Wednesday, May 8, 2013

1305.1374 (Jai Seok Ahn)

Entangled bound states in double quantum dots by using a finite
difference method in two dimension

Jai Seok Ahn
The bound states and entanglements of an electron confined in two dimensional quantum dots were investigated by solving a time-independent Schr\"odinger equation numerically with a finite difference method applicable to arbitrary two dimensional potential. The Hamiltonian was first projected on a two dimensional grid, and was rearranged eventually on a pseudo one-dimensional grid by sequencing the two-dimensional projections into one-dimension. The resulting Hamiltonian matrix was numerically diagonalized to provide the bound state energies and the real-space eigenfunctions. We demonstrated the legitimacy of the method by applying it to a shallow quantum dot with a finite round well and by comparing the results with their analytic counterparts. The developed method was applied to the entanglements in double quantum dots (DQDs) consisting of two harmonic finite-wells. The mixing-induced energy-level-shifts of bonding and antibonding states elucidated the varying interaction strength as a function of distance between two identical QDs. In addition, the efficiency of level-coupling of entangled molecular bound states was studied with two closely located QDs by introducing asymmetries in their potential depths.
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