Monday, July 9, 2012

1007.0359 (Xingkun Man et al.)

Block Copolymer at Nano-Patterned Surfaces    [PDF]

Xingkun Man, David Andelman, Henri Orland

1207.1440 (Junhua Zhang et al.)

Chiral superfluid states in hybrid graphene heterostructures    [PDF]

Junhua Zhang, E. Rossi

1207.1456 (Sheng Zhang et al.)

Perpendicular Magnetization and Generic Realization of the Ising Model
in Artificial Spin Ice

Sheng Zhang, Jie Li, Ian Gilbert, Jason Bartell, Michael J. Erickson, Yu Pan, Paul E. Lammert, Cristiano Nisoli, K. K. Kohli, Rajiv Misra, Vincent H. Crespi, Nitin Samarth, C. Leighton, Peter Schiffer

1207.1475 (E. Fohtung et al.)

Probing the three-dimensional strain inhomogeneity and equilibrium
elastic properties of single crystal Ni nanowires

E. Fohtung, J. W. Kim, Keith T. Chan, Ross Harder, Eric E. Fullerton, O. G. Shpyrko

1207.1476 (Riccardo Messina et al.)

Graphene-based photovoltaic cells for near-field thermal energy

Riccardo Messina, Philippe Ben-Abdallah

1207.1487 (Recep Zan et al.)

Graphene re-knits its holes    [PDF]

Recep Zan, Quentin M. Ramasse, Ursel Bangert, Konstantin S. Novoselov

1207.1494 (Lei Feng et al.)

Flat Bands near Fermi Level of Topological Line Defects on Graphite    [PDF]

Lei Feng, Xianqing Lin, Lan Meng, Jia-Cai Nie, Jun Ni, Lin He

1207.1558 (Julien Delahaye et al.)

Screening and conductance relaxations in insulating granular aluminium
thin films

Julien Delahaye, Thierry Grenet

1207.1567 (T. S. Monteiro et al.)

Dynamics of levitated nanospheres: towards the strong coupling regime    [PDF]

T. S. Monteiro, J. Millen, G. A. T. Pender, D. Chang, P. F. Barker

1207.1572 (M. H. D. Guimarães et al.)

Spin transport in high quality suspended graphene devices    [PDF]

M. H. D. Guimarães, A. Veligura, P. J. Zomer, T. Maassen, I. J. Vera-Marun, N. Tombros, B. J. van Wees

1207.1594 (W. J. Venstra et al.)

Strongly coupled modes in a weakly driven micromechanical resonator    [PDF]

W. J. Venstra, R. van Leeuwen, H. S. J. van der Zant

1207.1617 (Maya Lukas et al.)

Catalytic sub-surface etching of nanoscale channels in graphite    [PDF]

Maya Lukas, Velimir Meded, Aravind Vijayaraghavan, Li Song, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Karin Fink, Wolfgang Wenzel, Ralph Krupke

1207.1627 (A. Kononov et al.)

Energy spectrum reconstruction at the edge of a two-dimensional electron
system with strong spin-orbit coupling

A. Kononov, G. Biasiol, L. Sorba, E. V. Deviatov

1207.1629 (Philippe Jacquod et al.)

Onsager Relations in Coupled Electric, Thermoelectric and Spin
Transport: The Ten-Fold Way

Philippe Jacquod, Robert S. Whitney, Jonathan Meair, Markus Büttiker

1207.1637 (J. M. Pirkkalainen et al.)

Hybrid circuit cavity quantum electrodynamics with a micromechanical

J. M. Pirkkalainen, S. U. Cho, Jian Li, G. S. Paraoanu, P. J. Hakonen, M. A. Sillanpää

1207.1682 (Rouholla Alizadegan et al.)

Effects of Tip-Nanotube Interactions on Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging
of Carbon Nanotubes

Rouholla Alizadegan, Albert D. Liao, Feng Xiong, Eric Pop, K. Jimmy Hsia

1207.1689 (E. A. Jagla)

Velocity weakening and possibility of aftershocks in nanofriction

E. A. Jagla

1207.1719 (Mirco Milletarì et al.)

Shot Noise Signatures of Charge Fractionalization in the $ν=2$ Quantum
Hall edge

Mirco Milletarì, Bernd Rosenow