Tuesday, November 20, 2012

1211.4074 (Guo-Hui Ding et al.)

Finite frequency current fluctuations and the self-consistent
perturbation theory for electron transport through quantum dot

Guo-Hui Ding, Bing Dong

1211.4076 (Chenhao Jin et al.)

Opposite Changes in Gap Width of Opposite Spin States Induced by Rashba
Effect in Anti-ferromagnetic Graphene on Ni(111)

Chenhao Jin, Zhen Bi, Zonghai Hu, Ji Feng, Enge Wang

1211.4084 (Kurt Gloos et al.)

Andreev-reflection spectroscopy with superconducting indium - a case

Kurt Gloos, Elina Tuuli

1211.4176 (Berardi Sensale-Rodriguez et al.)

Efficient terahertz electro-absorption modulation employing graphene
plasmonic structures

Berardi Sensale-Rodriguez, Rusen Yan, Mingda Zhu, Debdeep Jena, Lei Liu, Huili Grace Xing

1211.4182 (A. M. Zagoskin et al.)

Is a single photon's wave front observable?    [PDF]

A. M. Zagoskin, R. D. Wilson, M. Everitt, S. Savel'ev, J. Allen, V. K. Dubrovich, E. Il'ichev

1211.4187 (Amrit De et al.)

Magnetization Noise Induced Collapse and Revival of Rabi Oscillations in
circuit QED

Amrit De, Robert Joynt

1211.4192 (D. A. Garanin)

Theory of deflagration and fronts of tunneling in molecular magnets    [PDF]

D. A. Garanin

1211.4196 (A. Useinov et al.)

Controlling the Spin Torque Efficiency with Ferroelectric Barriers    [PDF]

A. Useinov, A. Manchon

1211.4197 (Weiliang Wang et al.)

Comment on slope of nonlinear FN plot and field enhancement factor    [PDF]

Weiliang Wang, Zhibing Li

1211.4224 (Anjana Bagga et al.)

Controlling wave function localization in a multiple quantum well

Anjana Bagga, Anu Venugopalan

1211.4261 (Brendan Gavin et al.)

Non-linear eigensolver-based alternative to traditional SCF methods    [PDF]

Brendan Gavin, Eric Polizzi

1211.4302 (A. A. Gangat et al.)

Multipartite entangled microwave and micromechanical squeezed
Schrödinger cats: a phase transition-based protocol

A. A. Gangat, I. P. McCulloch, G. J. Milburn

1211.4310 (Lida Pan et al.)

Graphyne- and Graphdiyne-based Nanoribbons: Density Functional Theory
Calculations of Electronic Structures

Lida Pan, Lizhi Zhang, Boqun Song, Shixuan Du, Hongjun Gao

1211.4311 (R. S. Sundaram et al.)

Electroluminescence in Single Layer MoS2    [PDF]

R. S. Sundaram, M. Engel, A. Lombardo, R. Krupke, A. C. Ferrari, Ph. Avouris, M. Steiner

1211.4322 (Jesper Goor Pedersen et al.)

Graphene antidot lattice waveguides    [PDF]

Jesper Goor Pedersen, Tue Gunst, Troels Markussen, Thomas Garm Pedersen

1211.4326 (Thomas Garm Pedersen et al.)

Transport in graphene antidot barriers and tunneling devices    [PDF]

Thomas Garm Pedersen, Jesper Goor Pedersen

1211.4357 (A. Machens et al.)

The even-odd effect in short antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains    [PDF]

A. Machens, N. P. Konstantinidis, O. Waldmann, I. Schneider, S. Eggert

1211.4363 (Raphaël Khan et al.)

Tension-induced non-linearities of flexural modes in nanomechanical

Raphaël Khan, F. Massel, T. T. Heikkilä

1211.4411 (Leonardo Ermann et al.)

Symmetry breaking for ratchet transport in presence of interactions and
magnetic field

Leonardo Ermann, Alexei D. Chepelianskii, Dima L. Shepelyansky

1211.4456 (Simon Rips et al.)

Quantum Information Processing with Nanomechanical Qubits    [PDF]

Simon Rips, Michael J. Hartmann

1211.4460 (S. Sharma et al.)

Anomalous scaling of spin accumulation in ferromagnetic tunnel devices
with silicon and germanium

S. Sharma, A. Spiesser, S. P. Dash, S. Iba, S. Watanabe, B. J. van Wees, H. Saito, S. Yuasa, R. Jansen

1211.4463 (Vadim Puller et al.)

Single molecule detection of nanomechanical motion    [PDF]

Vadim Puller, Brahim Lounis, Fabio Pistolesi

1211.4476 (Mor Verbin et al.)

Observation of Topological Phase Transitions in Photonic Quasicrystals    [PDF]

Mor Verbin, Yaacov E. Kraus, Oded Zilberberg, Yoav Lahini, Yaron Silberberg

1211.4482 (Alexander A. Balandina et al.)

Phononics in Low-Dimensions: Engineering Phonons in Nanostructures and

Alexander A. Balandina, Denis L. Nika

1211.4486 (Pradyumna Goli et al.)

Charge Density Waves in Exfoliated Thin Films of Van der Waals Materials    [PDF]

Pradyumna Goli, Javed Khan, Darshana Wickramaratne, Roger K. Lake, Alexander A. Balandin

1211.4487 (M. Di Ventra et al.)

Memcomputing: a computing paradigm to store and process information on
the same physical platform

M. Di Ventra, Y. V. Pershin

1211.4515 (J. Miguel-Sanchez et al.)

Cavity quantum electrodynamics with charge-controlled quantum dots
coupled to a fiber Fabry-Perot cavity

J. Miguel-Sanchez, A. Reinhard, E. Togan, T. Volz, A. Imamoglu, B. Besga, J. Reichel, J. Esteve

1211.4540 (Samuel G. Carter et al.)

Quantum control of a spin qubit coupled to a photonic crystal cavity    [PDF]

Samuel G. Carter, Timothy M. Sweeney, Mijin Kim, Chul Soo Kim, Dmitry Solenov, Sophia E. Economou, Thomas L. Reinecke, Lily Yang, Allan S. Bracker, Daniel Gammon

1211.4551 (Amelia Barreiro et al.)

Quantum Dots at Room Temperature carved out from Few-Layer Graphene    [PDF]

Amelia Barreiro, Herre S. J. van der Zant, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen