Friday, April 12, 2013

1304.3214 (Dirk Honecker et al.)

Theory of magnetic small-angle neutron scattering of two-phase

Dirk Honecker, Andreas Michels
Based on micromagnetic theory we have derived analytical expressions for the magnetic small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) cross section of a two-phase particle-matrix-type ferromagnet. The approach---valid close to magnetic saturation---provides access to several features of the spin structure such as perturbing magnetic anisotropy and magnetostatic fields. Depending on the applied magnetic field and on the magnitude $H_p$ of the magnetic anisotropy field relative to the magnitude $\Delta M$ of the jump in the longitudinal magnetization at the particle-matrix interface, we observe a variety of angular anisotropies in the magnetic SANS cross section. In particular, the model explains the "clover-leaf"-shaped angular anisotropy which was previously observed for several nanostructured magnetic materials, and it provides access to the magnetic interaction parameters such as the average exchange-stiffness constant. It is also shown that the ratio $H_p / \Delta M$ decisively determines the asymptotic power-law exponent and the range of spin-misalignment correlations.
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