Tuesday, March 12, 2013

1303.2644 (Heinrich-Gregor Zirnstein et al.)

Cancellation of Quantum Anomalies and Bosonization of the 3D
Time-Reversal Symmetric Topological Insulator

Heinrich-Gregor Zirnstein, Bernd Rosenow
The strong time-reversal symmetric (TRS) topological insulator (TI) in three space dimensions features gapless surface states in the form of massless Dirac fermions. We study these surface states with the method of bosonization, and find that the resulting bosonic theory has a topological contribution due to the parity anomaly of the surface Dirac fermions. We argue that the presence of a quanum anomaly is, in fact, the main reason for the existence of a surface state, by the principle that anomalies of a surface and bulk must cancel. Inspecting other classes of topological insulators, we argue that this principle holds in general. Moving beyond purely topological considerations, we incorporate the dynamics of the surface electron states into the bosonic theory. Additionally, we discuss the thermodynamics of the bosonic theory and propose a representation of the surface Dirac fermions in terms of the bosonic fields.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1303.2644

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