Friday, February 3, 2012

1104.2878 (Chenjie Wang et al.)

Fluctuation-dissipation theorem for chiral systems in non-equilibrium
steady states

Chenjie Wang, D. E. Feldman

1104.3718 (H. Idzuchi et al.)

Spin relaxation mechanism in Silver nanowires covered with MgO
protection layer

H. Idzuchi, Y. Fukuma, L. Wang, Y. Otani

1105.1360 (E. V. Gorbar et al.)

Coulomb interaction and magnetic catalysis in the quantum Hall effect in

E. V. Gorbar, V. P. Gusynin, V. A. Miransky, I. A. Shovkovy

1105.2587 (J. Dressel et al.)

Measuring Which-Path Information with Coupled Electronic Mach-Zehnder

J. Dressel, Y. Choi, A. N. Jordan

1106.3777 (I. V. Bobkova et al.)

Recovering of superconductivity in exchange fields exceeding Pauli
limiting field under spin-dependent quasiparticle distribution

I. V. Bobkova, A. M. Bobkov

1106.4939 (M. O. Goerbig et al.)

Theoretical Aspects of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene    [PDF]

M. O. Goerbig, N. Regnault

1108.2938 (Vincent E. Sacksteder IV et al.)

Spin Conduction in Anisotropic 3-D Topological Insulators    [PDF]

Vincent E. Sacksteder IV, Stefan Kettemann, QuanSheng Wu, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang

1108.3217 (J. Fransson et al.)

Imaging spin-inelastic Friedel oscillations emerging from magnetic

J. Fransson, A. V. Balatsky

1108.5962 (Assaf Carmi et al.)

Enhanced shot noise in asymmetric interacting two level systems    [PDF]

Assaf Carmi, Yuval Oreg

1109.6148 (Oleksiy Kashuba et al.)

Adiabatic response in the interacting resonant level model    [PDF]

Oleksiy Kashuba, Herbert Schoeller, Janine Splettstoesser

1110.2202 (Ivo Buttinoni et al.)

Active Brownian Motion Tunable by Light    [PDF]

Ivo Buttinoni, Giovanni Volpe, Felix Kümmel, Giorgio Volpe, Clemens Bechinger

1110.3387 (S. Bhattacharjee et al.)

Atomistic spin dynamic method with both damping and moment of inertia
effects included from first principles

S. Bhattacharjee, L. Nordström, J. Fransson

1110.4575 (L. M. Wong et al.)

Realizing DIII Class Topological Superconductors using
$d_{x^2-y^2}$-wave Superconductors

L. M. Wong, K. T. Law

1110.5205 (Gennady I. Zebrev et al.)

Using Capacitance Methods for Interface Trap Level Density Extraction in
Graphene Field-Effect Devices

Gennady I. Zebrev, Evgeny V. Melnik, Daria K. Batmanova

1110.5309 (Zhenwei Yao et al.)

The Electric Double Layer Structure Around Charged Spherical Interfaces    [PDF]

Zhenwei Yao, Mark J. Bowick, Xu Ma

1110.6319 (Gennady I. Zebrev et al.)

Physics-Based Compact Modeling of Double-Gate Graphene Field-Effect
Transistor Operation Including Description of Two Saturation Modes

Gennady I. Zebrev, Alexander A. Tselykovskiy, Valentin O. Turin

1111.1653 (A. Castañeda et al.)

Nonadiabatic pumping in classical and quantum chaotic scatterers    [PDF]

A. Castañeda, T. Dittrich, G. Sinuco

1111.4563 (Yasuhisa Sakurai et al.)

Skyrme crystal in bilayer and multilayer graphene    [PDF]

Yasuhisa Sakurai, Daijiro Yoshioka

1201.5153 (A. Laucht et al.)

A Waveguide-Coupled On-Chip Single Photon Source    [PDF]

A. Laucht, S. Pütz, T. Günthner, N. Hauke, R. Saive, S. Frédérick, M. Bichler, M. -C. Amann, A. W. Holleitner, M. Kaniber, J. J. Finley

1202.0006 (Marc Montull et al.)

Magnetic Response in the Holographic Insulator/Superconductor Transition    [PDF]

Marc Montull, Oriol Pujolàs, Alberto Salvio, Pedro J. Silva

1202.0043 (Priyamvada Jadaun et al.)

Density functional theory studies of interactions of graphene with its
environment: substrate, gate dielectric and edge effects

Priyamvada Jadaun, Bhagawan R. Sahu, Leonard F. Register, Sanjay K. Banerjee

1202.0053 (Youngseok Kim et al.)

Interlayer Transport in Disordered Semiconductor Electron Bilayers    [PDF]

Youngseok Kim, Brian Dellabetta, Matthew J. Gilbert

1202.0081 (Xiaogang Zhang et al.)

Confined one-way mode at magnetic domain wall for broadband
high-efficiency one-way waveguide, splitter and bender

Xiaogang Zhang, Wei Li, Xunya Jiang

1202.0113 (Jesper Jung et al.)

Polarizability of nanowires at surfaces: Exact solution for general

Jesper Jung, Thomas G. Pedersen

1202.0114 (Jesper Jung et al.)

Exact polarizability and plasmon resonances of partly buried nanowires    [PDF]

Jesper Jung, Thomas G. Pedersen

1202.0128 (R. Gomez-Medina et al.)

Negative scattering asymmetry parameter for dipolar particles: Unusual
reduction of the transport mean free path and radiation pressure

R. Gomez-Medina, L. Froufe-Perez, M. Yepez, F. Scheffold, M. Nieto-Vesperinas, J. J. Saenz

1202.0165 (I. V. Bobkova et al.)

Long-range proximity effect for opposite-spin pairs in S/F
heterostructures under non-equilibrium quasiparticle distribution

I. V. Bobkova, A. M. Bobkov

1202.0171 (Kurt Stokbro et al.)

Atomic-scale model for the contact resistance of the nickel-graphene

Kurt Stokbro, Mads Engelund, Anders Blom

1202.0196 (Sergey Smirnov et al.)

Spin channel Keldysh field theory for interacting quantum dots    [PDF]

Sergey Smirnov, Milena Grifoni

1202.0289 (Jan C. Budich et al.)

All-electric qubit control in heavy hole quantum dots via non-Abelian
geometric phases

Jan C. Budich, Dietrich G. Rothe, Ewelina M. Hankiewicz, Björn Trauzettel

1202.0295 (Milinda Abeykoon et al.)

Quantitative nanostructure characterization using atomic pair
distribution functions obtained from laboratory electron microscopes

Milinda Abeykoon, Christos D. Malliakas, Pavol Juhas, Emil S. Bozin, Mercouri G. Kanatzidis, Simon J. L. Billinge

1202.0301 (Matthew T. Sheldon et al.)

The plasmoelectric effect: optically induced electrochemical potentials
in resonant metallic structures

Matthew T. Sheldon, Harry A. Atwater

1202.0318 (W. S. Graves et al.)

Intense Super-radiant X-rays from a Compact Source using a Nanocathode
Array and Emittance Exchange

W. S. Graves, F. X. Kaertner, D. E. Moncton, P. Piot

1202.0330 (Vivek Goyal et al.)

Thermal Properties of the Hybrid Graphene-Metal Nano-Micro-Composites:
Applications in Thermal Interface Materials

Vivek Goyal, Alexander A. Balandin

1202.0361 (Zhigang Wang et al.)

Superfluidity and effective mass of magnetoexcitons in topological
insulator bilayers: Effect of inter-Landau-level Coulomb interaction

Zhigang Wang, Zhen-Guo Fu, Ping Zhang

1202.0382 (Shin-ichi Hikino et al.)

Towards precise measurement of oscillatory domain wall by ferromagnetic
Josephson junction

Shin-ichi Hikino, Michiyasu Mori, Wataru Koshibae, Sadamichi Maekawa

1202.0393 (Nicolas Vogt et al.)

Influence of two-level fluctuators on adiabatic passage techniques    [PDF]

Nicolas Vogt, Jared H. Cole, Michael Marthaler, Gerd Schön

1202.0438 (A. Zazunov et al.)

Supercurrent blockade in Josephson junctions with a Majorana wire    [PDF]

A. Zazunov, R. Egger

1202.0443 (J. Gonzalez)

Electron self-energy effects on chiral symmetry breaking in graphene    [PDF]

J. Gonzalez

1202.0462 (Zhi-Hui Wang et al.)

Comparison of dynamical decoupling protocols for a nitrogen-vacancy
center in diamond

Zhi-Hui Wang, G. de Lange, D. Riste, R. Hanson, V. V. Dobrovitski

1202.0532 (Max Ludwig et al.)

Optomechanical photon detection and enhanced dispersive phonon readout    [PDF]

Max Ludwig, Amir H. Safavi-Naeini, Oskar Painter, Florian Marquardt

1202.0541 (Yue Ban et al.)

Spin-dependent electron transport in waveguide with continuous shape    [PDF]

Yue Ban, E. Ya. Sherman