Friday, March 30, 2012
1203.6355 (Edwin Barnes et al.)
Exact master equation solution of central spin dephasing dynamics [PDF]
Edwin Barnes, Łukasz Cywiński, S. Das Sarma1203.6369 (Caterina Cocchi et al.)
Optical Excitations and Field Enhancement in Short Graphene Nanoribbons [PDF]
Caterina Cocchi, Deborah Prezzi, Alice Ruini, Enrico Benassi, Marilia J. Caldas, Stefano Corni, Elisa Molinari1203.6382 (Fan Zhang et al.)
Surface States of Topological Insulators [PDF]
Fan Zhang, C. L. Kane, E. J. Mele1203.6385 (G. Bohra et al.)
Non-Ergodicity & Microscopic Symmetry Breaking of the Conductance
Fluctuations in Disordered Mesoscopic Graphene [PDF]
G. Bohra, R. Somphonsane, N. Aoki, Y. Ochiai, R. Akis, D. K. Ferry, J. P. Bird
1203.6421 (Guangtong Liu et al.)
Enhancement of the $ν= 5/2$ Fractional Quantum Hall State in a Small
In-Plane Magnetic Field [PDF]
Guangtong Liu, Chi Zhang, D. C. Tsui, Ivan Knez, Aaron Levine, R. R. Du, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West
1203.6476 (Michael Schüler et al.)
Theory of spin dynamics of magnetic adatoms traced by time-resolved
scanning tunneling spectroscopy [PDF]
Michael Schüler, Yaroslav Pavlyukh, Jamal Berakdar
1203.6491 (A. Jain et al.)
Crossover from spin accumulation into interface states to spin injection
in the germanium conduction band [PDF]
A. Jain, J. -C. Rojas-Sanchez, M. Cubukcu, J. Peiro, J. C. Le Breton, E. Prestat, C. Vergnaud, L. Louahadj, C. Portemont, C. Ducruet, V. Baltz, A. Barski, P. Bayle-Guillemaud, L. Vila, J. -P. Attané, E. Augendre, G. Desfonds, S. Gambarelli, H. Jaffrès, J. -M. George, M. Jamet
1203.6517 (Csaba G. Péterfalvi et al.)
Intraband electron focusing in bilayer graphene [PDF]
Csaba G. Péterfalvi, László Oroszlány, Colin J. Lambert, József Cserti1203.6555 (Ondřej Turek et al.)
Potential-controlled filtering in quantum star graphs [PDF]
Ondřej Turek, Taksu Cheon1203.6591 (Hisao Miyazaki et al.)
Unipolar transport in bilayer graphene controlled by multiple p-n
interfaces [PDF]
Hisao Miyazaki, Song-Lin Li, Shu Nakaharai, Kazuhito Tsukagoshi
1203.6612 (V. P. Kirilin et al.)
Chiral Vortical Effect in Fermi Liquid [PDF]
V. P. Kirilin, Z. V. Khaidukov, A. V. SadofyevThursday, March 29, 2012
1110.4270 (Niels Bode et al.)
Current-induced switching in transport through anisotropic magnetic
molecules [PDF]
Niels Bode, Liliana Arrachea, Gustavo S. Lozano, Tamara S. Nunner, Felix von Oppen
1201.3725 (Shruti Puri et al.)
Two-Qubit Geometric Phase Gate for Quantum Dot Spins using Cavity
Polariton Resonance [PDF]
Shruti Puri, Na Young Kim, Yoshihisa Yamamoto
1203.6109 (E. Dumitrescu et al.)
Topological thermoelectric effects in spin-orbit coupled electron and
hole doped semiconductors [PDF]
E. Dumitrescu, Chuanwei Zhang, D. C. Marinescu, Sumanta Tewari
1203.6116 (O. Dmytriiev et al.)
High frequency permeability of magnonic metamaterials with magnetic
inclusions of complex shape [PDF]
O. Dmytriiev, M. Dvornik, R. V. Mikhaylovskiy, M. Franchin, H. Fangohr, L. Giovannini, F. Montoncello, D. V. Berkov, E. K. Semenova, N. L. Gorn, A. Prabhakar, V. V. Kruglyak
1203.6128 (Bin Hwang et al.)
Optimal control for non-Markovian open quantum systems [PDF]
Bin Hwang, Hsi-Sheng Goan1203.6175 (Z. Feng et al.)
Spin Hall Angle Quantification from Spin Pumping and Microwave
Photoresistance [PDF]
Z. Feng, J. Hu, L. Sun, B. You, D. Wu, J. Du, W. Zhang, A. Hu, Y. Yang, D. M. Tang, B. S. Zhang, H. F. Ding
1203.6190 (Hendrik Bentmann et al.)
Direct Observation of Interband Spin-Orbit Coupling in a Two-Dimensional
Electron System [PDF]
Hendrik Bentmann, Samir Abdelouahed, Mattia Mulazzi, Juergen Henk, Friedrich Reinert
1203.6238 (Aaron Hurley et al.)
Bias asymmetry in the conductance profile of magnetic ions on surfaces
probed by scanning tunneling microscopy [PDF]
Aaron Hurley, Nadjib Baadji, Stefano Sanvito
1203.6239 (J. R. Leonard et al.)
Transport of Indirect Excitons in a Potential Energy Gradient [PDF]
J. R. Leonard, M. Remeika, Y. Y. Kuznetsova, A. A. High, L. V. Butov, J. Wilkes, M. Hanson, A. C. Gossard1203.6245 (A. Baena et al.)
Control of the valley degree of freedom of donor electrons near a
Si/SiO_2 interface [PDF]
A. Baena, A. L. Saraiva, Belita Koiller, M. J. Calderón
1203.6251 (D. Salerno et al.)
Single molecule study of the DNA denaturation phase transition in the
force-torsion space [PDF]
D. Salerno, A. Tempestini, I. Mai, D. Brogioli, R. Ziano, V. Cassina, F. Mantegazza
1203.6290 (Joel D. Chudow et al.)
Terahertz detection mechanism and contact capacitance of individual
metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes [PDF]
Joel D. Chudow, Daniel F. Santavicca, Chris B. McKitterick, Daniel E. Prober, Philip Kim
1203.6293 (J. Bocquel et al.)
Valence state manipulation of single Fe impurities in GaAs by STM [PDF]
J. Bocquel, V. R. Kortan, R. P. Campion, B. L. Gallagher, M. E. Flatté, P. M. Koenraad1203.6296 (James Luke Webb et al.)
Charge Imbalance and Crossed Andreev reflection in Py/Ta Devices [PDF]
James Luke Webb, Bryan Hickey, Gavin Burnell1203.6304 (Wijnand Broer et al.)
Roughness correction to the Casimir force at short separations: Contact
distance and extreme value statistics [PDF]
Wijnand Broer, George Palasantzas, Jasper Knoester, Vitaly B. Svetovoy
1203.6332 (John King Gamble et al.)
Two-electron dephasing in single Si and GaAs quantum dots [PDF]
John King Gamble, Mark Friesen, S. N. Coppersmith, Xuedong HuWednesday, March 28, 2012
1107.0003 (Dimitrie Culcer et al.)
Valley-based noise-resistant quantum computation using Si quantum dots [PDF]
Dimitrie Culcer, A. L. Saraiva, Belita Koiller, Xuedong Hu, S. Das Sarma1110.1646 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)
Bosonic and fermionic transport phenomena of ultra-cold atoms in 1D
optical lattices [PDF]
Chih-Chun Chien, Michael Zwolak, Massimiliano Di Ventra
1111.1906 (Regine Frank et al.)
Coherent feedback from dissipation: the lasing mode volume of random
lasers [PDF]
Regine Frank, Andreas Lubatsch, Johann Kroha
1111.4072 (Severin Sadjina et al.)
Intrinsic Spin Swapping [PDF]
Severin Sadjina, Arne Brataas, A. G. Mal'shukov1111.7223 (Sergej Konschuh et al.)
Theory of spin-orbit coupling in bilayer graphene [PDF]
Sergej Konschuh, Martin Gmitra, Denis Kochan, Jaroslav Fabian1201.2394 (G. Z. Cohen et al.)
Lagrange formalism of memory circuit elements: classical and quantum
formulations [PDF]
G. Z. Cohen, Y. V. Pershin, M. Di Ventra
1203.5793 (Chang-Yu Hou et al.)
Ettingshausen effect due to Majorana modes [PDF]
Chang-Yu Hou, Kirill Shtengel, Gil Refael, Paul M. Goldbart1203.5880 (Saquib Shamim et al.)
Suppression of low-frequency noise in two-dimensional electron gas at
degenerately doped Si:P δ-layers [PDF]
Saquib Shamim, Suddhasatta Mahapatra, Craig Polley, Michelle Y. Simmons, Arindam Ghosh
1203.5908 (A. J. Bennett et al.)
Free induction decay of a superposition stored in a quantum dot [PDF]
A. J. Bennett, M. A. Pooley, R. M. Stevenson, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie, A. J. Shields1203.5909 (A. J. Bennett et al.)
Electric-field-induced coherent coupling of the exciton states in a
single quantum dot [PDF]
A. J. Bennett, M. A. Pooley, R. M. Stevenson, M. B. Ward, R. B. Patel, A. Boyer de la Giroday, N. Sköld, I. Farrer, C. A. Nicoll, D. A. Ritchie, A. J. Shields
1203.5910 (Zhen-Guo Fu et al.)
Theory of multiple magnetic scattering for quasiparticles on a gapless
topological insulator surface [PDF]
Zhen-Guo Fu, Ping Zhang, Zhigang Wang, Fawei Zheng, Shu-Shen Li
1203.5917 (Sikarin Yoo-Kong et al.)
Theoretical model of DNA conductivity I: The path integral approach [PDF]
Sikarin Yoo-Kong, Watchara Liewrian1203.5937 (E. Mete et al.)
Influence of steps on the tilting and adsorption dynamics of ordered Pn
films on vicinal Ag(111) surfaces [PDF]
E. Mete, I. Demiroglu, E. Albayrak, G. Bracco, S. Ellialtioglu, M. F. Danisman
1203.5966 (N. Fairbairn et al.)
Spatial Modulation Microscopy for Real-Time Imaging of Plasmonic
Nanoparticles and Cells [PDF]
N. Fairbairn, R. A. Light, R. Carter, R. Fernandes, A. G. Kanaras, T. J. Elliott, M. G. Somekh, M. C. Pitter, O. L. Muskens
1203.5980 (Olafur Jonasson et al.)
Nonperturbative Approach to Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics [PDF]
Olafur Jonasson, Chi-Shung Tang, Hsi-Sheng Goan, Andrei Manolescu, Vidar Gudmundsson1203.5983 (Vidya Kochat et al.)
High contrast imaging and thickness determination of graphene with
in-column secondary electron microscopy [PDF]
Vidya Kochat, Atindra Nath Pal, Sneha E. S., Arjun B. S., Anshita Gairola, S. A. Shivashankar, Srinivasan Raghavan, Arindam Ghosh
1203.5997 (Johan Helsing et al.)
On the polarizability and capacitance of the cube [PDF]
Johan Helsing, Karl-Mikael Perfekt1203.6016 (Elena del Valle et al.)
Theory of frequency-filtered and time-resolved N-photon correlations [PDF]
Elena del Valle, Alejandro Gonzalez-Tudela, Fabrice P. Laussy, Carlos Tejedor, Michael J. Hartmann1203.6044 (Ranojoy Bose et al.)
All-optical tuning of a quantum dot in a coupled cavity system [PDF]
Ranojoy Bose, Tao Cai, Glenn. S. Solomon, Edo WaksTuesday, March 27, 2012
1107.4927 (Y. Dovzhenko et al.)
Nonadiabatic quantum control of a semiconductor charge qubit [PDF]
Y. Dovzhenko, J. Stehlik, K. D. Petersson, J. R. Petta, H. Lu, A. C. Gossard1108.3682 (J. Medford et al.)
Scaling of Dynamical Decoupling for Spin Qubits [PDF]
J. Medford, L. Cywinski, C. Barthel, C. M. Marcus, M. P. Hanson, A. C. Gossard1203.5363 (Devin Underwood et al.)
Low-Disorder Microwave Cavity Lattices for Quantum Simulation with
Photons [PDF]
Devin Underwood, Will Shanks, Jens Koch, Andrew A. Houck
1203.5421 (Alcides F. Andrade et al.)
Trajectories in a space with a spherically symmetric dislocation [PDF]
Alcides F. Andrade, Guilherme de Berredo-Peixoto1203.5463 (X. B. Xiao et al.)
Local spin polarisation of electrons in Rashba semiconductor nanowires:
effects of the bound state [PDF]
X. B. Xiao, F. Li, Y. G. Chen, N. H. Liu
1203.5466 (Xianbo Xiao et al.)
Spin-dependent electron transport in a Rashba quantum wire with rough
edges [PDF]
Xianbo Xiao, Huili Li, Guanghui Zhou, Nianhua Liu
1203.5472 (Zhonghui Xu et al.)
Spin polarization direction switch based on an asymmetrical quantum wire [PDF]
Zhonghui Xu, Xianbo Xiao, Yuguang Chen1203.5527 (Han Zhang et al.)
Large nonlinear Kerr effect in graphene [PDF]
Han Zhang, Stephane Virally, Qiaoliang Bao, Kian Ping Loh, Serge Massar, Nicolas Godbout, Pascal Kockaert1203.5540 (Guohong Li et al.)
Evolution of Landau Levels into Edge States at an Atomically Sharp Edge
in Graphene [PDF]
Guohong Li, Adina Luican, Dmitry Abanin, Leonid Levitov, Eva Y. Andrei
1203.5562 (Jing Li et al.)
Influence of electron scatterings on thermoelectric effect [PDF]
Jing Li, Tin Cheung Au Yeung, Chan Hin Kam1203.5575 (Manish Kaushal et al.)
Self-Similarity in Electrorheological Behavior [PDF]
Manish Kaushal, Yogesh M. Joshi1203.5577 (Rahul Gupta et al.)
Time Temperature Superposition in Soft Glassy Materials [PDF]
Rahul Gupta, Bharat Baldewa, Yogesh M. Joshi1203.5607 (S. J. Balian et al.)
Suppression of decoherence due to spin diffusion for bismuth qubits in
silicon [PDF]
S. J. Balian, M. B. A. Kunze, M. H. Mohammady, G. W. Morley, W. M. Witzel, C. W. M. Kay, T. S. Monteiro
1203.5628 (Marius V. Costache et al.)
Magnon-drag thermopile [PDF]
Marius V. Costache, German Bridoux, Ingmar Neumann, Sergio O. Valenzuela1203.5656 (Subhamoy Ghatak et al.)
The Nature of Electronic States in Atomically Thin MoS2 Field-Effect
Transistors [PDF]
Subhamoy Ghatak, Atindra Nath Pal, Arindam Ghosh
1203.5670 (M. Jagadesh Kumar et al.)
Bipolar Charge Plasma Transistor: A Novel Three Terminal Device [PDF]
M. Jagadesh Kumar, Kanika Nadda1203.5676 (Michael E. Reimer et al.)
Bright single-photon sources in bottom-up tailored nanowires [PDF]
Michael E. Reimer, Gabriele Bulgarini, Nika Akopian, Moïra Hocevar, Maaike Bouwes Bavinck, Marcel A. Verheijen, Erik P. A. M. Bakkers, Leo P. Kouwenhoven, Val Zwiller1203.5681 (Chang-Hua Liu et al.)
Evidence for Direct Extraction of Photoexcited Hot Carriers from
Graphene [PDF]
Chang-Hua Liu, Nanditha M. Dissanayake, Seunghyun Lee, Kyunghoon Lee, Zhaohui Zhong
1203.5693 (S. Gasparinetti et al.)
Nongalvanic thermometry for ultracold two-dimensional electron domains [PDF]
S. Gasparinetti, M. J. Martínez-Pérez, S. de Franceschi, J. P. Pekola, F. Giazotto1203.5761 (Vadim M. Apalkov et al.)
Superluminal Tachyonlike Excitations of Dirac Fermions in a Topological
Insulator Junction [PDF]
Vadim M. Apalkov, Tapash Chakraborty
1203.5767 (Andres Castellanos-Gomez et al.)
Calibration of piezoelectric positioning actuators using a reference
voltage-to-displacement transducer based on quartz tuning forks [PDF]
Andres Castellanos-Gomez, Carlos R. Arroyo, Nicolás Agraït, Gabino Rubio-Bollinger
1203.5771 (V. Vakaryuk et al.)
Comment on "Quantum oscillations in nanofabricated rings of spin-triplet
superconductor Sr2RuO4" [PDF]
V. Vakaryuk, K. Roberts, D. G. Ferguson, J. Jang, R. Budakian, S. B. Chung
1203.5776 (Gia-Wei Chern et al.)
Broken translational symmetry in an emergent paramagnetic phase of
graphene [PDF]
Gia-Wei Chern, Rafael M. Fernandes, Rahul Nandkishore, Andrey V. Chubukov
Monday, March 26, 2012
1109.0096 (Sapan Agarwal et al.)
Pronounced Effect of pn-Junction Dimensionality on Tunnel Switch
Sharpness [PDF]
Sapan Agarwal, Eli Yablonovitch
1109.5541 (Viktor Krueckl et al.)
Bloch-Zener Oscillations in Graphene and Topological Insulators [PDF]
Viktor Krueckl, Klaus Richter1110.4537 (Bhaskaran Muralidharan et al.)
Performance analysis of an interacting quantum dot thermoelectric system [PDF]
Bhaskaran Muralidharan, Milena Grifoni1112.0528 (Vladimir Y. Chernyak et al.)
Quantization and Fractional Quantization of Currents in Periodically
Driven Stochastic Systems II: Full Counting Statistics [PDF]
Vladimir Y. Chernyak, John R. Klein, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn
1112.0529 (Vladimir Y. Chernyak et al.)
Quantization and Fractional Quantization of Currents in Periodically
Driven Stochastic Systems I: Average Currents [PDF]
Vladimir Y. Chernyak, John R. Klein, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn
1201.4294 (Jonas Lähnemann et al.)
Direct experimental determination of the spontaneous polarization of GaN [PDF]
Jonas Lähnemann, Oliver Brandt, Uwe Jahn, Carsten Pfüller, Claudia Roder, Pinar Dogan, Frank Grosse, Abderrezak Belabbes, Friedhelm Bechstedt, Achim Trampert, Lutz Geelhaar1203.5100 (Juha T. Muhonen et al.)
Micrometre-scale refrigerators [PDF]
Juha T. Muhonen, Matthias Meschke, Jukka P. Pekola1203.5016 (Christian Hainzl et al.)
Ground state properties of graphene in Hartree-Fock theory [PDF]
Christian Hainzl, Mathieu Lewin, Christof Sparber1203.5163 (W. J. Zhang et al.)
Transport Measurements on Nano-engineered Two Dimensional
Superconducting Wire Networks [PDF]
W. J. Zhang, S. K. He, H. Xiao, G. M. Xue, Z. C. Wen, X. F. Han, S. P. Zhao, C. Z. Gu, X. G. Qiu
1203.5178 (Bao-Ji Wang et al.)
Plasmon excitations in planar sodium clusters [PDF]
Bao-Ji Wang, San-Huang Ke1203.5195 (François-Régis Jasnot et al.)
Direct surface cyclotron resonance terahertz emission from a quantum
cascade structure [PDF]
François-Régis Jasnot, Louis-Anne De Vaulchier, Yves Guldner, Gérald Bastard, Angela Vasanelli, Christophe Manquest, Carlo Sirtori, Mattias Beck, Jérôme Faist
1203.5203 (S. N. Artemenko et al.)
Dynamical regime of electron transport in correlated one-dimensional
conductor with defect [PDF]
S. N. Artemenko, P. P. Aseev, D. S. Shapiro, R. R. Vakhitov
1203.5205 (Antonio Ambrosio et al.)
Light-induced spiral mass transport in azo-polymer films under
vortex-beam illumination [PDF]
Antonio Ambrosio, Lorenzo Marrucci, Fabio Borbone, Antonio Roviello, Pasqualino Maddalena
1203.5264 (G. Mazzeo et al.)
Charge dynamics of a single donor coupled to a few electrons quantum dot
in silicon [PDF]
G. Mazzeo, E. Prati, M. Belli, G. Leti, S. Cocco, M. Fanciulli, F. Guagliardo, G. Ferrari
1203.5265 (J. G. Rodrigo et al.)
Topological superconductivity in lead nanowires [PDF]
J. G. Rodrigo, V. Crespo, H. Suderow, S. Vieira, F. Guinea1203.5269 (Daijiro Nozaki et al.)
Control of quantum interference in molecular junctions: Understanding
the origin of Fano and anti- resonances with parabolic diagrams [PDF]
Daijiro Nozaki, Haldun Sevincli, Stanislav M. Avdoshenko, Rafael Gutierrez, Gianaurelio Cuniberti
1203.5272 (C. Praetorius et al.)
Direct observation of interacting Kondo screened 4f moments in CePt5
with XMCD [PDF]
C. Praetorius, A. Koehl, B. Muenzing, H. Bardenhagen, K. Fauth
1203.5287 (D. V. Khomitsky et al.)
Spin dynamics in a strongly driven system: very slow Rabi oscillations [PDF]
D. V. Khomitsky, L. V. Gulyaev, E. Ya. ShermanFriday, March 23, 2012
1105.1462 (M. D. Schroer et al.)
Field Tuning the G-Factor in InAs Nanowire Double Quantum Dots [PDF]
M. D. Schroer, K. D. Petersson, M. Jung, J. R. Petta1110.4980 (Yi-Fei Wang et al.)
Non-Abelian Quantum Hall Effect in Topological Flat Bands [PDF]
Yi-Fei Wang, Hong Yao, Zheng-Cheng Gu, Chang-De Gong, D. N. Sheng1111.4871 (Alexander L. Kitt et al.)
Lattice-corrected strain-induced vector potentials in graphene [PDF]
Alexander L. Kitt, Vitor M. Pereira, Anna K. Swan, Bennett B. Goldberg1203.4811 (Enrico Prati et al.)
Few Electron Limit of n-type Metal Oxide Semiconductor Single Electron
Transistors [PDF]
Enrico Prati, Marco De Michielis, Matteo Belli, Simone Cocco, Marco Fanciulli, Dharmraj Kotekar-Patil, Matthias Ruoff, Dieter P. Kern, David A. Wharam, Arjan Verduijn, Giuseppe Tettamanzi, Sven Rogge, Benoit Roche, Romain Wacquez, Xavier Jehl, Maud Vinet, Marc Sanquer
1203.4880 (Wen-Yu Shan et al.)
Spin-orbit scattering in quantum diffusion of massive Dirac fermions [PDF]
Wen-Yu Shan, Hai-Zhou Lu, Shun-Qing Shen1203.4929 (Arijit Saha et al.)
A quantum dot close to Stoner instability: the role of Berry's Phase [PDF]
Arijit Saha, Yuval Gefen, Igor Burmistrov, Alexander Shnirman, Alexander Altland1203.4949 (James Luke Webb et al.)
A Numerical Model of Crossed Andreev Reflection and Charge Imbalance [PDF]
James Luke Webb, Bryan Hickey, Gavin Burnell1203.4985 (Ahmet Emre Kavruk et al.)
The effect of the frozen and pinned surface approximations on the
spatial distribution of incompressible and compressible strips in quantum
Hall regime [PDF]
Ahmet Emre Kavruk, Teoman Öztürk, Ülfet Atav, Hüseyin Yüksel
1203.5024 (Luke S. Langsjoen et al.)
Qubit relaxation from evanescent-wave Johnson noise [PDF]
Luke S. Langsjoen, Amrit Poudel, Maxim G. Vavilov, Robert Joynt1203.5041 (Niklas Rohling et al.)
Universal Quantum Computing with Spin and Valley [PDF]
Niklas Rohling, Guido Burkard1203.5044 (Sergey Slizovskiy et al.)
Nonlinear magnetization of graphene [PDF]
Sergey Slizovskiy, Joseph Betouras1203.5094 (Chih-Chun Chien et al.)
Interaction-induced conducting-nonconducting transition of ultra-cold
atoms in 1D optical lattices [PDF]
Chih-Chun Chien, Massimiliano Di Ventra, Michael Zwolak
Thursday, March 22, 2012
1110.1270 (Alexander Altland et al.)
Quantum chaos and effective thermalization [PDF]
Alexander Altland, Fritz Haake1112.3014 (C. Payette et al.)
Single charge sensing and transport in double quantum dots fabricated
from commercially grown Si/SiGe heterostructures [PDF]
C. Payette, K. Wang, P. J. Koppinen, Y. Dovzhenko, J. C. Sturm, J. R. Petta
1112.4520 (Wolfgang Mehr et al.)
Vertical Graphene Base Transistor [PDF]
Wolfgang Mehr, J. Christoph Scheytt, Jarek Dabrowski, Gunther Lippert, Ya-Hong Xie, Max C. Lemme, Mikael Ostling, Grzegorz Lupina1203.4603 (I. V. Fialkovsky et al.)
Faraday rotation in graphene [PDF]
I. V. Fialkovsky, D. V. Vassilevich1203.4608 (Y. Lemonik et al.)
Competing Nematic, Anti-ferromagnetic and Spin-flux orders in the Ground
State of Bilayer Graphene [PDF]
Y. Lemonik, I. L. Aleiner, V. I. Fal'ko
1203.4656 (Vitaliy N. Pustovit et al.)
Fluorescence quenching near small metal nanoparticles [PDF]
Vitaliy N. Pustovit, Tigran V. Shahbazyan1203.4668 (Bor-Luen Huang et al.)
p-Wave superconductor in a mesoscopic disc [PDF]
Bor-Luen Huang, S. -K. Yip1203.4712 (Gabriele Sclauzero et al.)
Interaction of CO with a Au monatomic chain at different strains:
electronic structure and ballistic transport [PDF]
Gabriele Sclauzero, Andrea Dal Corso, Alexander Smogunov
1203.4713 (Gabriele Sclauzero et al.)
Effect of stretching on the ballistic conductance of Au nanocontacts in
presence of CO: a density functional study [PDF]
Gabriele Sclauzero, Andrea Dal Corso, Alexander Smogunov
1203.4742 (Bo Sun et al.)
Persistent narrowing of nuclear-spin fluctuations in InAs quantum dots
using laser excitation [PDF]
Bo Sun, Colin Ming Earn Chow, Duncan G. Steel, Allan S. Bracker, Daniel Gammon, L. J. Sham
1203.4781 (A. T. Hatke et al.)
Magnetoplasmon resonance in 2D electron system driven into a
zero-resistance state [PDF]
A. T. Hatke, M. A. Zudov, J. D. Watson, M. J. Manfra
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
1109.4866 (Roberto Bondesan et al.)
Exact exponents for the spin quantum Hall transition in the presence of
multiple edge channels [PDF]
Roberto Bondesan, Ilya A. Gruzberg, Jesper Lykke Jacobsen, Hideaki Obuse, Hubert Saleur
1110.5978 (Kun-Rok Jeon et al.)
Effect of spin relaxation rate on the interfacial spin depolarization in
ferromagnet/oxide/semiconductor contacts [PDF]
Kun-Rok Jeon, Byoung-Chul Min, Youn-Ho Park, Young-Hun Jo, Seung-Young Park, Chang-Yup Park, Sung-Chul Shin
1201.1479 (Lih-King Lim et al.)
Bloch-Zener oscillations across a merging transition of Dirac points [PDF]
Lih-King Lim, Jean-Noël Fuchs, Gilles Montambaux1203.4241 (J. Flores et al.)
Anderson Localization in Disordered Vibrating Rods [PDF]
J. Flores, L. Gutiérrez, R. A. Méndez-Sánchez, G. Monsivais, P. Mora, A. Morales1203.4247 (Gunnar K. Palsson et al.)
Hydrogen site occupancy and strength of forces in nano-sized metal
hydrides [PDF]
Gunnar K. Palsson, Moritz Wälde, Martin Amft, Yuanyuan Wu, Martina Ahlberg, Max Wolff, Björgvin Hjörvarsson
1203.4282 (Denis L. Nika et al.)
Phonon Transport in Graphene [PDF]
Denis L. Nika, Alexander A. Balandin1203.4308 (Choon How Gan et al.)
Synthesis of highly confined surface plasmon modes with doped graphene
sheets in the mid-infrared and terahertz frequencies [PDF]
Choon How Gan, Hong Son Chu, Er Ping Li
1203.4312 (J. D. Watson et al.)
Exploration of the Limits to Mobility in Two-Dimensional Hole Systems in
GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells [PDF]
J. D. Watson, S. Mondal, G. Gardner, G. A. Csáthy, M. J. Manfra
1203.4340 (I. G. Savenko et al.)
Asymmetric quantum dot in microcavity as a nonlinear optical element [PDF]
I. G. Savenko, O. V. Kibis, I. A. Shelykh1203.4365 (T. Skrbic et al.)
The Role of Non-native Interactions in the Folding of Knotted Proteins [PDF]
T. Skrbic, C. Micheletti, P. Faccioli1203.4368 (F. M. D. Pellegrino et al.)
Resonant modes in strain-induced graphene superlattices [PDF]
F. M. D. Pellegrino, G. G. N. Angilella, R. Pucci1203.4395 (Anton Y. Bykov et al.)
Second harmonic generation in multilayer graphene induced by direct
electric current [PDF]
Anton Y. Bykov, Tatiana V. Murzina, Maxim G. Rybin, Elena D. Obraztsova
1203.4397 (Niklas Lindahl et al.)
Determination of the Bending Rigidity of Graphene via Electrostatic
Actuation of Buckled Membranes [PDF]
Niklas Lindahl, Daniel Midtvedt, Johannes Svensson, Oleg A. Nerushev, Niclas Lindvall, Andreas Isacsson, Eleanor E. B. Campbell
1203.4439 (K. Miyamoto et al.)
Topological Surface States with Persistent High Spin Polarization across
Dirac Point in Bi$_{2}$Te$_{2}$Se and Bi$_{2}$Se$_{2}$Te [PDF]
K. Miyamoto, A. Kimura, T. Okuda, H. Miyahara, K. Kuroda, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, S. V. Eremeev, T. V. Menshchikova, E. V. Chulkov, K. A. Kokh, O. E. Tereshchenko
1203.4444 (M. M. Santos et al.)
Using quantum state protection via dissipation in a quantum-dot molecule
to solve the Deutsch problem [PDF]
M. M. Santos, F. O. Prado, H. S. Borges, A. M. Alcalde, J. M. Villas-Bôas, E. I. Duzzioni
1203.4486 (G. Dolcetto et al.)
Tunneling between helical edge states through extended contacts [PDF]
G. Dolcetto, S. Barbarino, D. Ferraro, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti1203.4488 (Elsa Prada et al.)
Transport spectroscopy of NS nanowire junctions with Majorana fermions [PDF]
Elsa Prada, Pablo San-Jose, Ramon Aguado1203.4525 (M. R. Vanner et al.)
Quantum State Orthogonalization and a Toolset for Quantum Optomechanical
Phonon Control [PDF]
M. R. Vanner, M. Aspelmeyer, M. S. Kim
1203.4536 (D. Hsieh et al.)
Observation of a Slater-type metal-to-insulator transition in
Sr$_2$IrO$_4$ from time-resolved photo-carrier dynamics [PDF]
D. Hsieh, F. Mahmood, D. H. Torchinsky, G. Cao, N. Gedik
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
1008.4346 (Ari M. Turner et al.)
Topological Phases of One-Dimensional Fermions: An Entanglement Point of
View [PDF]
Ari M. Turner, Frank Pollmann, Erez Berg
1102.4034 (Jayita Das et al.)
Hybrid CMOS-MQCA Logic Architectures using Multi-Layer Spintronic
Devices [PDF]
Jayita Das, Syed M. Alam, Srinath Rajaram, Sanjukta Bhanja
1104.2673 (D. Solenov et al.)
Chirality waves in two-dimensional magnets [PDF]
D. Solenov, D. Mozyrsky, I. Martin1109.5324 (Daniel Hurowitz et al.)
The non-equilibrium steady state of sparse systems with nontrivial
topology [PDF]
Daniel Hurowitz, Saar Rahav, Doron Cohen
1110.4533 (Martin Nuss et al.)
Variational cluster approach to the single impurity Anderson model [PDF]
Martin Nuss, Enrico Arrigoni, Markus Aichhorn, Wolfgang von der Linden1111.2811 (J. Dubail et al.)
Real-space entanglement spectrum of quantum Hall systems [PDF]
J. Dubail, N. Read, E. H. Rezayi1111.5443 (G. L. Celardo et al.)
Superradiance Transition in Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Complexes [PDF]
G. L. Celardo, F. Borgonovi, M. Merkli, V. I. Tsifrinovich, G. P. Berman1201.1489 (Ognjen Ilic et al.)
Near-field thermal radiation transfer controlled by plasmons in graphene [PDF]
Ognjen Ilic, Marinko Jablan, John D. Joannopoulos, Ivan Celanovic, Hrvoje Buljan, Marin Soljačić1203.3813 (Giovanni Viola et al.)
Thermoelectric probe for neutral edge modes in the fractional quantum
Hall regime [PDF]
Giovanni Viola, Sourin Das, Eytan Grosfeld, Ady Stern
1203.3848 (Guocai Liu et al.)
Topological Superfluid Transition Induced by Periodically Driven Optical
Lattice [PDF]
Guocai Liu, Ningning Hao, Shi-Liang Zhu, W. M. Liu
1203.3855 (Muhammad Usman et al.)
Polarization Response in InAs Quantum Dots: Theoretical Correlation
between Composition and Electronic Properties [PDF]
Muhammad Usman, Vittorianna Tasco, Maria Teresa Todaro, Milena De Giorgi, Eoin P. O'Reilly, Gerhard Klimeck, Adriana Passaseo
1203.3873 (Tapati Sarkar et al.)
Electrical transport properties of nanostructured ferromagnetic
perovskite oxides La_0.67Ca_0.33MnO_3 and La_0.5Sr_0.5CoO_3 at low
temperatures (5 K > T >0.3 K) and high magnetic field [PDF]
Tapati Sarkar, M. Venkata Kamalakar, A. K. Raychaudhuri
1203.3889 (Brian Skinner et al.)
Theory of hopping conduction in arrays of doped semiconductor
nanocrystals [PDF]
Brian Skinner, Tianran Chen, B. I. Shklovskii
1203.3952 (Tejinder Kaur et al.)
From adiabatic to non-adiabatic pumping in graphene nanoribbons [PDF]
Tejinder Kaur, Liliana Arrachea, Nancy Sandler1203.3973 (Antoine Reserbat-Plantey et al.)
Local Optical Probe of Motion and Stress in a multilayer graphene NEMS [PDF]
Antoine Reserbat-Plantey, Laetitia Marty, Olivier Arcizet, Nedjma Bendiab, Vincent Bouchiat1203.3977 (Piotr Kaczmarkiewicz et al.)
Electronic and optical properties in non-uniformly shaped QDashes [PDF]
Piotr Kaczmarkiewicz, Paweł Machnikowski1203.3994 (W. D. Rice et al.)
Terahertz-Radiation-Induced Exciton Shelving and Intra-Excitonic
Scattering [PDF]
W. D. Rice, S. Zybell, S. Winnerl, H. Schneider, M. Helm, L. Schneebeli, B. Breddermann, M. Kira, S. W. Koch, J. Kono
1203.4033 (Xiao Li et al.)
Unconventional edge modes in gated trilayer graphene [PDF]
Xiao Li, Zhenhua Qiao, Jeil Jung, Qian Niu1203.4034 (R. Jansen et al.)
Injection and detection of spin in a semiconductor by tunneling via
interface states [PDF]
R. Jansen, A. M. Deac, H. Saito, S. Yuasa
1203.4128 (Stefan Ballmann et al.)
Experimental Evidence for Quantum Interference and Vibrationally Induced
Decoherence in Single-Molecule Junctions [PDF]
Stefan Ballmann, Rainer Härtle, Pedro B. Coto, Marcel Mayor, Mark Elbing, Martin R. Bryce, Michael Thoss, Heiko B. Weber
1203.4136 (C. Sabín et al.)
Encoding relativistic potential dynamics into free evolution [PDF]
C. Sabín, J. Casanova, J. J. García-Ripoll, L. Lamata, E. Solano, J. León1203.4191 (Jaroslav Tobik et al.)
Dynamics of Vortex Nucleation in Nanomagnets with Broken Symmetry [PDF]
Jaroslav Tobik, Vladimir Cambel, Goran Karapetrov1203.4202 (E. A. Francis et al.)
Pressure-induced transition from the dynamic to static Jahn-Teller
effect in (Ph$_{4}$P)$_{2}$IC$_{60}$ [PDF]
E. A. Francis, S. Scharinger, K. Németh, K. Kamarás, C. A. Kuntscher
Monday, March 19, 2012
0410115 (Ryo Tamura et al.)
Suppression of the anti-symmetry channel in the conductance of
telescoped double-wall nanotubes [PDF]
Ryo Tamura, Yoko Sawai, Junji Haruyama
1109.0273 (M. Bürkle et al.)
Conduction mechanisms in biphenyl-dithiol single-molecule junctions [PDF]
M. Bürkle, J. K. Viljas, A. Mishchenko, D. Vonlanthen, G. Schön, M. Mayor, T. Wandlowski, F. Pauly1109.5188 (Jan Carl Budich et al.)
Phonon induced backscattering in helical edge states [PDF]
Jan Carl Budich, Fabrizio Dolcini, Patrik Recher, Björn Trauzettel1111.1734 (Jan Carl Budich et al.)
Failure of protection of Majorana based qubits against decoherence [PDF]
Jan Carl Budich, Stefan Walter, Bjoern Trauzettel1111.2810 (A. Sterdyniak et al.)
Real-Space Entanglement Spectrum of Quantum Hall States [PDF]
A. Sterdyniak, A. Chandran, N. Regnault, B. A. Bernevig, Parsa Bonderson1112.3347 (Rodrigo A. Muniz et al.)
Fractionalization in spontaneous integer quantum Hall systems [PDF]
Rodrigo A. Muniz, Armin Rahmani, Ivar Martin1201.3878 (Kin Hung Fung et al.)
Strong electron-photon interaction mediated by dark plasmon [PDF]
Kin Hung Fung, Anil Kumar, Nicholas X. Fang1201.4010 (A. V. Kavokin et al.)
Vertical cavity surface emitting terahertz laser [PDF]
A. V. Kavokin, I. A. Shelykh, T. Taylor, M. M. Glazov1203.3196 (Jonas de Woul et al.)
Probing the Concept of Extra Dimensions with Carbon Nanotubes [PDF]
Jonas de Woul, Alexander Merle, Tommy Ohlsson1203.3198 (Tankut Can et al.)
Current Eigenmodes and Dephasing in Nanoscopic Quantum Networks [PDF]
Tankut Can, Hui Dai, Dirk K. Morr1203.3208 (D. Nandi et al.)
Exciton Condensation and Perfect Coulomb Drag [PDF]
D. Nandi, A. D. K. Finck, J. P. Eisenstein, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West1203.3219 (Amelia Barreiro et al.)
Graphene at high bias: cracking, layer by layer sublimation and fusing [PDF]
Amelia Barreiro, Felix Boerrnert, Mark H. Ruemmeli, Bernd Buechner, Lieven M. K. Vandersypen1203.3224 (François Lapointe et al.)
Fano Resonances in Mid-Infrared Spectra of Single-Walled Carbon
Nanotubes [PDF]
François Lapointe, Étienne Gaufrés, Isabelle Tremblay, Nathalie Y-Wa Tang, Patrick Desjardins, Richard Martel
1203.3229 (Leonardo Ermann et al.)
Transient features of quantum open maps [PDF]
Leonardo Ermann, Gabriel G. Carlo, Juan M. Pedrosa, Marcos Saraceno1203.3232 (L. Vicarelli et al.)
Graphene field effect transistors as room-temperature Terahertz
detectors [PDF]
L. Vicarelli, M. S. Vitiello, D. Coquillat, A. Lombardo, A. C. Ferrari, W. Knap, M. Polini, V. Pellegrini, A. Tredicucci
1203.3244 (Stefano Bonetti et al.)
Power and linewidth of propagating and localized modes in nanocontact
spin-torque oscillators [PDF]
Stefano Bonetti, Vito Puliafito, Giancarlo Consolo, Vasyl S. Tiberkevich, Andrei N. Slavin, Johan Å kerman
1203.3266 (Lin Xue et al.)
Resonance measurement of nonlocal spin torque in a 3-terminal magnetic
device [PDF]
Lin Xue, Chen Wang, Yong-Tao Cui, Luqiao Liu, A. Swander, J. Z. Sun, R. A. Buhrman, D. C. Ralph
1203.3281 (Morishige Yoneda et al.)
Duality of the quantum competing system [PDF]
Morishige Yoneda, Masaaki Niwa, Mitsuya Motohashi1203.3285 (I. L. Drichko et al.)
Nonlinear high-frequency hopping conduction in two-dimensional arrays of
Ge-in-Si quantum dots: Acoustic methods [PDF]
I. L. Drichko, A. M. Diakonov, V. A. Malysh, I. Yu. Smirnov, E. S. Koptev, A. I. Nikiforov, N. P. Stepina, Y. M. Galperin, J. Bergli
1203.3299 (E. Pallecchi et al.)
Observation of the quantum Hall effect in epitaxial graphene on
SiC(0001) with oxygen adsorption [PDF]
E. Pallecchi, M. Ridene, D. Kazazis, C. Mathieu, F. Schopfer, W. Poirier, D. Mailly, A. Ouerghi
1203.3340 (M. L. Plumer et al.)
Micromagnetic simulations of sweep-rate dependent coercivity in
perpendicular recording media [PDF]
M. L. Plumer, M. D. Leblanc, J. P. Whitehead, J. van Ek
1203.3347 (Diptiman Sen et al.)
Junction between surfaces of two topological insulators [PDF]
Diptiman Sen, Oindrila Deb1203.3349 (Denis Maryenko et al.)
Temperature dependent magnetotransport around $ν$= 1/2 in ZnO
heterostructures [PDF]
Denis Maryenko, Joseph Falson, Yusuke Kozuka, Atsushi Tsukazaki, Masaru Onoda, Hideo Aoki, Masashi Kawasaki
1203.3379 (Peng-Fei Zhang et al.)
Electronic and topological transitions in Sb (111) thin films [PDF]
Peng-Fei Zhang, Zheng Liu, Wenhui Duan, Jian Wu1203.3550 (Joice da Silva-Araújo et al.)
Non-hexagonal-ring defects and structures induced by strain in graphene
and in functionalized graphene [PDF]
Joice da Silva-Araújo, A. J. M. Nascimento, Hélio Chacham, R. W. Nunes
1203.3594 (Inti Sodemann et al.)
Interaction-Enhanced Coherence Between Two-Dimensional Dirac Layers [PDF]
Inti Sodemann, D. A. Pesin, A. H. MacDonald1203.3616 (Jonathan A. Sobota et al.)
Ultrafast Optical Excitation of a Persistent Surface-State Population in
the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 [PDF]
Jonathan A. Sobota, Shuolong Yang, James G. Analytis, Yulin Chen, Ian R. Fisher, Patrick S. Kirchmann, Z. -X. Shen
1203.3629 (Jesper Goor Pedersen et al.)
Band gaps in graphene via periodic electrostatic gating [PDF]
Jesper Goor Pedersen, Thomas Garm Pedersen1203.3679 (A. Ozaeta et al.)
Andreev current enhancement and subgap conductance of superconducting
hybrid structures in the presence of a small spin-splitting field [PDF]
A. Ozaeta, A. S. Vasenko, F. W. J. Hekking, F. S. Bergeret
1203.3745 (C. H. Wong et al.)
Spin-Seebeck effect in a strongly interacting Fermi gas [PDF]
C. H. Wong, H. T. C. Stoof, R. A. Duine1203.3784 (Sebastián Franchino Viñas et al.)
Pumping current of a Luttinger liquid with finite length [PDF]
Sebastián Franchino Viñas, Pablo Pisani, Mariano SalvayThursday, March 15, 2012
1009.3974 (P. D. Nation et al.)
Non-equilibrium Landauer Transport Model for Hawking radiation from a
Black Hole [PDF]
P. D. Nation, M. P. Blencowe, Franco Nori
1105.3483 (Li Mao et al.)
Hole-doped semiconductor nanowire on top of an s-wave superconductor: A
new and experimentally accessible system for Majorana fermions [PDF]
Li Mao, Ming Gong, E. Dumitrescu, Sumanta Tewari, Chuanwei Zhang
1107.4108 (Paolo Michetti et al.)
Tunable quantum spin Hall effect in double quantum wells [PDF]
Paolo Michetti, Jan C. Budich, Elena G. Novik, Patrik Recher1107.4352 (Karen Michaeli et al.)
Superconductivity and Ferromagnetism in Oxide Interface Structures:
Possibility of Finite Momentum Pairing [PDF]
Karen Michaeli, Andrew C. Potter, Patrick A Lee
1109.3696 (Arturo Wong et al.)
Signatures of quantum phase transitions in parallel quantum dots:
Crossover from local-moment to underscreened spin-1 Kondo physics [PDF]
Arturo Wong, W. Brian Lane, Luis G. G. V. Dias da Silva, Kevin Ingersent, Nancy Sandler, Sergio E. Ulloa
1109.5983 (Yaacov E. Kraus et al.)
Topological States and Adiabatic Pumping in Quasicrystals [PDF]
Yaacov E. Kraus, Yoav Lahini, Zohar Ringel, Mor Verbin, Oded Zilberberg1110.5149 (Annica M. Black-Schaffer et al.)
Strong potential impurities on the surface of a topological insulator [PDF]
Annica M. Black-Schaffer, Alexander V. Balatsky1111.4080 (Carlotta Negri et al.)
Charge fluctuations in single-electron tunneling oscillations [PDF]
Carlotta Negri, Fabio Pistolesi1111.4915 (Peter Schattschneider et al.)
Mapping spin-polarised transitions with atomic resolution [PDF]
Peter Schattschneider, Bernhard Schaffer, Inga Ennen, Johan Verbeeck1111.5441 (O. Henrich et al.)
Confined Cubic Blue Phases under Shear [PDF]
O. Henrich, K. Stratford, D. Marenduzzo, P. V. Coveney, M. E. Cates1112.3251 (O. Henrich et al.)
Rheology of Lamellar Liquid Crystals in Two and Three Dimensions: A
Simulation Study [PDF]
O. Henrich, K. Stratford, D. Marenduzzo, P. V. Coveney, M. E. Cates
1112.3884 (Y. Kim et al.)
Magnetophonon resonance in graphite: High-field Raman measurements and
electron-phonon coupling contributions [PDF]
Y. Kim, Y. Ma, A. Imambekov, N. G. Kalugin, A. Lombardo, A. C. Ferrari, J. Kono, D. Smirnov
1112.4931 (K. Sasaki et al.)
Pseudospin for Raman D Band in Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons [PDF]
K. Sasaki, K. Kato, Y. Tokura, S. Suzuki, T. Sogawa1112.5490 (V. M. Acosta et al.)
Dynamic stabilization of the optical resonances of single
nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond [PDF]
V. M. Acosta, C. Santori, A. Faraon, Z. Huang, K. -M. C. Fu, A. Stacey, D. A. Simpson, S. Tomljenovic-Hanic, K. Ganesan, A. D. Greentree, S. Prawer, R. G. Beausoleil
1112.5907 (Yi Li et al.)
2D and 3D topological insulators with isotropic and parity-breaking
Landau levels [PDF]
Yi Li, Xiangfa Zhou, Congjun Wu
1201.2533 (S. P. Giblin et al.)
Single electron pumps: towards a quantum representation of the ampere [PDF]
S. P. Giblin, M. Kataoka, J. D. Fletcher, P. See, T. J. B. M. Janssen, J. P. Griffiths, G. A. C. Jones, I. Farrer, D. A. Ritchie1201.3436 (P. S. Park et al.)
Comment on "Fock-Darwin States of Dirac Electrons in Graphene-Based
Artificial Atoms" [PDF]
P. S. Park, S. C. Kim, S. -R. Eric Yang
1203.2605 (R. de Gail et al.)
Magnetic spectrum of trigonally warped bilayer graphene - semiclassical
analysis, zero modes, and topological winding numbers [PDF]
R. de Gail, M. O. Goerbig, G. Montambaux
1203.2488 (Olivier Babelon et al.)
Multi-mode solitons in the classical Dicke-Jaynes-Cummings-Gaudin Model [PDF]
Olivier Babelon, Benoît Douçot1203.2628 (Gerald Schubert et al.)
The fate of topological-insulator surface states under strong disorder [PDF]
Gerald Schubert, Holger Fehske, Lars Fritz, Matthias Vojta1203.2643 (D. Chevallier et al.)
Mutation of Andreev into Majorana bound states in long NS and SNS
junctions [PDF]
D. Chevallier, D. Sticlet, P. Simon, C. Bena
1203.2698 (Eyal Kenig et al.)
A Passive Phase Noise Cancellation Element [PDF]
Eyal Kenig, M. C. Cross, Ron Lifshitz, R. B. Karabalin, L. G. Villanueva, M. H. Matheny, M. L. Roukes1203.2709 (Gen Tatara et al.)
Monopoles in ferromagnetic metals [PDF]
Gen Tatara, Akihito Takeuchi, Noriyuki Nakabayashi, Katsuhisa Taguchi1203.2753 (A. C. Betz et al.)
Hot electron cooling by acoustic phonons in graphene [PDF]
A. C. Betz, F. Vialla, D. Brunel, C. Voisin, M. Picher, A. Cavanna, A. Madouri, G. Fève, J. -M. Berroir, B. Plaçais, E. Pallecchi1203.2774 (N. Boz Yurdaşan et al.)
Theoretical Investigation of Local Electron Temperature in Quantum Hall
Systems [PDF]
N. Boz Yurdaşan, K. Akgüngör, A. Siddiki, İ. Sökmen
1203.2784 (D. A. Muzychenko et al.)
Noninvasive Embedding of Single Co Atoms in Ge(111)2x1 Surfaces [PDF]
D. A. Muzychenko, K. Schouteden, M. Houssa, S. V. Savinov, C. Van Haesendonck1203.2817 (Jian Wang et al.)
Tuning thermal transport in nanotubes with topological defects [PDF]
Jian Wang, Liang Li, Jian-Sheng Wang1203.2819 (Jian Wang et al.)
Dimensional crossover of thermal conductance in graphene nanoribbons: A
first-principles approach [PDF]
Jian Wang, Xiao-Ming Wang, Yun-Fei Chen, Jian-Sheng Wang
1203.2820 (Moshe Goldstein et al.)
Entanglement entropy and quantum phase transitions in quantum dots
coupled to Luttinger liquid wires [PDF]
Moshe Goldstein, Yuval Gefen, Richard Berkovits
1203.2843 (M. Czapkiewicz et al.)
Evidence for Charging Effects in CdTe/CdMgTe Quantum Point Contacts [PDF]
M. Czapkiewicz, V. Kolkovsky, P. Nowicki, M. Wiater, T. Wojciechowski, T. Wojtowicz, J. Wróbel1203.2875 (Luqiao Liu et al.)
Spin torque switching with the giant spin Hall effect of tantalum [PDF]
Luqiao Liu, Chi-Feng Pai, Y. Li, H. W. Tseng, D. C. Ralph, R. A. Buhrman1203.2928 (Jan Carl Budich et al.)
Fluctuation-induced Topological Quantum Phase Transitions in Quantum
Spin Hall and Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators [PDF]
Jan Carl Budich, Ronny Thomale, Gang Li, Manuel Laubach, Shou-Cheng Zhang
1203.2983 (Zohar Nussinov et al.)
Arbitrary Dimensional Majorana Dualities and Network Architectures for
Topological Matter [PDF]
Zohar Nussinov, Gerardo Ortiz, Emilio Cobanera
1203.2991 (Debabrata Mishra et al.)
Mutual enhancement of different doping mechanisms in the development of
ferromagnetism in Al-doped MgO nanoparticles [PDF]
Debabrata Mishra, Balaji P. Mandal, Ratna Naik, Gavin Lawes, Boris Nadgorny
1203.2997 (Bin Xia et al.)
Near 100% surface transport in topological insulator
Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2 single crystalline nanoflake device [PDF]
Bin Xia, Ming-Yi Liao, Peng Ren, Azat Sulaev, Shi Chen, Cesare Soci, Alfred Huan, Andrew T. S. Wee, Andrivo Rusydi, Shun-Qing Shen, Lan Wang
1203.3026 (Vyacheslav T. Karpukhin et al.)
Preparation of Layered Organic-inorganic Nanocomposites of Copper by
Laser Ablation in Water Solution of Surfactant SDS [PDF]
Vyacheslav T. Karpukhin, Mikhail M. Malikov, Tatyana I. Borodina, Evgeniy G. Valyano, Olesya A. Gololobova
1203.3048 (Vidar Gudmundsson et al.)
Stepwise introduction of model complexity in a generalized master
equation approach to time-dependent transport [PDF]
Vidar Gudmundsson, Olafur Jonasson, Thorsten Arnold, Chi-Shung Tang, Hsi-Sheng Goan, Andrei Manolescu
1203.3101 (S. Bilan et al.)
Theoretical study of the charge transport through C60-based
single-molecule junctions [PDF]
S. Bilan, L. A. Zotti, F. Pauly, J. C. Cuevas
1203.3144 (G. Trambly de Laissardière et al.)
Rotated graphene bilayers: weak electronic coupling between the AA zones
of large moires [PDF]
G. Trambly de Laissardière, D. Mayou, L. Magaud
1203.3151 (W. T. Lee et al.)
Ordering of block copolymer microstructures in corner geometries [PDF]
W. T. Lee, N. Delaney, M. Vynnycky, M. A. MorrisTuesday, March 13, 2012
1110.4383 (Jörg Schelter et al.)
How to Distinguish between Specular and Retroconfigurations for Andreev
Reflection in Graphene Rings [PDF]
Jörg Schelter, Björn Trauzettel, Patrik Recher
1111.6601 (Francesco Bigazzi et al.)
Unbalanced Holographic Superconductors and Spintronics [PDF]
Francesco Bigazzi, Aldo L. Cotrone, Daniele Musso, Natalia Pinzani Fokeeva, Domenico Seminara1203.2187 (Søren Ulstrup et al.)
High-temperature behaviour of supported graphene: electron-phonon
coupling and substrate-induced doping [PDF]
Søren Ulstrup, Marco Bianchi, Richard Hatch, Dandan Guan, Alessandro Baraldi, Dario Alfè, Liv Hornekær, Philip Hofmann
1203.2216 (Michael Sentef et al.)
DC conductivity of graphene with disorder [PDF]
Michael Sentef, Marcus Kollar, Arno P. Kampf1203.2233 (JunYan Luo et al.)
Non-Markovian dynamics in continuous measurement of a solid-state charge
qubit [PDF]
JunYan Luo, Lun-Wu Zhu, Xiao-Ling He, Bensheng Yun, Shiping Ruan
1203.2237 (W. Kobayashi et al.)
Large thermal Hall coefficient in bismuth [PDF]
W. Kobayashi, Y. Koizumi, Y. Moritomo1203.2255 (E. N. Voloshina et al.)
Graphene on Rh(111): STM and AFM studies [PDF]
E. N. Voloshina, Yu. S. Dedkov, S. Torbruegge, A. Thissen, M. Fonin1203.2284 (O. G. Balev et al.)
Edge magnetoplasmons in a wide armchair graphene ribbon with a weak
superlattice potential: finite frequency gaps and zero group velocity [PDF]
O. G. Balev, A. C. A. Ramos, H. O. Frota
1203.2319 (D. R. Schmid et al.)
Magnetic damping of a carbon nanotube NEMS resonator [PDF]
D. R. Schmid, P. L. Stiller, Ch. Strunk, A. K. Huettel1203.2439 (C. Ciccarelli et al.)
Spin gating electrical current [PDF]
C. Ciccarelli, L. P. Zarbo, A. C. Irvine, R. P. Campion, B. L. Gallagher, J. Wunderlich, T. Jungwirth, A. J. Ferguson1203.2479 (D. Gosálbez-Martínez et al.)
Spin-filtered edge states in graphene [PDF]
D. Gosálbez-Martínez, D. Soriano, J. J. Palacios, J. Fernández-Rossier1203.2491 (Stephan André et al.)
Emission spectrum of the driven nonlinear oscillator [PDF]
Stephan André, Lingzhen Guo, Vittorio Peano, Michael Marthaler, Gerd Schön1203.2561 (Liliana Arrachea et al.)
Microscopic model of a phononic refrigerator [PDF]
Liliana Arrachea, Eduardo Mucciolo, Claudio Chamon, Rodrigo Capaz1203.2579 (Merab Eliashvili et al.)
Quantum group, Harper equation and the structure of Bloch eigenstates on
a honeycomb lattice [PDF]
Merab Eliashvili, George I. Japaridze, George Tsitsishvili
1203.2580 (M. Topsakal et al.)
Graphene coatings: An efficient protection from oxidation [PDF]
M. Topsakal, H. Şahin, S. Ciraci1203.2597 (A. Nocera et al.)
Probing nonlinear mechanical effects through electronic currents: the
case of a nanomechanical resonator acting as electronic transistor [PDF]
A. Nocera, C. A. Perroni, V. Marigliano Ramaglia, V. Cataudella
Monday, March 12, 2012
1203.1927 (Jean-Philippe Brantut et al.)
Conduction of Ultracold Fermions Through a Mesoscopic Channel [PDF]
Jean-Philippe Brantut, Jakob Meineke, David Stadler, Sebastian Krinner, Tilman Esslinger1203.1929 (Hongki Min et al.)
Interplay between phonon and impurity scattering in 2D hole transport [PDF]
Hongki Min, E. H. Hwang, S. Das Sarma1203.2047 (Kouji Segawa et al.)
Ambipolar transport in bulk crystals of a topological insulator by
gating with ionic liquid [PDF]
Kouji Segawa, Zhi Ren, Satoshi Sasaki, Tetsuya Tsuda, Susumu Kuwabata, Yoichi Ando
1203.2086 (Ken Shiozaki et al.)
Index theorem for topological heterostructure systems [PDF]
Ken Shiozaki, Takahiro Fukui, Satoshi Fujimoto1203.2111 (C. Motta et al.)
Transport properties of armchair graphene nanoribbon junctions between
graphene electrodes [PDF]
C. Motta, D. Sánchez-Portal, M. I. Trioni
1203.2148 (Marcelo L. Lyra et al.)
Wavepacket spreading dynamics under a non-instantaneous nonlinearity:
Self-trapping, defocusing and focusing [PDF]
Marcelo L. Lyra, Rodrigo P. A. Lima
Friday, March 9, 2012
1108.0935 (C. King et al.)
Exactly soluble model of resonant energy transfer between molecules [PDF]
C. King, B. Barbiellini, D. Moser, V. Renugopalakrishnan1110.5427 (J. Salmilehto et al.)
Conservation law of operator current in open quantum systems [PDF]
J. Salmilehto, P. Solinas, M. Möttönen1112.3420 (Yunshan Cao et al.)
Non-Markovian Transmission through Two Quantum Dots Connected by a
Continuum [PDF]
Yunshan Cao, Luting Xu, Jianyu Meng, Xin-Qi Li
1203.1710 (Danil W. Boukhvalov et al.)
Covalent functionalization of strained graphene [PDF]
Danil W. Boukhvalov, Young-Woo Son1203.1773 (George Deligeorgis et al.)
Radio frequency signal detection by ballistic transport in Y-shaped
graphene nanoribbons [PDF]
George Deligeorgis, Fabio Coccetti, George Konstantinidis, Robert Plana
1203.1798 (Mirosław Woszczyna et al.)
Precision quantization of Hall resistance in transferred graphene [PDF]
Mirosław Woszczyna, Miriam Friedemann, Martin Götz, Eckart Pesel, Klaus Pierz, Thomas Weimann, Franz J. Ahlers1203.1847 (M. Kuhne et al.)
Polarization resolved magneto-Raman scattering of graphene-like domains
on natural graphite [PDF]
M. Kuhne, C. Faugeras, P. Kossacki, A. A. L. Nicolet, M. Orlita, Yu. I. Latyshev, M. Potemski
1203.1906 (A. Braggio et al.)
Environmental induced renormalization effects in quantum Hall edge
states [PDF]
A. Braggio, D. Ferraro, M. Carrega, N. Magnoli, M. Sassetti
Thursday, March 8, 2012
1103.4091 (G. M. M. Wakker et al.)
Energy Spectrum and Exact Cover in an Extended Quantum Ising Model [PDF]
G. M. M. Wakker, R. Ockhorst, M. Blaauboer1104.3481 (J. Ingo Flege et al.)
Self-limited oxide formation in Ni(111) oxidation [PDF]
J. Ingo Flege, Axel Meyer, Jens Falta, Eugene E. Krasovskii1106.1076 (M. Ayzenberg-Stepanenko et al.)
Calculation technique for simulation of wave and fracture dynamics in a
reinforced sheet [PDF]
M. Ayzenberg-Stepanenko, Z. Yanovitsky, G. Osharovich
1111.0135 (Egil Herland et al.)
Screening properties and phase transitions in unconventional plasmas for
Ising-type quantum Hall states [PDF]
Egil Herland, Egor Babaev, Parsa Bonderson, Victor Gurarie, Chetan Nayak, Asle Sudbø
1111.3016 (Guozhu Sun et al.)
Entanglement Dynamics of a Coupled Phase Qubit-TLS System [PDF]
Guozhu Sun, Zhongyuan Zhou, Bo Mao, Xueda Wen, Peiheng Wu, Siyuan Han1112.1414 (Hirosi Ooguri et al.)
Instability in magnetic materials with dynamical axion field [PDF]
Hirosi Ooguri, Masaki Oshikawa1201.5032 (Ali G. Moghaddam et al.)
Driven superconducting proximity effect in interacting quantum dots [PDF]
Ali G. Moghaddam, Michele Governale, Jürgen König1203.1331 (Man-Hong Yung et al.)
Introduction to Quantum Algorithms for Physics and Chemistry [PDF]
Man-Hong Yung, James D. Whitfield, Sergio Boixo, David G. Tempel, Alán Aspuru-Guzik1203.1351 (Brandon C. Wood et al.)
Methane and carbon dioxide adsorption on edge-functionalized graphene: A
comparative DFT study [PDF]
Brandon C. Wood, Shreyas Y. Bhide, Debosruti Dutta, Vinay S. Kandagal, Amar Deep Pathak, Sudeep N. Punnathanam, K. G. Ayappa, Shobhana Narasimhan
1203.1384 (Keith Slevin et al.)
Finite Size Scaling of the Chalker-Coddington Model [PDF]
Keith Slevin, Tomi Ohtsuki1203.1386 (J. D. Sun et al.)
Probing and modelling the localized self-mixing in a GaN/AlGaN
field-effect terahertz detector [PDF]
J. D. Sun, H. Qin, R. A. Lewis, Y. F. Sun, X. Y. Zhang, Y. Cai, D. M. Wu, B. S. Zhang
1203.1469 (F. Ciubotaru et al.)
Magnonic band gap design by the edge modulation of micro-sized
waveguides [PDF]
F. Ciubotaru, A. V. Chumak, N. Yu. Grigoryeva, A. A. Serga, B. Hillebrands
1203.1475 (Jason N. Armstrong et al.)
Anisotropic Curie temperature materials [PDF]
Jason N. Armstrong, Susan Z. Hua, Harsh Deep Chopra1203.1491 (W. Beugeling et al.)
Reentrant topological phases in Mn-doped HgTe quantum wells [PDF]
W. Beugeling, C. X. Liu, E. G. Novik, L. W. Molenkamp, C. Morais Smith1203.1574 (A. K. M. Newaz et al.)
Probing charge scattering mechanisms in suspended graphene by varying
its dielectric environment [PDF]
A. K. M. Newaz, Yevgeniy S. Puzyrev, Bin Wang, Sokrates T. Pantelides, Kirill I. Bolotin
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
1106.4608 (YenTing Chiu et al.)
Effective Mass and Spin Susceptibility of Dilute Two-Dimensional Holes
in GaAs [PDF]
YenTing Chiu, Medini Padmanabhan, T. Gokmen, J. Shabani, E. Tutuc, M. Shayegan, R. Winkler
1108.0385 (Arne Brataas et al.)
Spin Pumping and Spin Transfer [PDF]
Arne Brataas, Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Paul J. Kelly1109.2858 (J. E. Johnson et al.)
Dispersive readout of a flux qubit at the single photon level [PDF]
J. E. Johnson, E. M. Hoskinson, C. Macklin, D. H. Slichter, I. Siddiqi, John Clarke1203.1094 (Francisco Mireles et al.)
Energy spectrum and Landau levels in bilayer graphene with spin-orbit
interaction [PDF]
Francisco Mireles, John Schliemann
1203.1223 (Jian Li et al.)
Dynamical decoupling of superconducting qubits [PDF]
Jian Li, G. S. Paraoanu1203.1262 (R. de Gail et al.)
Manipulation of Dirac points in graphene-like crystals [PDF]
R. de Gail, J. -N. Fuchs, M. -O. Goerbig, F. Piechon, G. Montambaux1203.1310 (Giuseppe Toscano et al.)
Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS): nonlocal limitations [PDF]
Giuseppe Toscano, Søren Raza, Sanshui Xiao, Martijn Wubs, Antti-Pekka Jauho, Sergey I. Bozhevolnyi, N. Asger MortensenTuesday, March 6, 2012
1101.4864 (Chen Wang et al.)
Quantum transport of double quantum dots coupled to an oscillator in
arbitrary strong coupling regime [PDF]
Chen Wang, Jie Ren, Baowen Li, Qing-Hu Chen
1108.3880 (K. Aryanpour et al.)
Triplet excitations in carbon nanostructures [PDF]
K. Aryanpour, Sumit Mazumdar, Hongbo Zhao1108.6120 (Nianbei Li et al.)
Phononics: Manipulating heat flow with electronic analogs and beyond [PDF]
Nianbei Li, Jie Ren, Lei Wang, Gang Zhang, Peter Hänggi, Baowen Li1110.6661 (D. Aasen et al.)
Quasiparticle velocities in 2D electron/hole liquids with spin-orbit
coupling [PDF]
D. Aasen, Stefano Chesi, W. A. Coish
1111.5730 (K. Kuroda et al.)
Experimental verification of PbBi$_{2}$Te$_{4}$ as a 3D topological
insulator [PDF]
K. Kuroda, H. Miyahara, M. Ye, S. V. Eremeev, Yu. M. Koroteev, E. E. Krasovskii, E. V. Chulkov, S. Hiramoto, C. Moriyoshi, Y. Kuroiwa, K. Miyamoto, T. Okuda, M. Arita, K. Shimada, H. Namatame, M. Taniguchi, Y. Ueda, A. Kimura
1112.4932 (A. Duh et al.)
Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Cavities for Quantum Fluids Experiments [PDF]
A. Duh, A. Suhel, B. D. Hauer, R. Saeedi, P. H. Kim, T. S. Biswas, J. P. Davis1112.5609 (O. Romero-Isart et al.)
Quantum Magnetomechanics with Levitating Superconducting Microspheres [PDF]
O. Romero-Isart, L. Clemente, C. Navau, A. Sanchez, J. I. Cirac1203.0575 (S. Raza et al.)
Refractive-index sensing with ultra-thin plasmonic nanotubes [PDF]
S. Raza, G. Toscano, A. -P. Jauho, N. A. Mortensen, M. Wubs1203.0584 (Steven Demers et al.)
Intrinsic Defects and Dopability of Zinc Phosphide [PDF]
Steven Demers, Axel van de Walle1203.0636 (Zhou Chen et al.)
Tight-binding calculation of growth mechanism of graphene on Ni(111)
surface [PDF]
Zhou Chen, Hu Jing, Tian Yuan, Zhao Qianying, Miao Ling, Jiang Jianjun
1203.0645 (S. Keating et al.)
Effects of Substrate Temperature on Indium Gallium Nitride Nanocolumn
Crystal Growth [PDF]
S. Keating, M. G. Urquhart, D. V. P. McLaughlin, J. M. Pearce
1203.0682 (Badih A. Assaf et al.)
Modified electrical transport probe design for standard magnetometer [PDF]
Badih A. Assaf, Thomas Cardinal, Peng Wei, Ferhat Katmis, Jagadeesh S. Moodera, Don Heiman1203.0717 (Mugurel Ţolea et al.)
Phase extraction in disordered isospectral shapes [PDF]
Mugurel Ţolea, Bogdan Ostahie, Marian Niţă, Felicia Ţolea, Alexandru Aldea1203.0743 (Seung Hoon Lee et al.)
Switching teraherz waves with gate-controlled active graphene
metamaterials [PDF]
Seung Hoon Lee, Muhan Choi, Teun-Teun Kim, Seungwoo Lee, Ming Liu, Xiaobo Yin, Hong Kyw Choi, Seung S. Lee, Choon-Gi Choi, Sung-Yool Choi, Xiang Zhang, Bumki Min
1203.0745 (J. P. Carbotte et al.)
Emergence of Plasmaronic Structure in the Near Field Optical Response of
Graphene [PDF]
J. P. Carbotte, J. P. F. LeBlanc, E. J. Nicol
1203.0764 (Xuefeng Song et al.)
Stamp transferred suspended graphene mechanical resonators for
radio-frequency electrical readout [PDF]
Xuefeng Song, Mika Oksanen, Mika A. Sillanpää, H. G. Craighead, J. M. Parpia, Pertti J. Hakonen
1203.0816 (Yong Seung Kim et al.)
H2-free synthesis of monolayer graphene with controllable grain size by
plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition [PDF]
Yong Seung Kim, Jae Hong Lee, Sahng-Kyoon Jerng, Eunho Kim, Sunae Seo, Jongwan Jung, Seung-Hyun Chun
1203.0819 (Ashutosh Rath et al.)
Growth of Oriented Au Nanostructures: Role of Oxide at the Interface [PDF]
Ashutosh Rath, J. K. Dash, R. R. Juluri, A. Rosenauer, Marcos Schoewalter, P. V. Satyam1203.0837 (Michael Stern et al.)
Dark Exciton Condensate in GaAs Coupled Quantum Wells [PDF]
Michael Stern, Vladimir Umansky, Israel Bar-Joseph1203.0885 (H. Flayac et al.)
Separation and acceleration of analogues of magnetic monopoles in
semiconductor microcavities [PDF]
H. Flayac, D. Solnyshkov, G. Malpuech
1203.0890 (V. Ongun Özçelik et al.)
Supercapacitors composed of graphene and boron nitride layers: A
first-principles study [PDF]
V. Ongun Özçelik, C. Ataca, S. Ciraci
1203.0913 (P. Plochocka et al.)
High Field magnetospectroscopy to probe the 1.4eV Ni color center in
diamond [PDF]
P. Plochocka, O. Portugall, P. Y. Solane, E. Gheeraert, L. Ranno, E. Bustarret, N. Bruyant, I. Breslavetz, D. K. Maude, H. Kanda, G. L. J. A. Rikken
1203.0998 (Joseph Losby et al.)
Thermo-mechanical sensitivity calibration of nanotorsional magnetometers [PDF]
Joseph Losby, Jacob A. J. Burgess, Zhu Diao, David C. Fortin, Wayne K. Hiebert, Mark R. Freeman1203.1025 (Elzbieta Zipper et al.)
Wave function engineering in quantum dot-ring nanostructures [PDF]
Elzbieta Zipper, Marcin Kurpas, Maciej M. MaskaMonday, March 5, 2012
1112.2413 (Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi et al.)
Bloch Point Structure in a Magnetic Nanosphere [PDF]
Oleksandr V. Pylypovskyi, Denis D. Sheka, Yuri Gaididei1203.0004 (Simon C. Davenport et al.)
Spinful Composite Fermions in Negative Effective Field [PDF]
Simon C. Davenport, Steven H. Simon1203.0020 (Yoshinori Okada et al.)
One-dimensional channel for Dirac electrons in a 3D topological
insulator [PDF]
Yoshinori Okada, Wenwen Zhou, Chetan. Dhital, D. Walkup, Ying Ran, Z. Wang, Stephen D. Wilson, V. Madhavan
1203.0078 (L. Shen et al.)
The electronic properties of graphene on metal modified SiO2 substrate [PDF]
L. Shen, F. Jiang, M. Xiao, R. Zhang, M. X. Yu, L. Miao, J. J. Jiang1203.0104 (Yoshio Miura et al.)
A first-principles study of tunneling magnetoresistance in
Fe/MgAl2O4/Fe(001) magnetic tunnel junctions [PDF]
Yoshio Miura, Shingo Muramoto, Kazutaka Abe, Masafumi Shirai
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