Thursday, June 7, 2012

1106.3311 (Anthony R. Wright et al.)

Splitting of roton minimum in the ν=5/2 Moore-Read state    [PDF]

Anthony R. Wright, Bernd Rosenow

1206.1063 (Alon Hever et al.)

Structural stability and electronic properties of SP3 type silicon

Alon Hever, Jonathan Bernstein, Oded Hod

1206.1067 (Jacek Dziarmaga et al.)

Quench from Mott Insulator to Superfluid    [PDF]

Jacek Dziarmaga, Marek Tylutki, Wojciech H. Zurek

1206.1114 (Xing-Tao An et al.)

Spin-polarized current induced by a local exchange field in a silicene

Xing-Tao An, Yan-Yang Zhang, Jian-Jun Liu, Shu-Shen Li

1206.1122 (Chi Sin Tang et al.)

Temperature-dependent terahertz conductivity of topological insulator

Chi Sin Tang, Bin Xia, Xingquan Zhou, Jian-Xin Zhu, Lan Wang, Elbert E. M. Chia

1206.1124 (Jonghwan Kim et al.)

Electrical Control of Plasmon Resonance with Graphene    [PDF]

Jonghwan Kim, Hyungmok Son, David J. Cho, Baisong Geng, Will Regan, Sufei Shi, Kwanpyo Kim, Alex Zettl, Yuen-Ron Shen, Feng Wang

1206.1150 (Tatiana Krishtop et al.)

Temperature-dependent quantum electron transport in 2D point contact    [PDF]

Tatiana Krishtop, Kirill Nagaev

1206.1201 (J. -P. Tetienne et al.)

Magnetic-field-dependent photodynamics of single NV defects in diamond:
Application to all-optical magnetic imaging

J. -P. Tetienne, L. Rondin, P. Spinicelli, M. Chipaux, T. Debuisschert, J. -F. Roch, V. Jacques

1206.1220 (Ya-Fen Hsu et al.)

Effect of transport-induced charge inhomogeneity on point-contact
Andreev reflection spectra at ferromagnet-superconductor interfaces

Ya-Fen Hsu, Tian-Wei Chiang, Guang-Yu Guo, Shang-Fan Lee, Jun-Jih Liang

1206.1222 (A. N. Rudenko et al.)

Adsorption of cobalt on graphene: Electron correlation effects from a
quantum chemical perspective

A. N. Rudenko, F. J. Keil, M. I. Katsnelson, A. I. Lichtenstein

1206.1226 (G. Géranton et al.)

Transport properties of individual C60-molecules    [PDF]

G. Géranton, C. Seiler, A. Bagrets, L. Venkataraman, F. Evers

1206.1239 (Ion Garate et al.)

Weak Localization and Antilocalization in Topological Insulator Thin
Films with Coherent Bulk-Surface Coupling

Ion Garate, Leonid Glazman

1206.1259 (Björn Sothmann et al.)

Magnon-driven quantum-dot heat engine    [PDF]

Björn Sothmann, Markus Büttiker

1206.1276 (Jie Liu et al.)

Zero-bias peaks in spin-orbit coupled superconducting wires with and
without Majorana end-states

Jie Liu, Andrew C. Potter, K. T. Law, Patrick A. Lee

1206.1295 (Qinglei Meng et al.)

Fractional Spin Josephson Effect and Electrically Contolled
Magnetization in Quantum Spin Hall Edges

Qinglei Meng, Vasudha Shivamoggi, Taylor L. Hughes, Matthew J. Gilbert, Smitha Vishveshwara

1206.1296 (Maxime Boissonneault et al.)

Improved qubit bifurcation readout in the straddling regime of circuit

Maxime Boissonneault, J. M. Gambetta, A. Blais