Tuesday, January 22, 2013

1301.4512 (K. P. Wojcik et al.)

Asymmetry-induced effects in Kondo quantum dots coupled to ferromagnetic

K. P. Wojcik, I. Weymann, J. Barnas

1301.4513 (Paul M. Haney et al.)

Current induced torques and interfacial spin-orbit coupling:
Semiclassical Modeling

Paul M. Haney, Hyun-Woo Lee, Kyung-Jin Lee, Aurélien Manchon, M. D. Stiles

1301.4527 (Wan Sik Hwang et al.)

Comparative Study of Chemically Synthesized and Exfoliated Multilayer
MoS2 Field-Effect Transistors

Wan Sik Hwang, Maja Remskar, Rusen Yan, Tom Kosel, Jong Kyung Park, Byung Jin Cho, Wilfried Haensch, Huili, Xing, Alan Seabaugh, Debdeep Jena

1301.4562 (Natalya A. Zimbovskaya)

On the electron transport in conducting polymer nanofibers    [PDF]

Natalya A. Zimbovskaya

1301.4572 (P. Olbrich et al.)

Giant spin-polarized current in a Dirac fermion system at cyclotron

P. Olbrich, C. Zoth, P. Vierling, K. -M. Dantscher, G. V. Budkin, S. A. Tarasenko, V. V. Bel'kov, D. A. Kozlov, Z. D. Kvon, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky, S. D. Ganichev

1301.4676 (Ward D. Newman et al.)

Enhanced and directional single photon emission in hyperbolic

Ward D. Newman, Cristian L. Cortes, Zubin Jacob

1301.4681 (L. Gaudreau et al.)

Universal Distance-Scaling of Non-radiative Energy Transfer to Graphene    [PDF]

L. Gaudreau, K. J. Tielrooij, G. E. D. K. Prawiroatmodjo, J. Osmond, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, F. H. L. Koppens

1301.4711 (Boris Bondarev)

The anisotropic distribution of the interacting electrons    [PDF]

Boris Bondarev

1301.4772 (Xin Liu et al.)

In-plane Magnetization Induced Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect    [PDF]

Xin Liu, Hsiu-Chuan Hsu, Chao-Xing Liu

1301.4808 (Jelena Butikova et al.)

Laser scribing on HOPG for graphene stamp printing on silicon wafer    [PDF]

Jelena Butikova, Boris Polyakov, Lauris Dimitrocenko, Edgars Butanovs, Ivars Tale

1301.4812 (Seoung-Hun Kang et al.)

Carbon nanotubes with atomic impurities on boron nitride sheets under
applied electric fields

Seoung-Hun Kang, Gunn Kim, Young-Kyun Kwon

1301.4825 (D. T. Morris et al.)

Midinfrared Third Harmonic Generation from Macroscopically Aligned
Ultralong Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes

D. T. Morris, C. L. Pint, R. S. Arvidson, A. Luttge, R. H. Hauge, A. A. Belyanin, G. L. Woods, J. Kono

1301.4828 (Dieter Weber et al.)

Variable resistor made by repeated steps of epitaxial deposition and
lithographic structuring of oxide layers by using wet chemical etchants

Dieter Weber, Róza Vöfély, Yuehua Chen, Yulia Mourzina, Ulrich Poppe

1301.4836 (R. Roldan et al.)

Interactions and superconductivity in heavily doped MoS2    [PDF]

R. Roldan, E. Cappelluti, F. Guinea

1301.4838 (Makoto Yamaguchi et al.)

Second Thresholds in BEC-BCS-Laser Crossover of Exciton-Polariton

Makoto Yamaguchi, Kenji Kamide, Ryota Nii, Tetsuo Ogawa, Yoshihisa Yamamoto

1301.4841 (SK Firoz Islam)

Modulation effect on the spin Hall resonance    [PDF]

SK Firoz Islam

1301.4857 (Marcin Dukalski et al.)

High Jaynes-Cummings pseudospins eigenstates in the homogeneous
Tavis-Cummings model

Marcin Dukalski, Yaroslav M. Blanter

1301.4860 (Gaël Reecht et al.)

Oligothiophene nano-rings as electron resonators for whispering gallery

Gaël Reecht, Hervé Bulou, Fabrice Scheurer, Virginie Speisser, Bernard Carrière, Fabrice Mathevet, Guillaume Schull

1301.4872 (A. Rivas et al.)

Density Matrix Topological Insulators    [PDF]

A. Rivas, O. Viyuela, M. A. Martin-Delgado

1301.4899 (Tiberius O. Cheche et al.)

Analytical approach for type-II semiconductor spherical core-shell
quantum dots heterostructures with wide band gaps

Tiberius O. Cheche, Yia-Chung Chang

1301.4945 (Branimir Radisavljevic et al.)

Response to comment "Measurement of mobility in dual-gated MoS2

Branimir Radisavljevic, Andras Kis

1301.4947 (Branimir Radisavljevic et al.)

Mobility engineering and metal-insulator transition in monolayer MoS2    [PDF]

Branimir Radisavljevic, Andras Kis

1301.4960 (Daniela Dragoman)

Dirac-Schrodinger transformations in contacted graphene structures    [PDF]

Daniela Dragoman

1301.4974 (P. A. Orellana et al.)

Spin-Polarized Electrons in Bilayer Graphene Flakes    [PDF]

P. A. Orellana, L. Rosales, L. Chico, M. Pacheco

1301.4985 (Chun Hung Lui et al.)

Tunable Infrared Phonon Anomalies in Trilayer Graphene    [PDF]

Chun Hung Lui, Emmanuele Cappelluti, Zhiqiang Li, Tony F. Heinz