Wednesday, June 5, 2013

1306.0681 (J. Leliaert et al.)

The influence of disorder on vortex domain wall dynamics in magnetic

J. Leliaert, B. Van de Wiele, A. Vansteenkiste, L. Laurson, G. Durin, L. Dupré, B. Van Waeyenberge
Many future spintronic devices are based on the current-controlled movement of magnetic domain walls through nanowires. Consequently a thorough understanding of the domain wall mobility is required. However, today's debate is still ongoing on the nature and magnitude of the non-adiabatic component of the spin transfer torque driving the domain wall. Various experimental methods give rise to a large range of magnitudes for the degree of non-adiabaticity. Strikingly, experiments based on domain wall movement in magnetic nanowires consistently result in lower values compared to other methods. Based on micromagnetic simulations presented in this work, we can attribute this to the influence of distributed disorder which affects the (vortex) domain wall mobility vastly, but is most often not taken into account in the theoretical models adopted to extract the degree of non-adiabaticity.
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