (F. Parhizgar et al.)

Effect of spin-valley coupling on exchange interaction between magnetic
adatoms in a monolayer MoS_2

F. Parhizgar, H. Rostami, Reza Asgari

1212.1347 (Y. Tao et al.)

Single-Crystal Diamond Nanomechanical Resonators with Quality Factors
exceeding one Million

Y. Tao, J. M. Boss, B. A. Moores, C. L. Degen

1212.1355 (Ion C. Fulga et al.)

Adaptive tuning of Majorana fermions in a quantum dot chain    [PDF]

Ion C. Fulga, Arbel Haim, Anton R. Akhmerov, Yuval Oreg