Wednesday, July 31, 2013

1212.6262 (Xintao Bi et al.)

Anomalous spin precession and spin Hall effect in semiconductor quantum

Xintao Bi, Peiru He, E. M. Hankiewicz, R. Winkler, Giovanni Vignale, Dimitrie Culcer

1307.7726 (J. Dubail et al.)

Tensor network trial states for chiral topological phases in two

J. Dubail, N. Read

1307.7728 (E. V. Gorbar et al.)

Supercritical instability in graphene with two charged impurities    [PDF]

E. V. Gorbar, V. P. Gusynin, O. O. Sobol

1307.7758 (Vittorianna Tasco et al.)

Understanding Polarization Properties of InAs Quantum Dots by Atomistic
Modeling of Growth Dynamics

Vittorianna Tasco, Muhammad Usman, Maria Teresa Todaro, Milena De Giorgi, Adriana Passaseo

1307.7764 (Cihan Kurter et al.)

Evidence for an anomalous current-phase relation of a dc SQUID with
tunable topological junctions

Cihan Kurter, Aaron D. K. Finck, Yew San Hor, Dale J. Van Harlingen

1307.7775 (Manan Mehta et al.)

A Hybrid Analog/Digital Phase-Locked Loop for Frequency Mode Non-contact
Scanning Probe Microscopy

Manan Mehta, Venkat Chandrasekhar

1307.7843 (D. S. Smirnov et al.)

Effect of exchange interaction on the spin fluctuations of localized

D. S. Smirnov, M. M. Glazov, E. L. Ivchenko

1307.7868 (R. Lipperheide et al.)

The thermoballistic approach to charge carrier transport in

R. Lipperheide, U. Wille

1307.7876 (Michael Tomka et al.)

Exceptional and regular spectra of generalized Rabi model    [PDF]

Michael Tomka, Omar El Araby, Mikhail Pletyukhov, Vladimir Gritsev

1307.7961 (Meydi Ferrier et al.)

Phase dependent Andreev spectrum in a difusive SNS junction. Static and
dynamic current response

Meydi Ferrier, Bastien Dassonneville, Sophie Gueron, Helene Bouchiat

1307.7987 (Fan Yang et al.)

Giant Faraday rotation induced by Berry phase in bilayer graphene under
strong terahertz fields

Fan Yang, Xiaodong Xu, Ren-Bao Liu

1307.7992 (Francesco Mazza et al.)

Spin filtering and entanglement detection due to spin-orbit interaction
in carbon nanotube cross-junctions

Francesco Mazza, Bernd Braunecker, Patrik Recher, Alfredo Levy Yeyati

1307.8008 (R. Seoane Souto et al.)

Electronic transport through molecular transistors in the polaronic

R. Seoane Souto, A. Levy Yeyati, A. Martín-Rodero, R. C. Monreal

1307.8010 (Ali Goker et al.)

Designer thermal switches: Effect of the contact material on
instantaneous thermoelectric transport through a strongly interacting quantum

Ali Goker, Elif gedik

1307.8056 (Juan Sebastián Ardenghi et al.)

Landau level transitions indoped graphene in a time dependent magnetic

Juan Sebastián Ardenghi, Pablo Bechthold, Paula Jasen, Estela Gonzalez, Oscar Nagel

1307.8069 (Abolhassan Vaezi)

Superconducting analogue of the parafermion fractional quantum Hall

Abolhassan Vaezi

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

1307.7167 (M. J. Iqbal et al.)

Odd and even Kondo effects from emergent localisation in quantum point

M. J. Iqbal, Roi Levy, E. J. Koop, J. B. Dekker, J. P. de Jong, J. H. M. van der Velde, D. Reuter, A. D. Wieck, R. Aguado, Yigal Meir, C. H. van der Wal

1307.7183 (Wei Yan et al.)

Green function surface-integral method for nonlocal response of
plasmonic nanowires in arbitrary dielectric environments

Wei Yan, N. Asger Mortensen, Martijn Wubs

1307.7196 (N. Ares et al.)

SiGe quantum dots for fast hole spin Rabi oscillations    [PDF]

N. Ares, G. Katsaros, V. N. Golovach, J. J. Zhang, A. Prager, L. I. Glazman, O. G. Schmidt, S. De Franceschi

1307.7206 (Dong-Ling Deng et al.)

Hopf Insulators and Their Topologically Protected Surface States    [PDF]

Dong-Ling Deng, Sheng-Tao Wang, Chao Shen, Lu-Ming Duan

1307.7214 (Venkatram Nalla et al.)

Graphene-enhanced, internal-magnetic-field-generated Rabi oscillations
in metal-coated Si-SiO2 photoconductive detectors

Venkatram Nalla, Kai Zhang, Kian Ping Loh, Wei Ji

1307.7228 (C. J. Lin et al.)

Parallel field magnetoresistance in topological insulator thin films    [PDF]

C. J. Lin, X. Y. He, J. Liao, X. X. Wang, V. Sacksteder IV, W. M. Yang, T. Guan, Q. M. Zhang, L. Gu, G. Y. Zhang, C. G. Zeng, X. Dai, K. H. Wu, Y. Q. Li

1307.7255 (Sergio G. Rodrigo et al.)

Theory of Absorption Induced Transparency    [PDF]

Sergio G. Rodrigo, F. J. García-Vidal, L. Martín-Moreno

1307.7269 (H. Y. Yuan et al.)

Birth, Growth and Death of an Anti-Vortex during the Propagation of a
Transverse Domain Wall in Magnetic Nanostrips

H. Y. Yuan, X. R. Wang

1307.7284 (E. S. Andrianov et al.)

Nanolaser in the selfgenerated nonequilibrium environment: quantum
fluctuations and entanglement

E. S. Andrianov, N. M. Chtchelkatchev, A. A. Pukhov

1307.7285 (L. Zhong et al.)

Squeezing with a flux-driven Josephson parametric amplifier    [PDF]

L. Zhong, E. P. Menzel, R. Di Candia, P. Eder, M. Ihmig, A. Baust, M. Haeberlein, E. Hoffmann, K. Inomata, T. Yamamoto, Y. Nakamura, E. Solano, F. Deppe, A. Marx, R. Gross

1307.7288 (Kristen Kaasbjerg et al.)

Charge-carrier-induced frequency renormalization, damping and heating of
vibrational modes in nanoscale junctions

Kristen Kaasbjerg, Tomáš Novotný, Abraham Nitzan

1307.7311 (M. Neupane et al.)

Oscillatory surface dichroism of an insulating topological insulator

M. Neupane, S. Basak, N. Alidoust, S. -Y. Xu, Chang Liu, I. Belopolski, G. Bian, J. Xiong, H. Ji, S. Jia, S. -K. Mo, M. Bissen, M. Severson, H. Lin, N. P. Ong, T. Durakiewicz, R. J. Cava, A. Bansil, M. Z. Hasan

1307.7321 (Wenchen Luo et al.)

Zeeman coupling and screening corrections to skyrmion excitations in

Wenchen Luo, R. Côté

1307.7347 (Motohiko Ezawa et al.)

Topological Phase Transition without Gap Closing    [PDF]

Motohiko Ezawa, Yukio Tanaka, Naoto Nagaosa

1307.7349 (Tie-Feng Fang et al.)

Bipolaronic blockade effect in quantum dots with negative charging

Tie-Feng Fang, Shu-Feng Zhang, Chun-Jiang Niu, Qing-feng Sun

1307.7371 (Alessandro Principi et al.)

The impact of disorder on Dirac plasmon losses    [PDF]

Alessandro Principi, Giovanni Vignale, Matteo Carrega, Marco Polini

1307.7374 (Oleg Mitrofanov et al.)

Probing terahertz surface plasmon waves in graphene structures    [PDF]

Oleg Mitrofanov, Wenlong Yu, Robert J. Thompson, Yuxuan Jiang, Igal Brener, Wei Pan, Claire Berger, Walter A. de Heer, Zhigang Jiang

1307.7384 (H. M. Benia et al.)

Origin of Rashba-splitting in the quantized subbands at Bi2Se3 surface    [PDF]

H. M. Benia, A. Yaresko, A. P. Schnyder, J. Henk, C. T. Lin, K. Kern, C. R. Ast

1307.7426 (Keiji Saito et al.)

Kondo signature in heat transfer via a local two-state system    [PDF]

Keiji Saito, Takeo Kato

1307.7427 (Tomohiro Taniguchi et al.)

Theoretical Study of Spin-Torque Oscillator with Perpendicularly
Magnetized Free Layer

Tomohiro Taniguchi, Hiroko Arai, Hitoshi Kubota, Hiroshi Imamura

1307.7484 (Sunghun Park et al.)

Absence of Aharonov-Bohm effect of chiral Majorana fermion edge states    [PDF]

Sunghun Park, Joel E. Moore, H. -S. Sim

1307.7506 (Peter Schmitteckert et al.)

Transport through nanostructures: Finite time vs. finite size    [PDF]

Peter Schmitteckert, Sam T. Carr, Hubert Saleur

1307.7527 (E. Perfetto et al.)

Screening-induced negative differential conductance in the Franck-Condon
blockade regime

E. Perfetto, G. Stefanucci

1307.7530 (Martin Nuss et al.)

Effects of electronic correlations and magnetic field on a molecular
ring out of equilibrium

Martin Nuss, Wolfgang von der Linden, Enrico Arrigoni

1307.7532 (C. Wang et al.)

Anti-Levitation in the Integer Quantum Hall Systems    [PDF]

C. Wang, Y. Avishai, Y. Meir, X. R. Wang

1307.7535 (Yasuhiro Yamada et al.)

Universal departure from Johnson-Nyquist relation caused by limited

Yasuhiro Yamada, Masatoshi Imada

1307.7550 (Yulia E. Shchadilova et al.)

Rotation of a single acetylene molecule on Cu(001) by tunneling
electrons in STM

Yulia E. Shchadilova, Sergei G. Tikhodeev, Magnus Paulsson, Hiromu Ueba

1307.7575 (Atsushi Yao et al.)

Counter operation in nonlinear micro-electro-mechanical resonators    [PDF]

Atsushi Yao, Takashi Hikihara

1307.7576 (Marta Prada et al.)

Rectified uni-directional current in coupled nanomechanical resonators    [PDF]

Marta Prada, Gloria Platero, Daniela Pfannkuche

1307.7599 (M. Mootz et al.)

Pair-excitation energetics of highly correlated many-body states    [PDF]

M. Mootz, M. Kira, S. W. Koch

1307.7607 (Yan Zhou et al.)

Current-induced spin wave excitation in Pt|YIG bilayer    [PDF]

Yan Zhou, Hu-jun Jiao, Yan-ting Chen, Gerrit E. W. Bauer, Jiang Xiao

1307.7631 (V. Ongun Özçelik et al.)

Nanoscale Dielectric Capacitors Composed of Graphene and Boron Nitride
Layers: A First Principles Study of High-Capacitance at Nanoscale

V. Ongun Özçelik, S. Ciraci

1307.7679 (Venkat Chandrasekhar et al.)

A real-time software simulator for scanning force microscopy    [PDF]

Venkat Chandrasekhar, Manan Mehta

Monday, July 29, 2013

1307.6890 (Kitiphat Sinthiptharakoon et al.)

Investigating individual arsenic dopant atoms in silicon using
low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy

Kitiphat Sinthiptharakoon, Steven R. Schofield, Philipp Studer, Veronika Brázdová, Cyrus F. Hirjibehedin, David R. Bowler, Neil J. Curson

1307.6964 (Doru Sticlet et al.)

Persistent currents in Dirac-Fermion rings    [PDF]

Doru Sticlet, Balázs Dóra, Jérôme Cayssol

1307.6970 (Tetsufumi Tanamoto)

Implementation of standard quantum error correction codes for
solid-state qubits

Tetsufumi Tanamoto

1307.6983 (Søren Raza et al.)

Blueshift of the surface plasmon resonance in silver nanoparticles:
substrate effects

Søren Raza, Wei Yan, Nicolas Stenger, Martijn Wubs, N. Asger Mortensen

1307.6990 (Heon-Jung Kim et al.)

Dirac vs. Weyl in topological insulators: Adler-Bell-Jackiw anomaly in
transport phenomena

Heon-Jung Kim, Ki-Seok Kim, J. F. Wang, M. Sasaki, N. Satoh, A. Ohnishi, M. Kitaura, M. Yang, L. Li

1307.7019 (Gregor Bracher et al.)

Far-field optical study of lithographically defined, subwavelength
plasmonic wires on semiconducting substrates

Gregor Bracher, Konrad Schraml, Marcus Ossiander, Simon Frederick, Jonathan J. Finley, Michael Kaniber

1307.7044 (Stefan Walter et al.)

Quantum synchronization of a driven self-sustained oscillator    [PDF]

Stefan Walter, Andreas Nunnenkamp, Christoph Bruder

1307.7046 (Fabian Donat Natterer et al.)

Distinction of Nuclear Spin States with the Scanning Tunneling

Fabian Donat Natterer, François Patthey, Harald Brune

1307.7093 (Grzegorz Rut et al.)

Pseudodiffusive conductance, quantum-limited shot noise, and
Landau-level hierarchy in biased graphene bilayer

Grzegorz Rut, Adam Rycerz

1307.7109 (Andreas V. Kuhlmann et al.)

Linewidth of single photons from a single quantum dot: key role of
nuclear spins

Andreas V. Kuhlmann, Jonathan H. Prechtel, Julien Houel, Arne Ludwig, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, Richard J. Warburton

Friday, July 26, 2013

1307.6600 (Yun Liu et al.)

Low-Temperature Phonoemissive Tunneling Rates in Single Molecule Magnets    [PDF]

Yun Liu, Anupam Garg

1307.6615 (Andrew G. Semenov)

On the macroscopic quantization in mesoscopic rings and single-electron

Andrew G. Semenov

1307.6621 (B. Horstmann et al.)

Rate-dependent morphology of Li2O2 growth in Li-O2 batteries    [PDF]

B. Horstmann, B. Gallant, R. Mitchell, W. G. Bessler, Y. Shao-Horn, M. Z. Bazant

1307.6633 (Daniel Hurowitz et al.)

Non-equilibrium steady state and induced currents of a
mesoscopically-glassy system: interplay of resistor-network theory and Sinai

Daniel Hurowitz, Saar Rahav, Doron Cohen

1307.6634 (Kenta Kuroda et al.)

Experimental verification of the surface termination in the topological
insulator TlBiSe$_{2}$ using core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and
scanning tunneling microscopy

Kenta Kuroda, Mao Ye, Eike F. Schwier, Munisa Nurmamat, Kaito Shirai, Masashi Nakatake, Shigenori Ueda, Koji Miyamoto, Taichi Okuda, Hirofumi Namatame, Masaki Taniguchi, Yoshifumi Ueda, Akio Kimura

1307.6640 (Jean-Nicolas Longchamp et al.)

Low-energy electron holographic imaging of ultraclean graphene-supported

Jean-Nicolas Longchamp, Conrad Escher, Tatiana Latychevskaia, Hans-Werner Fink

1307.6650 (Tomoki Ozawa et al.)

Measuring geometrical and topological properties of lossy photonic

Tomoki Ozawa, Iacopo Carusotto

1307.6675 (Xi Chen et al.)

Tuning the Conductance of Monatomic Carbon Chain    [PDF]

Xi Chen, Chen Ming, Fan-Xin Meng, Jing-Tian Li, Jun Zhuang, Xi-Jing Ning

1307.6552 (H. Flayac et al.)

An all-optical spin selective quantum router with frequency elevation    [PDF]

H. Flayac, I. G. Savenko

1307.6718 (A. K. Geim et al.)

Van der Waals heterostructures    [PDF]

A. K. Geim, I. V. Grigorieva

1307.6723 (N. Clement et al.)

Water Electrolysis and Energy Harvesting with 0D Ion-Sensitive
Field-Effect Transistors

N. Clement, K. Nishiguchi, J. F. Dufreche, D. Guerin, A. Fujiwara, D. Vuillaume

1307.6745 (J. Gonzalez)

Magnetic and Kohn-Luttinger instabilities near a Van Hove singularity:
monolayer versus twisted bilayer graphene

J. Gonzalez

1307.6746 (Fernando Gargiulo et al.)

Topological Aspects of Charge-Carrier Transmission across Grain
Boundaries in Graphene

Fernando Gargiulo, Oleg V. Yazyev

1307.6782 (P. J. Heikkinen et al.)

Relaxation of Bose-Einstein Condensates of Magnons in Magneto-Textural
Traps in Superfluid 3He-B

P. J. Heikkinen, S. Autti, V. B. Eltsov, J. J. Hosio, M. Krusius, V. V. Zavjalov

1307.6790 (Samarth Trivedi et al.)

Negative differential resistance with graphene channels, interfacing
distributed quantum dots in Field-Effect Transistors

Samarth Trivedi, Haim Grebel

1307.6833 (M. Cerkaski et al.)

Geometrical crossover in two-body systems in a magnetic fiel    [PDF]

M. Cerkaski, R. G. Nazmitdinov

1307.6834 (C. A. Perroni et al.)

Noise-assisted Thouless pump in elastically deformable molecular

C. A. Perroni, F. Romeo, A. Nocera, V. Marigliano Ramaglia, R. Citro, V. Cataudella

Thursday, July 25, 2013

1307.6221 (F. Guinea et al.)

Many body renormalization of the minimal conductivity in graphene    [PDF]

F. Guinea, M. I. Katsnelson

1307.6230 (E. V. Gorbar et al.)

Engineering Weyl nodes in Dirac semimetals by a magnetic field    [PDF]

E. V. Gorbar, V. A. Miransky, I. A. Shovkovy

1307.6260 (D. I. Golosov et al.)

Resistance asymmetry of a two-dimensional electron gas caused by an
effective spin injection

D. I. Golosov, I. Shlimak, A. Butenko, K. -J. Friedland, S. V. Kravchenko

1307.6299 (M. L. Latimer et al.)

Realization of Artificial Ice Systems for Magnetic Vortices in a
Superconducting MoGe Thin-film with Patterned Nanostructures

M. L. Latimer, G. R. Berdiyorov, Z. L. Xiao, F. M. Peeters, W. K. Kwok

1307.6306 (A. V. Galaktionov et al.)

Current-biased Andreev interferometer    [PDF]

A. V. Galaktionov, A. D. Zaikin

1307.6309 (Limin She et al.)

Kondo-effect protected topological surface states on Sb(111)    [PDF]

Limin She, Yinghui Yu, Gengyu Cao

1307.6312 (Danil W. Boukhvalov et al.)

Origin of Anomalous Water Permeation through Graphene Oxide Membrane    [PDF]

Danil W. Boukhvalov, Mikhail I. Katsnelson, Young-Woo Son

1307.6315 (Seon-Myeong Choi et al.)

Anomalous Optical Phonon Splittings in Sliding Bilayer Graphene    [PDF]

Seon-Myeong Choi, Seung-Hoon Jhi, Young-Woo Son

1307.6337 (G. Stefanucci et al.)

Kondo effect in the Kohn-Sham conductance of multiple levels quantum

G. Stefanucci, S. Kurth

1307.6405 (Uttam Singisetti)

Surface optical phonon scattering in N-polar GaN quantum well channels    [PDF]

Uttam Singisetti

1307.6418 (Yago Ferreiros et al.)

Domain Wall Motion in Thin-Film Magnets/ Topological Insulator Junctions    [PDF]

Yago Ferreiros, Alberto Cortijo

1307.6419 (Benoit Gaury et al.)

Numerical simulations of time resolved quantum electronics    [PDF]

Benoit Gaury, Joseph Weston, Matthieu Santin, Manuel Houzet, Christoph Groth, Xavier Waintal

1307.6479 (N. Vernier et al.)

Measurement of magnetization using domain compressibility in CoFeB films
with perpendicular anisotropy

N. Vernier, J. P. Adam, S. Eimer, G. Agnus, T. Devolder, T. Hauet, B. Ockert, D. Ravelosona

1307.6492 (Thomas Häberle et al.)

High-dynamic-range imaging of nanoscale magnetic fields using optimal
control of a single qubit

Thomas Häberle, Dominik Schmid-Lorch, Khaled Karrai, Friedemann Reinhard, Jörg Wrachtrup

1307.6493 (Eduardo Mascarenhas et al.)

A quantum optical diode in a nonlinear-linear resonators junction    [PDF]

Eduardo Mascarenhas, Daniel Valente, Simone Montangero, Alexia Auffeves, Dario Gerace, M. Franca Santos

1307.6550 (Ashley M DaSilva et al.)

Photonic density of states enhancement in graphene multilayers    [PDF]

Ashley M DaSilva, You-Chia Chang, Ted Norris, Allan H MacDonald

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

1212.6277 (F. Closa et al.)

Transport properties of overheated electrons trapped on a Helium surface    [PDF]

F. Closa, E. Raphael, A. D. Chepelianskii

1307.5872 (Damian Krychowski et al.)

Kondo effect of cobalt adatom on zigzag graphene nanoribbon    [PDF]

Damian Krychowski, Jakub Kaczkowski, Stanislaw Lipinski

1307.5914 (Rui He et al.)

Observation of Low Energy Raman Modes in Twisted Bilayer Graphene    [PDF]

Rui He, Ting-Fung Chung, Conor Delaney, Courtney Keiser, Luis A. Jauregui, Paul M. Shand, C. C. Chancey, Yanan Wang, Jiming Bao, Yong P. Chen

1307.5972 (Kazuhiro Hosono et al.)

Dielectric Environment Effect on Carrier Mobility of Graphene
Double-Layer Structure

Kazuhiro Hosono, Katsunori Wakabayashi

1307.5974 (P. Di Pietro et al.)

Observation of Dirac plasmons in a topological insulator    [PDF]

P. Di Pietro, M. Ortolani, O. Limaj, A. Di Gaspare, V. Giliberti, F. Giorgianni, M. Brahlek, N. Bansal, N. Koirala, S. Oh, P. Calvani, S. Lupi

1307.6007 (P. Peddibhotla et al.)

Harnessing nuclear spin polarization fluctuations in a semiconductor

P. Peddibhotla, F. Xue, H. I. T. Hauge, S. Assali, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, M. Poggio

1307.6032 (Jani Tuorila et al.)

Charge qubit driven via the Josephson nonlinearity    [PDF]

Jani Tuorila, Matti Silveri, Mika Sillanpää, Erkki Thuneberg, Yuriy Makhlin, Pertti Hakonen

1307.6062 (Julia Hildmann et al.)

Fidelity of optically induced single-spin rotations in semiconductor
quantum dots in the presence of nuclear spins

Julia Hildmann, Guido Burkard

1307.6067 (Sebastian Rémi et al.)

Charge tuning of non-resonant magneto-exciton phonon interactions in

Sebastian Rémi, Bennett B. Goldberg, Anna K. Swan

1307.6096 (Yusong Tu et al.)

Inherent fluctuation-mediated equavalent force drives directional
motions of nanoscale asymmetric particles -- Surf-riding of asymmetric
molecules in thermal fluctuations

Yusong Tu, Nan Sheng, Rongzheng Wan, Haiping Fang

1307.6097 (Hagai Eshet et al.)

The Electronic Structure of CdSe/CdS Core/Shell Seeded Nanorods: Type-I
or Quasi-Type-II?

Hagai Eshet, Michael Grunwald, Eran Rabani

1307.6113 (F. Matteini et al.)

Untangling the role of oxide in Ga-assisted growth of GaAs nanowires on
Si substrates

F. Matteini, G. Tutuncuoglu, D. Rüffer, E. Alarcon-Llado, A. Fontcuberta i Morral

1307.6115 (G. Grabecki et al.)

Nonlocal resistance and its fluctuations in microstructures of
band-inverted HgTe/(Hg,Cd)Te quantum wells

G. Grabecki, J. Wróbel, M. Czapkiewicz, Ł. Cywiński, S. Gierałtowska, E. Guziewicz, M. Zholudev, V. Gavrilenko, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretski, W. Knap, F. Teppe, T. Dietl

1307.6128 (Gia-Wei Chern et al.)

Dynamically generated flat-band phases in optical kagome lattices    [PDF]

Gia-Wei Chern, Chih-Chun Chien, Massimiliano Di Ventra

1307.6138 (N. M. Chtchelkatchev et al.)

Universality and quantization of the power to heat ratio in
nano-granular systems

N. M. Chtchelkatchev, A. Glatz, I. S. Beloborodov

1307.6152 (Daniel Valente et al.)

Frequency cavity pulling induced by a single semiconductor quantum dot    [PDF]

Daniel Valente, Jan Suffczyński, Tomasz Jakubczyk, Adrien Dousse, Aristide Lemaître, Isabelle Sagnes, Loïc Lanco, Paul Voisin, Alexia Auffeves, Pascale Senellart

1307.6203 (Luiz Felipe C. Pereira et al.)

Thermal conductivity of one-, two- and three-dimensional carbon    [PDF]

Luiz Felipe C. Pereira, Ivana Savić, Davide Donadio

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1307.5353 (Kaihui Liu et al.)

High-throughput Imaging and Spectroscopy of Individual Carbon Nanotubes
in Devices with Light Microscopy

Kaihui Liu, Xiaoping Hong, Qin Zhou, Chenhao Jin, Jinghua Li, Weiwei Zhou, Jie Liu, Enge Wang, Alex Zettl, Feng Wang

1307.5358 (Li Zhang et al.)

Weak Localization Effects as Evidence for Bulk Quantization in Thin
Films Bi2Se3

Li Zhang, Merav Dolev, Qi I. Yang, Robert H. Hammond, Bo Zhou, Alexander Palevski, Yulin Chen, Aharon Kapitulnik

1307.5422 (D. Ebert et al.)

Pseudopotential model for Dirac electrons in graphene with line defects    [PDF]

D. Ebert, V. Ch. Zhukovsky, E. A. Stepanov

1307.5427 (D. Bucheli et al.)

Phase diagrams of voltage-gated oxide interfaces with strong Rashba

D. Bucheli, M. Grilli, F. Peronaci, G. Seibold, S. Caprara

1307.5429 (O. V. Sukhostavets et al.)

Probing the anharmonicity of the potential well for magnetic vortex core
in nanodot

O. V. Sukhostavets, B. Pigeau, G. de Loubens, V. V. Naletov, O. Klein, K. Mitsuzuka, S. Andrieu, F. Montaigne, K. Y. Guslienko

1307.5446 (A. Di Marco et al.)

Leakage Current of a Superconductor-Normal Metal Tunnel Junction
Connected to a High-Temperature Environment

A. Di Marco, V. F. Maisi, J. P. Pekola, F. W. J. Hekking

1307.5470 (Bahram Mashhoon et al.)

Spin Precession in Inertial and Gravitational Fields    [PDF]

Bahram Mashhoon, Yuri N. Obukhov

1307.5475 (Yaohua Liu et al.)

An Emergent Spin-Filter at the interface between Ferromagnetic and
Insulating Layered Oxides

Yaohua Liu, F. A. Cuellar, Z. Sefrioui, J. W. Freeland, M. R. Fitzsimmons, C. Leon, J. Santamaria, S. G. E. te Velthuis

1307.5485 (M. Neupane et al.)

Tunneling Tuned Spin Modulations in Ultrathin Topological Insulator

M. Neupane, A. Richardella, J. Sanchez-Barriga, S. -Y. Xu, N. Alidoust, I. Belopolski, Chang Liu, G. Bian, D. M. Zhang, D. Marchenko, A. Varykhalov, O. Rader, M. Leandersson, T. Balasubramanian, T. -R. Chang, H. -T. Jeng, S. Basak, H. Lin, A. Bansil, N. Samarth, M. Z. Hasan

1307.5488 (M. Medvedyeva et al.)

Spatiotemporal buildup of the Kondo screening cloud    [PDF]

M. Medvedyeva, A. Hoffmann, S. Kehrein

1307.5489 (Inti Sodemann et al.)

Theory of Native Orientational Pinning in Quantum Hall Nematics    [PDF]

Inti Sodemann, Allan H. MacDonald

1307.5506 (Teemu Ojanen)

Majorana states and devices in magnetic structures    [PDF]

Teemu Ojanen

1307.5557 (Feng Bi et al.)

Room-Temperature Electronically-Controlled Ferromagnetism at the
LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Interface

Feng Bi, Mengchen Huang, Chung-Wung Bark, Sangwoo Ryu, Chang-Beom Eom, Patrick Irvin, Jeremy Levy

1307.5578 (T. Uchida et al.)

Magnetic induction dependence of the dispersion of magnetoplasmon in a
two-dimensional electron gas with finite layer thickness

T. Uchida, N. Hiraiwa, K. Yamada, M. Fujita, T. Toyoda

1307.5590 (Qing Ai et al.)

Clustered Geometries Exploiting Quantum Coherence Effects for Efficient
Energy Transfer in Light Harvesting

Qing Ai, Tzu-Chi Yen, Bih-Yaw Jin, Yuan-Chung Cheng

1307.5603 (Masamitsu Hayashi)

Analytical expression for the harmonic Hall voltages in evaluating spin
orbit torques

Masamitsu Hayashi

1307.5622 (Juzar Thingna et al.)

Spin rectification in thermally driven $XXZ$ spin chain    [PDF]

Juzar Thingna, Jian-Sheng Wang

1307.5627 (Yin Zhong et al.)

Topological quantum phase transition in Kane-Mele-Kondo lattice model    [PDF]

Yin Zhong, Yu-Feng Wang, Han-Tao Lu, Hong-Gang Luo

1307.5638 (Martin Horsch et al.)

Molecular simulation of nano-dispersed fluid phases    [PDF]

Martin Horsch, Hans Hasse

1307.5643 (Nam-Chol Kim et al.)

Single Plasmon Switching with n Quantum Dots System Coupled to
One-Dimentional Waveguide

Nam-Chol Kim, Myong-Chol Ko, Song-Jin Im, Qu-Quan Wang

1307.5663 (Da Wei et al.)

Tuning inter-dot tunnel coupling of an etched graphene double quantum
dot by adjacent metal gates

Da Wei, Hai-Ou Li, Gang Cao, Gang Luo, Zhi-Xiong Zheng, Tao Tu, Ming Xiao, Guang-Can Guo, Hong-Wen Jiang, Guo-Ping Guo

1307.5670 (Selman Hershfield et al.)

Non-linear thermoelectric transport: A class of nano-devices for high
efficiency and large power output

Selman Hershfield, K. A. Muttalib, Bradley J. Nartowt

1307.5681 (Soumya Bera et al.)

Stabilizing Spin Coherence Through Environmental Entanglement in
Strongly Dissipative Quantum Systems

Soumya Bera, Serge Florens, Harold U. Baranger, Nicolas Roch, Ahsan Nazir, Alex W. Chin

1307.5739 (A. Komnik et al.)

Full counting statistics of persistent current    [PDF]

A. Komnik, G. W. Langhanke

1307.5744 (Daniel Walgraef)

Self-Assembled Nanostructure Formation in Chemical Vapor Deposition    [PDF]

Daniel Walgraef

1307.5762 (Rulin Wang et al.)

Time-dependent density-functional theory for real-time electronic
dynamics on material surfaces

Rulin Wang, Dong Hou, Xiao Zheng

1307.5810 (Ting Fung Chung et al.)

Synthetic Graphene Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition on Copper Foils    [PDF]

Ting Fung Chung, Tian Shen, Helin Cao, Luis A. Jauregui, Wei Wu, Qingkai Yu, David Newell, Yong P. Chen

1307.5811 (I. S. Burmistrov et al.)

Tunneling into the localized phase near Anderson transitions with
Coulomb interaction

I. S. Burmistrov, I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin

Monday, July 22, 2013

1307.5075 (Arijeet Pal et al.)

Driven nonlinear dynamics of two coupled exchange-only qubits    [PDF]

Arijeet Pal, Emmanuel I. Rashba, Bertrand I. Halperin

1307.5104 (A. F. Young et al.)

Tunable symmetry breaking and helical edge transport in a graphene
quantum spin Hall state

A. F. Young, J. D. Sanchez-Yamagishi, B. Hunt, S. H. Choi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, R. C. Ashoori, P. Jarillo-Herrero

1307.5155 (Jérémie Druge et al.)

Damping and non-linearity of a levitating magnet in rotation above a

Jérémie Druge, Oscar Laurent, Marie-Aude Méasson, Ivan Favero

1307.5159 (Y. Kumamoto et al.)

Spontaneous exciton dissociation in carbon nanotubes    [PDF]

Y. Kumamoto, M. Yoshida, A. Ishii, A. Yokoyama, T. Shimada, Y. K. Kato

1307.5181 (Alessandro Ridolfo et al.)

Ultra-strong optical nonlinearities    [PDF]

Alessandro Ridolfo, Elena del Valle, Michael J. Hartmann

1307.5183 (A. Ferdinand et al.)

Critical behavior of nanocrystalline gadolinium: Evidence for a new
universality class

A. Ferdinand, A. -C. Probst, A. Michels, R. Birringer, S. N. Kaul

1307.5190 (D. Moldovan et al.)

Electronic states in a graphene flake strained by a Gaussian bump    [PDF]

D. Moldovan, M. Ramezani Masir, F. M. Peeters

1307.5206 (Stefano Azzini et al.)

Stimulated and spontaneous four-wave mixing in silicon-on-insulator
coupled photonic wire nano-cavities

Stefano Azzini, Davide Grassani, Matteo Galli, Dario Gerace, Maddalena Patrini, Marco Liscidini, Philippe Velha, Daniele Bajoni

1307.5214 (Daniel Walgraef)

Elasticity effects on the stability of growing films    [PDF]

Daniel Walgraef

1307.5219 (Pei Wang et al.)

Randomly Fluctuating Potential Controlled Multistable Resonant Tunneling
Current through a Quantum Dot

Pei Wang, Gao Xianlong, Shaojun Xu

1307.5257 (Claire Wahl et al.)

Interactions and charge fractionalization in an electronic
Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer

Claire Wahl, Jérôme Rech, Thibaut Jonckheere, Thierry Martin

1307.5309 (Andreas Kronwald et al.)

Arbitrarily large steady-state bosonic squeezing via dissipation    [PDF]

Andreas Kronwald, Florian Marquardt, Aashish A. Clerk

1307.5311 (Nicolas Didier et al.)

Dissipation-induced perfect squeezing by damping modulation in circuit
quantum electrodynamics

Nicolas Didier, Farzad Qassemi, Alexandre Blais

Sunday, July 21, 2013

1307.4433 (Young-Shin Park et al.)

Influence of the Core/Shell Interface on Biexciton Auger Recombination
in Individual Nanocrystal Quantum Dots

Young-Shin Park, Wan Ki Bae, Lazaro A. Padilha, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Victor I. Klimov

1307.4434 (Wan Ki Bae et al.)

The influence of Auger recombination on the performance of quantum-dot
light-emitting diodes

Wan Ki Bae, Young-Shin Park, Jaehoon Lim, Donggu Lee, Lazaro A. Padilha, Hunter McDaniel, Istvan Robel, Changhee Lee, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Victor I. Klimov

1307.4548 (Markus Sproll et al.)

Low-amplitude magnetic vortex core reversal by non-linear interference
between azimuthal spin waves and the vortex gyromode

Markus Sproll, Matthias Noske, Hans Bauer, Matthias Kammerer, Ajay Gangwar, Georg Dieterle, Markus Weigand, Hermann Stoll, Christian H. Back, Gisela Schütz

1307.4559 (Xuetao Zhu et al.)

Electron-Phonon Coupling on the Surface of Topological Insulators    [PDF]

Xuetao Zhu, Colin Howard, Jiandong Guo, Michael El-Batanouny

Friday, July 19, 2013

1307.4797 (Alexander A. Balandin)

Review of the Low-Frequency 1/f Noise in Graphene Devices    [PDF]

Alexander A. Balandin

1307.4833 (Christian Bergenfeldt et al.)

Hybrid Microwave Cavity Heat Engine    [PDF]

Christian Bergenfeldt, Peter Samuelsson, Björn Sothmann, Christian Flindt, Markus Büttiker

1307.4862 (Andreas Pfeffer et al.)

Sub-Gap Structure in the Conductance of a Three-Terminal Josephson

Andreas Pfeffer, Jean Eudes Duvauchelle, Hervé Courtois, Régis Mélin, Denis Feinberg, François Lefloch

1307.4869 (Stephan Geprägs et al.)

Comment on "Pt magnetic polarization on Y3Fe5O12 and magnetotransport

Stephan Geprägs, Sebastian T. B. Goennenwein, Marc Schneider, Fabrice Wilhelm, Katharina Ollefs, Andrei Rogalev, Matthias Opel, Rudolf Gross

1307.4946 (S. Sergeenkov et al.)

Analog of Fishtail Anomaly in Plastically Deformed Graphene    [PDF]

S. Sergeenkov, F. M. Araujo-Moreira

1307.4970 (Jong Soo Lim et al.)

Non-equilibrium spin-current detection with a single Kondo impurity    [PDF]

Jong Soo Lim, Rosa Lopez, Laurent Limot, Pascal Simon

1307.5012 (Christopher B. McKitterick et al.)

Graphene microbolometers with superconducting contacts for terahertz
photon detection

Christopher B. McKitterick, Heli Vora, Xu Du, Boris S. Karasik, Daniel E. Prober

1307.5032 (Chung-Chiang Wu et al.)

Elucidating the photoresponse of ultrathin MoS2 field-effect transistors
by scanning photocurrent microscopy

Chung-Chiang Wu, Deep Jariwala, Vinod K. Sangwan, Tobin J. Marks, Mark C. Hersam, Lincoln J. Lauhon

1307.5036 (Anand P. S. Gaur et al.)

Optical Properties and Raman Studies of Partially Edge Terminated
Vertically Aligned Nanocrystalline MoS2 Thin Film

Anand P. S. Gaur, Satyaprakash Sahoo, Majid Ahmadi, Maxime J-F Guinel, Sanjeev K. Gupta, Ravindra Pandey, Sandwip K Dey, Ram S. Katiyar

Thursday, July 18, 2013

1307.4684 (Jan Gieseler et al.)

Thermal nonlinearities in a nanomechanical oscillator    [PDF]

Jan Gieseler, Lukas Novotny, Romain Quidant

1307.4403 (Roger S. K. Mong et al.)

Universal topological quantum computation from a superconductor/Abelian
quantum Hall heterostructure

Roger S. K. Mong, David J. Clarke, Jason Alicea, Netanel H. Lindner, Paul Fendley, Chetan Nayak, Yuval Oreg, Ady Stern, Erez Berg, Kirill Shtengel, Matthew P. A. Fisher

1307.4408 (F. Amet et al.)

Gate control of spin and valley polarized quantum Hall edge states in

F. Amet, J. R. Wiliams, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, D. Goldhaber-Gordon

1307.4426 (Fuxiang Li et al.)

Nonequilibrium spin noise spectroscopy    [PDF]

Fuxiang Li, Yuriy V. Pershin, Valeriy A. Slipko, Nikolai A. Sinitsyn

1307.4483 (Keith Slevin et al.)

Critical exponent for the Anderson transition in the three dimensional
orthogonal universality class

Keith Slevin, Tomi Ohtsuki

1307.4495 (Jun-Qiang Lu et al.)

Nanoscale capacitance: a classical charge-dipole approximation    [PDF]

Jun-Qiang Lu, Jonathan Gonzalez, Carlos Sierra, Yang Li

1307.4506 (Moumita Dey et al.)

Spin-orbit interaction induced spin selective transmission through a
multi-terminal mesoscopic ring

Moumita Dey, Santanu K. Maiti, Sreekantha Sil, S. N. Karmakar

1307.4528 (A. V. Dolbin et al.)

Sorption of 4He, H2, Ne, N2, CH4 and Kr impurities in graphene oxide at
low temperatures. Quantum effects

A. V. Dolbin, V. B. Esel'son, V. G. Gavrilko, V. G. Manzhelii, N. A. Vinnikov, R. M. Basnukaeva, V. V. Danchuk, N. S. Mysko, E. V. Bulakh, W. K. Maser, A. M. Benito

1307.4539 (Sujit S. Datta et al.)

Spatial Fluctuations Of Fluid Velocities In Flow Through A
Three-Dimensional Porous Medium

Sujit S. Datta, Harry Chiang, T. S. Ramakrishnan, David A. Weitz

1307.4549 (J. Azema et al.)

Hund and pair-hopping signature in transport properties of degenerate
nanoscale devices

J. Azema, A. -M. Daré, P. Lombardo

1307.4597 (Tianhan Liu et al.)

Anisotropic Quantum Spin Hall Effect, Spin-Orbital Textures and Mott

Tianhan Liu, Benoît Douçot, Karyn Le Hur

1307.4606 (Tobias Stauber et al.)

Optical conductivity, Drude weight and plasmons in twisted graphene

Tobias Stauber, Pablo San-Jose, Luis Brey

1307.4615 (C. Gaul et al.)

Feshbach-type resonances for two-particle scattering in graphene    [PDF]

C. Gaul, F. Domínguez-Adame, F. Sols, I. Zapata

1307.4668 (Marco O. Hachiya et al.)

Non-monotonic spin relaxation and decoherence in graphene quantum dots
with spin-orbit interactions

Marco O. Hachiya, Guido Burkard, J. Carlos Egues

1307.4680 (Viet-Hung Nguyen et al.)

Interplay between Aharonov-Bohm interference and parity selective
tunneling in zigzag graphene nanoribbon rings

Viet-Hung Nguyen, Yann-Michel Niquet, Philippe Dollfus

1307.4693 (D. Mishra et al.)

Growth modes of nanoparticle superlattice thin films    [PDF]

D. Mishra, D. Greving, G. A. Badini Confalonieri, J. Perlich, B. P. Toperverg, H. Zabel, O. Petracic

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

1307.4096 (Yuliy V. Bludov et al.)

Unusual reflection of electromagnetic radiation from a stack of graphene
layers at oblique incidence

Yuliy V. Bludov, Nuno M. R. Peres, Mikhail I. Vasilevskiy

1307.4134 (Ricardo Gutierrez-Jauregui et al.)

Non linear magnetotransport theory and Hall induced resistance
oscillations in graphene

Ricardo Gutierrez-Jauregui, Manuel Torres

1307.4151 (K. Shinokita et al.)

Large Enhancement of the Photoluminescence Emission of Photoexcited
Undoped GaAs Quantum Wells Induced by an Intense Single-Cycle Terahertz Pulse

K. Shinokita, H. Hirori, K. Tanaka, T. Mochizuki, C. Kim, H. Akiyama, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West

1307.4168 (Sutirtha Mukherjee et al.)

Enigmatic 4/11 State: A Prototype for Unconventional Fractional Quantum
Hall Effect

Sutirtha Mukherjee, Sudhansu S. Mandal, Arkadiusz Wójs, Jainendra K. Jain

1307.4176 (V. F. Maisi et al.)

Full counting statistics of Andreev tunneling    [PDF]

V. F. Maisi, D. Kambly, C. Flindt, J. P. Pekola

1307.4185 (Audrey Cottet et al.)

Squeezing light with Majorana fermions    [PDF]

Audrey Cottet, Takis Kontos, Benoit Douçot

1307.4206 (Dirk Honecker et al.)

Analysis of magnetic neutron-scattering data of two-phase ferromagnets    [PDF]

Dirk Honecker, Charles D. Dewhurst, Kiyonori Suzuki, Sergey Erokhin, Andreas Michels

1307.4225 (A. V. Kudrin et al.)

Anomalous Hall effect in two-phase semiconductor structures: the crucial
role of ferromagnetic inclusions

A. V. Kudrin, A. V. Shvetsov, Yu. A. Danilov, D. A. Pavlov, A. I. Bobrov, N. V. Malekhonova, A. A. Timopheev, N. A. Sobolev

1307.4344 (Gábor Mándi et al.)

Arbitrary tip orientation in STM simulations: 3D WKB theory and
application to W(110)

Gábor Mándi, Norbert Nagy, Krisztián Palotás

1307.4361 (Adam P. Kajdos et al.)

Two-dimensional electron gas in a modulation-doped SrTiO3/Sr(Ti,Zr)O3

Adam P. Kajdos, Daniel G. Ouellette, Tyler A. Cain, Susanne Stemmer

1307.4374 (Young I. Jhon et al.)

Electron Transport Properties of Graphene-Graphyne-Graphene Transistors:
First Principles Study

Young I. Jhon, Myung S. Jhon

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

1307.3565 (Justin Wu et al.)

Self-Assembly of Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes into
Dense, Aligned Rafts

Justin Wu, Liying Jiao, Alexander Antaris, Charina L. Choi, Liming Xie, Yingpeng Wu, Shuo Diao, Changxin Chen, Yongsheng Chen, Hongjie Dai

1307.3569 (Mahmoud Lababidi et al.)

Anomalous edge states and topological phases of a kicked quantum Hall

Mahmoud Lababidi, Indubala I. Satija, Erhai Zhao

1307.3594 (C. H. Wong et al.)

Quasiparticle Berry curvature and Chern numbers in spin-orbit coupled
bosonic Mott insulators

C. H. Wong, R. A. Duine

1307.3601 (Michal Bajcsy et al.)

Non-classical three-photon correlations with a quantum dot strongly
coupled to a photonic-crystal nanocavity

Michal Bajcsy, Armand Rundquist, Arka Majumdar, Tomas Sarmiento, Kevin Fischer, Konstantinos G. Lagoudakis, Sonia Buckley, Jelena Vuckovic

1307.3609 (Hiroshi Frusawa et al.)

Electric moulding of dispersed lipid nanotubes into a nanofluidic device    [PDF]

Hiroshi Frusawa, Tatsuhiko Manabe, Eri Kagiyama, Ken Hirano, Naohiro Kameta, Mitsutoshi Masuda, Toshimi Shimizu

1307.3618 (Pei Wang et al.)

The numerical operator method to the real time dynamics of currents
through the nanostructures with different topologies

Pei Wang, Xuean Zhao, Ling Tang

1307.3631 (Jian-Hao Li et al.)

Plasmonic excitations in quantum-sized sodium nanoparticles studied by
time-dependent density functional calculations

Jian-Hao Li, Michitoshi Hayashi, Guang-Yu Guo

1307.3670 (Vittorio Peano et al.)

Quantum fluctuations in modulated nonlinear oscillators    [PDF]

Vittorio Peano, M I Dykman

1307.3697 (Tanmoy Das)

Weyl semimetals and superconductors designed in an orbital selective

Tanmoy Das

1307.3732 (Sejoong Kim et al.)

Scattering Theory Approach to Inelastic Transport in Nanoscale Systems    [PDF]

Sejoong Kim, Young-Woo Son

1307.3742 (Eui-Sup Lee et al.)

Evaluating the Seebeck effect at the atomic scale    [PDF]

Eui-Sup Lee, Sanghee Cho, Ho-Ki Lyeo, Yong-Hyun Kim

1307.3774 (You Zhou et al.)

Voltage-triggered Ultra-fast Metal-insulator Transition in Vanadium
Dioxide Switches

You Zhou, Xiaonan Chen, Changhyun Ko, Zheng Yang, Chandra Mouli, Shriram Ramanathan

1307.3792 (A. Satou et al.)

Transient stimulated emission from multi-split-gated graphene structure    [PDF]

A. Satou, F. T. Vasko, T. Otsuji, V. V. Mitin

1307.3814 (Ying Wang et al.)

Local Electron Field Emission Study of Two-dimensional Carbon    [PDF]

Ying Wang, Yumeng Yang, Zizheng Zhao, Chi Zhang, Yihong Wu

1307.3825 (Bin Hu et al.)

On the Instabilities of the Walker Propagating Domain Wall Solution    [PDF]

Bin Hu, Xiangrong Wang

1307.3826 (A. Kashuba)

Critical phenomena in the bifurcation line's perspective    [PDF]

A. Kashuba

1307.3828 (Kun-Rok Jeon et al.)

Thermal spin injection and accumulation in n-type Si with CoFe/MgO
tunnel contacts through Seebeck spin tunneling

Kun-Rok Jeon, Byoung-Chul Min, Seung-Young Park, Kyeong-Dong Lee, Hyon-Seok Song, Youn-Ho Park, Sung-Chul Shin

1307.3829 (E. Burzurí et al.)

Quantum interference oscillations of the superparamagnetic blocking in
an Fe8 molecular nanomagnet

E. Burzurí, F. Luis, O. Montero, B. Barbara, R. Ballou, S. Maegawa

1307.3842 (K. Zberecki et al.)

Thermoelectric effects in silicene nanoribbons    [PDF]

K. Zberecki, M. Wierzbicki, J. Barnaś, R. Swirkowicz

1307.3870 (B. Peropadre et al.)

Nonequilibrium and nonperturbative dynamics of ultrastrong coupling in
open lines

B. Peropadre, D. Zueco, D. Porras, J. J. Garcia-Ripoll

1307.3878 (M. B. Kenmoe et al.)

Landau-Zener transitions between two and three decaying levels    [PDF]

M. B. Kenmoe, S. C. Kenfack, A. J. Fotue, A. B. Tchapda, M. Tchoffo, L. C. Fai, J. E. Danga, M. E. Ateuafack, M. P. Djemmo

1307.4008 (Benedikt Scharf et al.)

Magneto-optical conductivity of graphene on polar substrates    [PDF]

Benedikt Scharf, Vasili Perebeinos, Jaroslav Fabian, Igor Žutić

1307.4012 (N. A. Pike et al.)

Theory of plasmonic waves on a chain of metallic nanoparticles in a
liquid crystalline host

N. A. Pike, D. Stroud

1307.4022 (Tian Liang et al.)

Evidence for massive bulk Dirac Fermions in Pb$_{1-x}$Sn$_x$Se from
Nernst and thermopower experiments

Tian Liang, Quinn Gibson, Jun Xiong, Max Hirschberger, Sunanda P. Koduvayur, R. J. Cava, N. P. Ong

1307.4039 (Felix Hoehne et al.)

Time Constants of Spin-Dependent Recombination Processes    [PDF]

Felix Hoehne, Lukas Dreher, Maximilian Suckert, David P. Franke, Martin Stutzmann, Martin S. Brandt

Monday, July 15, 2013

1112.0925 (Mathias Cabrera Cano et al.)

Magnetotransport in the Kondo model with ferromagnetic exchange

Mathias Cabrera Cano, Serge Florens

1307.3245 (Jaehoon Lee et al.)

Algebra of Majorana Doubling    [PDF]

Jaehoon Lee, Frank Wilczek

1307.3252 (Rahul Nandkishore et al.)

Dirty Weyl fermions: rare region effects near 3D Dirac points    [PDF]

Rahul Nandkishore, David A. Huse, S. L. Sondhi

1307.3260 (Samuel G. Carter et al.)

Strong Hyperfine-Induced Modulation of an Optically-Driven Hole Spin in
an InAs Quantum Dot

Samuel G. Carter, Sophia E. Economou, Alex Greilich, Edwin Barnes, Timothy M. Sweeney, Allan S. Bracker, Daniel Gammon

1307.3320 (M. Ishida et al.)

Observation of Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect with Various Transition
Metal Films

M. Ishida, A. Kirihara, H. Someya, K. Uchida, S. Kohmoto, E. Saitoh, T. Murakami

1307.3333 (P. P. Aseev et al.)

Spin injection from topological insulator tunnel-coupled to metallic

P. P. Aseev, S. N. Artemenko

1307.3362 (Paul Soulé et al.)

Many-body study of a quantum point contact in the fractional quantum
Hall regime at v=5/2

Paul Soulé, Thierry Jolicoeur, Philippe Lecheminant

1307.3416 (C. P. Moca et al.)

Fermi liquid theory of resonant spin pumping    [PDF]

C. P. Moca, A. Alex, A. Shnirman, G. Zarand

1307.3421 (Mikito Koshino)

Electronic transmission through AB-BA domain boundary in bilayer

Mikito Koshino

1307.3432 (Peng Yan et al.)

Angular and Linear Momentum of Excited Ferromagnets    [PDF]

Peng Yan, Akashdeep Kamra, Yunshan Cao, Gerrit E. W. Bauer

1307.3485 (Eliot Kapit et al.)

3- and 4-body Interactions from 2-body interactions in Spin Models: A
Route to Abelian and Non-Abelian Fractional Chern Insulators

Eliot Kapit, Steven H. Simon

1307.3504 (M. Brasse et al.)

Enhanced quantum oscillatory magnetization and non-equilibrium currents
in an interacting two-dimensional electron system in MgZnO/ZnO with repulsive

M. Brasse, S. M. Sauther, J. Falson, Y. Kozuka, A. Tsukazaki, Ch. Heyn, M. A. Wilde, M. Kawasaki, D. Grundler

1307.3505 (Benjamin M. Fregoso et al.)

Electrical detection of topological phase transitions in disordered
Majorana nanowires

Benjamin M. Fregoso, Alejandro M. Lobos, S. Das Sarma

1307.3512 (F. Giazotto et al.)

Coherent diffraction of thermal currents in Josephson tunnel junctions    [PDF]

F. Giazotto, M. J. Martinez-Perez, P. Solinas

Friday, July 12, 2013

1307.2909 (Z. Papić et al.)

Topological Phases in the Zeroth Landau Level of Bilayer Graphene    [PDF]

Z. Papić, D. A. Abanin

1307.2947 (M. Obstbaum et al.)

Inverse Spin Hall Effect in NiFe / Normal Metal Bilayers    [PDF]

M. Obstbaum, M. Härtinger, T. Meier, F. Swientek, C. H. Back, G. Woltersdorf

1307.2955 (Tasuku Chiba et al.)

In-plane magnetic field dependence of cyclotron relaxation time in a Si
two-dimensional electron system

Tasuku Chiba, Ryuichi Masutomi, Kentarou Sawano, Yasuhiro Shiraki, Tohru Okamoto

1307.2960 (Norio Ota)

Stable Spin State Analysis of Fe, Co, Ni-modified Graphene-ribbon    [PDF]

Norio Ota

1307.2961 (Dahai Wei et al.)

Experimental observation of a large ac-spin Hall effect    [PDF]

Dahai Wei, Martin Obstbaum, Christian Back, Georg Woltersdorf

1307.3058 (D. V. Vlasov)

PVC composite internal process of current-voltage time delay formation
and conductivity levels lifetimes origin

D. V. Vlasov

1307.3112 (V. A. Benderskii et al.)

Vibrational energy transport in molecular wires    [PDF]

V. A. Benderskii, A. S. Kotkin, I. V. Rubtsov, E. I. Kats

1307.3154 (Philippe Ben-Abdallah et al.)

Phase-change radiative thermal diode    [PDF]

Philippe Ben-Abdallah, Svend-Age Biehs

1307.3161 (H. Flayac et al.)

Input-output theory of the unconventional photon blockade    [PDF]

H. Flayac, V. Savona

1307.3191 (Oleksiy Kashuba et al.)

The quench dynamics of a dissipative quantum system: a renormalization
group study

Oleksiy Kashuba, Dante M. Kennes, Mikhail Pletyukhov, Volker Meden, Herbert Schoeller

1307.3240 (Pallab Goswami et al.)

Axionic superconductivity in three dimensional doped narrow gap

Pallab Goswami, Bitan Roy

Thursday, July 11, 2013

1307.2577 (Kevin A. Madsen et al.)

Topological equivalence of crystal and quasicrystal band structures    [PDF]

Kevin A. Madsen, Emil J. Bergholtz, Piet W. Brouwer

1307.2594 (Jerry M. Chow et al.)

Microwave-activated conditional-phase gate for superconducting qubits    [PDF]

Jerry M. Chow, Jay M. Gambetta, Andrew W. Cross, Seth T. Merkel, Chad Rigetti, M. Steffen

1307.2596 (A. T. Dellis et al.)

Spin Noise Exchange in Coupled Alkali-Metal Vapors    [PDF]

A. T. Dellis, M. Loulakis, I. K. Kominis

1307.2597 (Wayne M. Witzel et al.)

Converting a real quantum bath to an effective classical noise    [PDF]

Wayne M. Witzel, Kevin Young, Sankar Das Sarma

1307.2602 (E. S. Andrianov et al.)

Can losses be compensated by spasers?    [PDF]

E. S. Andrianov, A. V. Dorofeenko, A. A. Pukhov, A. P. Vinogradov, A. A. Lisyansky

1307.2616 (Yu Zhu et al.)

Nonequilibrium Green's function theory for predicting device-to-device

Yu Zhu, Lei Liu, Hong Guo

1307.2628 (S. Grothe et al.)

Quantifying many-body effects by high-resolution Fourier transform
scanning tunneling spectroscopy

S. Grothe, S. Johnston, Shun Chi, P. Dosanjh, S. A. Burke, Y. Pennec

1307.2673 (Yi Zheng et al.)

Seeding ice growth at ambient conditions using nano graphene oxide    [PDF]

Yi Zheng, C. L. Su, Jiong Lu, Kian Ping Loh

1307.2698 (Carmine Ortix et al.)

Absence of helical surface states in bulk semimetals with broken
inversion symmetry

Carmine Ortix, Jörn W. F. Venderbos, Roland Hayn, Jeroen van den Brink

1307.2703 (Luca Esposito et al.)

Topological aspects in the photonic crystal analog of single-particle
transport in quantum Hall systems

Luca Esposito, Dario Gerace

1307.2717 (D. Biolek et al.)

Reliable SPICE Simulations of Memristors, Memcapacitors and Meminductors    [PDF]

D. Biolek, M. Di Ventra, Y. V. Pershin

1307.2744 (D. Dixit et al.)

Spintronic Oscillator Based on Magnetic Field Feedback    [PDF]

D. Dixit, K. Konishi, C. V. Tomy, Y. Suzuki, A. A. Tulapurkar

1307.2745 (K. Konishi et al.)

RF amplification property of the MgO-based magnetic tunnel junction
using field-induced ferromagnetic resonance

K. Konishi, D. K. Dixit, A. A. Tulapurkar, S. Miwa, T. Nozaki, H. Kubota, A. Fukushima, S. Yuasa, Y. Suzuki

1307.2764 (James Jun He et al.)

BDI Class Topological Superconductors and Generating Entangled Spin
Currents in Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulators

James Jun He, Jiansheng Wu, T. P. Choy, Xiong-Jun Liu, Y. Tanaka, K. T. Law

1307.2771 (I. V. Protopopov et al.)

Dissipationless kinetics of one dimensional interacting fermions    [PDF]

I. V. Protopopov, D. B. Gutman, M. Oldenburg, A. D. Mirlin

1307.2775 (Ai Yamakage et al.)

Interference of Majorana fermions in NS junctions    [PDF]

Ai Yamakage, Masatoshi Sato

1307.2777 (Sergey Smirnov)

Cherenkov sound on a surface of a topological insulator    [PDF]

Sergey Smirnov

1307.2789 (Reza Farrahi Moghaddam et al.)

Computer Simulation of 3-D Finite-Volume Liquid Transport in Fibrous
Materials: a Physical Model for Ink Seepage into Paper

Reza Farrahi Moghaddam, Fereydoun Farrahi Moghaddam, Mohamed Cheriet

1307.2792 (Momchil Minkov et al.)

Long-distance radiative excitation transfer between quantum dots in
disordered photonic crystal waveguides

Momchil Minkov, Vincenzo Savona

1307.2801 (Dimitri Hapiuk et al.)

Oriented Attachment of ZnO Nanocrystals    [PDF]

Dimitri Hapiuk, Bruno Masenelli, Karine Masenelli-Varlot, Dimitri Tainoff, Olivier Boisron, Clement Albin, Patrice Melinon

1307.2837 (V. M. García-Suárez et al.)

Impact of Fano and Breit-Wigner resonances in the thermoelectric
properties of nanoscale junctions

V. M. García-Suárez, R. Ferradás, J. Ferrer

1307.2844 (Mark C. Kuzyk et al.)

Generating Robust Optical Entanglement in Weak Coupling Optomechanical

Mark C. Kuzyk, Steven J. van Enk, Hailin Wang

1307.2861 (Jhon W. González et al.)

Electronic transport of folded graphene nanoribbons    [PDF]

Jhon W. González, Mónica Pacheco, Pedro Orellana, Luis Brey, Leonor Chico

1307.2881 (J. Trastoy et al.)

Freezing and melting of vortex ice    [PDF]

J. Trastoy, M. Malnou, C. Ulysse, R. Bernard, N. Bergeal, G. Faini, J. Lesueur, J. Briatico, Javier E. Villegas

1307.2884 (Félix Rose et al.)

Spin- and valley-dependent magneto-optical properties of MoS2    [PDF]

Félix Rose, M. O. Goerbig, Frédéric Piéchon

1307.2885 (K. Bakke et al.)

Persistent spin currents in an elastic Landau system    [PDF]

K. Bakke, C. Furtado

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

1305.2527 (Sergey Slizovskiy)

Charging of graphene by magnetic field and mechanical effect of magnetic

Sergey Slizovskiy

1307.1742 (Joseph Kuo-Hsiang Tang et al.)

Temperature and Carbon Assimilation Regulate the Chlorosome Biogenesis
in Green Sulfur Bacteria

Joseph Kuo-Hsiang Tang, Semion K. Saikin, Sai Venkatesh Pingali, Miriam M. Enriquez, Joonsuk Huh, Harry A. Frank, Volker S. Urban, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

1307.2234 (Gokce Basar et al.)

Chiral and Gravitational Anomalies on Fermi Surfaces    [PDF]

Gokce Basar, Dmitri E. Kharzeev, Ismail Zahed

1307.2242 (Chen-Yen Lai et al.)

d_{xy}-density wave in fermion-fermion cold atom mixtures    [PDF]

Chen-Yen Lai, Wen-Min Huang, David K. Campbell, Shan-Wen Tsai

1307.2248 (Alex Hayat et al.)

Cooper-pair based photon entanglement without isolated emitters    [PDF]

Alex Hayat, Hae-Young Kee, Kenneth S. Burch, Aephraim M. Steinberg

1307.2256 (Matthew S. Foster et al.)

Far from equilibrium topological p-wave superfluids    [PDF]

Matthew S. Foster, Victor Gurarie, Maxim Dzero, Emil A. Yuzbashyan

1307.2257 (Brian Skinner et al.)

The effect of electron dielectric response on the quantum capacitance of
graphene in a strong magnetic field

Brian Skinner, G. L. Yu, A. V. Kretinin, A. K. Geim, K. S. Novoselov, B. I. Shklovskii

1307.2272 (Wei Han et al.)

Spin injection and detection in lanthanum- and niobium-doped SrTiO3
using the Hanle technique

Wei Han, Xin Jiang, Adam Kajdos, See-Hun Yang, Susanne Stemmer, Stuart S. P. Parkin

1307.2279 (M. M. Vazifeh et al.)

Self-organized topological state with Majorana fermions    [PDF]

M. M. Vazifeh, M. Franz

1307.2318 (Shiro Kawabata et al.)

Efficient electron refrigeration using superconductor/spin-filter

Shiro Kawabata, Asier Ozaeta, Andrey S. Vasenko, Frank W. J. Hekking, F. Sebastian Bergeret

1307.2327 (D. I. Khomskii)

Magnetic monopoles and unusual transport effects in magnetoelectrics    [PDF]

D. I. Khomskii

1307.2359 (A. Bhushan et al.)

Effects of DC voltage on initiation of whirling motion of nanowire

A. Bhushan, M. M. Inamdar, D. N. Pawaskar

1307.2373 (Péter Nemes Incze et al.)

Electronic states of disordered grain boundaries in graphene prepared by
chemical vapor deposition

Péter Nemes Incze, Péter Vancsó, Zoltán Osváth, Géza I. Mark, Xiaozhan Jin, Yong Sung Kim, Chanyong Hwang, Philippe Lambin, Claude Chapelier, László Péter Biró

1307.2431 (Bernd Braunecker et al.)

Interplay between classical magnetic moments and superconductivity in
quantum one-dimensional conductors: toward a self-sustained topological
Majorana phase

Bernd Braunecker, Pascal Simon

1307.2447 (Nicholas Lanzillo et al.)

Temperature-dependent Phonon Shifts in Monolayer MoS2    [PDF]

Nicholas Lanzillo, A. Glen Birdwell, Matin Amani, Frank J. Crowne, Pankaj B. Shah, Sina Najmaei, Zheng Liu, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Jun Lou, Madan Dubey, Saroj K. Nayak, Terrance P. O'Regan

1307.2466 (Maria J. B. Moura et al.)

Tearing of Free-Standing Graphene    [PDF]

Maria J. B. Moura, Michael Marder

1307.2495 (Vera Gramich et al.)

From Coulomb-blockade to nonlinear quantum resonances in a hybrid
superconducting circuit

Vera Gramich, Björn Kubala, Selina Rohrer, Joachim Ankerhold

1307.2496 (D. B. Gopman et al.)

Temperature dependence of the switching field distributions in
all-perpendicular spin-valve nanopillars

D. B. Gopman, D. Bedau, G. Wolf, S. Mangin, E. E. Fullerton, J. A. Katine, A. D. Kent

1307.2498 (A. D. Armour et al.)

Universal quantum fluctuations of a cavity mode driven by a Josephson

A. D. Armour, M. P. Blencowe, E. Brahimi, A. J. Rimberg

1307.2502 (Xuewen Fu et al.)

Tailoring exciton dynamics by elastic strain-gradient in semiconductors    [PDF]

Xuewen Fu, Cong Su, Qiang Fu, Xinli Zhu, Rui Zhu, Chuanpu Liu, Jun Xu, Ji Feng, Ju Li, Dapeng Yu

1307.2505 (Guanyu Zhu et al.)

Dispersive regime of the Jaynes-Cummings and Rabi lattice    [PDF]

Guanyu Zhu, Sebastian Schmidt, Jens Koch

1307.2525 (V. P. Adiga et al.)

Simultaneous Electrical and Optical Readout of Graphene-Coated High Q
Silicon Nitride Resonators

V. P. Adiga, R. De Alba, I. R. Storch, P. A. Yu, B. Ilic, R. A. Barton, S. Lee, J. Hone, P. L. McEuen, J. M. Parpia, H. G. Craighead

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

1010.0123 (Ricardo Riaza)

First order devices, hybrid memristors, and the frontiers of nonlinear
circuit theory

Ricardo Riaza

1306.4932 (Karl Landsteiner)

Anomaly related transport of Weyl fermions for Weyl semi-metals    [PDF]

Karl Landsteiner

1307.1704 (Sriram Ganeshan et al.)

An Exact Classification of Landau-Majorana-Stückelberg-Zener
Resonances By Floquet Determinants

Sriram Ganeshan, Edwin Barnes, S. Das Sarma

1307.1726 (Jie Ren et al.)

Theory of asymmetric and negative differential magnon tunneling under
temperature bias: towards spin Seebeck diode and transistor

Jie Ren, Jian-Xin Zhu

1307.1815 (Mario Zapata-Herrera et al.)

Near field enhancement due to the optical response of small

Mario Zapata-Herrera, Jefferson Flórez, Angela Camacho

1307.1838 (C. Morfonios et al.)

Local symmetry dynamics in one-dimensional aperiodic lattices    [PDF]

C. Morfonios, P. Schmelcher, P. A. Kalozoumis, F. K. Diakonos

1307.1888 (E. Akkermans et al.)

Cooperative effects in one-dimensional random atomic gases: Absence of
single atom limit

E. Akkermans, A. Gero

1307.1892 (Alexander C. Archer et al.)

Nature of the Crystal Phase between 1/5 and 2/9 Fractional Hall Liquids    [PDF]

Alexander C. Archer, Kwon Park, Jainendra K. Jain

1307.1899 (Gaurasundar M. Conley et al.)

Light transport and localization in two-dimensional correlated disorder    [PDF]

Gaurasundar M. Conley, Matteo Burresi, Filippo Pratesi, Kevin Vynck, Diederik S. Wiersma

1307.1984 (K. Iwaya et al.)

Half-filled orbital and unconventional geometry of a common dopant in

K. Iwaya, D. R. Bowler, V. Brazdova, A. Ferreira da Silva, Ch. Renner, W. Wu, A. J. Fisher, A. M. Stoneham, G. Aeppli

1307.1992 (J. Juenemann et al.)

Lieb-Robinson bounds for spin-boson lattice models and trapped ions    [PDF]

J. Juenemann, A. Cadarso, D. Perez-Garcia, A. Bermudez, J. J. Garcia-Ripoll

1307.2000 (Julien Houel et al.)

High resolution coherent population trapping on a single hole spin in a

Julien Houel, Jonathan H. Prechtel, Daniel Brunner, Christopher E. Kuklewicz, Brian D. Gerardot, Nick G. Stoltz, Pierre M. Petroff, Richard J. Warburton

1307.2008 (Olivier Crauste et al.)

Topological surface states of strained Mercury-Telluride probed by ARPES    [PDF]

Olivier Crauste, Yoshiyuki Ohtsubo, Philippe Ballet, Pierre André Louis Delplace, David Carpentier, Clément Bouvier, Tristan Meunier, Amina Taleb-Ibrahimi, Laurent Lévy

1307.2024 (A. Gutiérrez-Rubio et al.)

Transverse current current response of graphene at finite temperature,
plasmons and absorption

A. Gutiérrez-Rubio, T. Stauber, F. Guinea

1307.2096 (C. T. Weiß et al.)

Immersing carbon nano-tubes in cold atomic gases    [PDF]

C. T. Weiß, P. V. Mironova, J. Fortágh, W. P. Schleich, R. Walser

1307.2103 (Paramita Dutta et al.)

A renormalization group study of persistent current in a quasiperiodic

Paramita Dutta, Santanu K. Maiti, S. N. Karmakar

1307.2121 (Kohei Fujiwara et al.)

5d transition metal oxide IrO2 as a material for spin current detection    [PDF]

Kohei Fujiwara, Yasuhiro Fukuma, Jobu Matsuno, Hiroshi Idzuchi, Yasuhiro Niimi, YoshiChika Otani, Hidenori Takagi

Monday, July 8, 2013

1307.1473 (Siavosh R. Behbahani et al.)

Electrons turn into anyons under an elastic membrane    [PDF]

Siavosh R. Behbahani, Claudio Chamon, Emanuel Katz

1307.1485 (Matthew S. Foster et al.)

Quantum quench in a p + i p superfluid: Winding numbers and topological
states far from equilibrium

Matthew S. Foster, Maxim Dzero, Victor Gurarie, Emil A. Yuzbashyan

1307.1531 (Tetsuro Habe et al.)

Three-dimensional symmetry breaking topological matters    [PDF]

Tetsuro Habe, Yasuhiro Asano

1307.1549 (F. Cadiz et al.)

Effect of Pauli blockade on spin-dependent diffusion in degenerate

F. Cadiz, D. Paget, A. C. H. Rowe, J. -P. Korb, D. Grebenkov, P. Barate, S. Arscott, E. Peytavit

1307.1555 (Bruno Dlubak et al.)

Highly efficient spin transport in epitaxial graphene on SiC    [PDF]

Bruno Dlubak, Marie-Blandine Martin, Cyrile Deranlot, Bernard Servet, Stéphane Xavier, Richard Mattana, Mike Sprinkle, Claire Berger, Walt A. De Heer, Frédéric Petroff, Abdelmadjid Anane, Pierre Seneor, Albert Fert

1307.1557 (D. Ferrari et al.)

A Quantum Biological Switch Based on Superradiance Transitions    [PDF]

D. Ferrari, G. L. Celardo, G. P. Berman, R. T. Sayre, F. Borgonovi

1307.1619 (Maria Berdova et al.)

Micromanipulation transfer of membrane resonators for circuit

Maria Berdova, Sung Un Cho, Juha-Matti Pirkkalainen, Jaakko Sulkko, Xuefeng Song, Pertti J. Hakonen, Mika A. Sillanpaa

1307.1623 (Benjamin F Porter et al.)

Design parameters for voltage-controllable directed assembly of single

Benjamin F Porter, Leon Abelmann, Harish Bhaskaran

Friday, July 5, 2013

1307.1142 (Wei-bo Gao et al.)

Quantum Teleportation from a Propagating Photon to a Solid-State Spin

Wei-bo Gao, P. Fallahi, E. Togan, A. Delteil, Y. S. Chin, J. Miguel-Sanchez, A. Imamoglu

1307.1146 (Jennifer Cano et al.)

Microwave Absorption by a Mesoscopic Quantum Hall Droplet    [PDF]

Jennifer Cano, Andrew C. Doherty, Chetan Nayak, David J. Reilly

1307.1159 (Eran Ginossar et al.)

The Properties and Light-Matter Interaction of a Superconducting
Majorana-Transmon Qubit

Eran Ginossar, Eytan Grosfeld

1307.1198 (Andreas Inhofer et al.)

On-demand source of polarized electrons    [PDF]

Andreas Inhofer, Dario Bercioux

1307.1206 (E. Wach et al.)

Charge density mapping of strongly-correlated few-electron
two-dimensional quantum dots by scanning probe technique

E. Wach, D. P. Zebrowski, B. Szafran

1307.1207 (Chunlei Qu et al.)

Topological Superfluids with Finite Momentum Pairing and Majorana

Chunlei Qu, Zhen Zheng, Ming Gong, Yong Xu, Li Mao, Xubo Zou, Guangcan Guo, Chuanwei Zhang

1307.1225 (Patrick P. Hofer et al.)

Emission of time-bin entangled particles into helical edge states    [PDF]

Patrick P. Hofer, Markus Büttiker

1307.1234 (P. D. Gorman et al.)

RKKY interaction between adsorbed magnetic impurities in graphene:
symmetry and strain effects

P. D. Gorman, J. M. Duffy, M. S. Ferreira, S. R. Power

1307.1261 (T. Kernreiter et al.)

Suppression of Coulomb exchange energy in quasi-two-dimensional hole

T. Kernreiter, M. Governale, R. Winkler, U. Zuelicke

1307.1267 (Miren Isasa et al.)

Spin Hall magnetoresistance as a probe for surface magnetization    [PDF]

Miren Isasa, Amilcar Bedoya-Pinto, Federico Golmar, Luis E. Hueso, Josep Fontcuberta, Fèlix Casanova

1307.1278 (N. M. R. Peres et al.)

Strong light-matter interaction in systems described by a modified Dirac

N. M. R. Peres, Jaime E. Santos

1307.1283 (Jian-Hui Yuan et al.)

Electronic transport in ferromagnetic barriers on the surface of a
topological insulator with $δ$ doping

Jian-Hui Yuan, Yan Zhang, Daizheng Huang, Qinhu Zhong, Xin Zhang

1307.1291 (Ajit C. Balram et al.)

Theory of Excitations of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect: Exclusion
Rules for Bound Excitons

Ajit C. Balram, Arkadiusz Wójs, Jainendra K. Jain

1307.1292 (G. J. Verbiest et al.)

Contrast Mechanism in Heterodyne Force Microscopy: Friction at Shaking

G. J. Verbiest, T. H. Oosterkamp, M. J. Rost

1307.1300 (Amretashis Sengupta et al.)

Performance Analysis of Strained Monolayer MoS$_{2}$ MOSFET    [PDF]

Amretashis Sengupta, Ram Krishna Ghosh, Santanu Mahapatra

1307.1306 (Amretashis Sengupta et al.)

Impact of intrinsic deformations on the negative differential resistance
of monolayer MoS$_2$ ultra-short channel MOSFET

Amretashis Sengupta, Santanu Mahapatra

1307.1308 (Richard Korytár et al.)

Probing Majorana fermions in the tunneling spectra of a resonant level    [PDF]

Richard Korytár, Peter Schmitteckert

1307.1328 (Orlando V. Billoni et al.)

A disorder induced mechanism for positive exchange bias fields    [PDF]

Orlando V. Billoni, Francisco A. Tamarit, Sergio A. Cannas

1307.1358 (Iman Santoso et al.)

Tunable optical absorption and interactions in graphene via oxygen

Iman Santoso, Ram Sevak Singh, Pranjal Kumar Gogoi, Teguh Citra Asmara, Dacheng Wei, Wei Chen, Andrew T. S. Wee, Vitor M. Pereira, Andrivo Rusydi

1307.1407 (Alexander Janot et al.)

Superfluid Stiffness of a Driven Dissipative Condensate with Disorder    [PDF]

Alexander Janot, Timo Hyart, Paul R. Eastham, Bernd Rosenow

1307.1421 (Matthieu Bellec et al.)

Tight-binding couplings in microwave artificial graphene    [PDF]

Matthieu Bellec, Ulrich Kuhl, Gilles Montambaux, Fabrice Mortessagne

1307.1430 (Ankit Jain et al.)

Prospects of Hysteresis-Free Abrupt Switching (0mV/dec) in Landau

Ankit Jain, Muhammad Ashraful Alam

1307.1442 (Jelena Klinovaja et al.)

Topological Superconductivity and Majorana Fermions in RKKY Systems    [PDF]

Jelena Klinovaja, Peter Stano, Ali Yazdani, Daniel Loss

1307.1457 (E. S. Sadki et al.)

Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Transport Properties of
Multilayer Graphene

E. S. Sadki, H. Okazaki, T. Watanabe, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Takano

1307.1458 (J. L. Benítez et al.)

Modulation of the Optical Transmittance in Multilayer Graphene by an
Electrical Signal

J. L. Benítez, D. Mendoza

Thursday, July 4, 2013

1305.2887 (Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar et al.)

Rabi oscillations in the quantum transmittance through modulated
magnetic fields: application to domain walls in magnetic nano-wires

Lucas J. Fernández-Alcázar, Horacio M. Pastawski

1305.2924 (C. W. J. Beenakker et al.)

Wigner-Poisson statistics of topological transitions in a Josephson

C. W. J. Beenakker, J. M. Edge, J. P. Dahlhaus, D. I. Pikulin, Shuo Mi, M. Wimmer

1307.0512 (Arun Persaud)

Analysis of slope-intercept plots for arrays of electron field emitters    [PDF]

Arun Persaud

1307.0525 (Chia-Wei Huang et al.)

Transport via double constrictions in integer and fractional topological

Chia-Wei Huang, Sam T. Carr, Dmitri Gutman, Efrat Shimshoni, Alexander D. Mirlin

1307.0546 (Klaus Halterman et al.)

Spin-controlled superconductivity and tunable triplet correlations in
graphene nanostructures

Klaus Halterman, Oriol T. Valls, Mohammad Alidoust

1307.0580 (Andrei K. Buin et al.)

Optoelectronic response calculations in the framework of k.p coupled to
Non-equilibrium Green's functions for 1D systems in the ballistic limit

Andrei K. Buin, Amit Verma, Simarjeet Saini

1307.0591 (Soo-hyon Phark et al.)

Superparamagnetic response of Fe-coated W tips in spin-polarized
scanning tunneling microscopy

Soo-hyon Phark, Jeison A. Fischer, Marco Corbetta, Dirk Sander, Jürgen Kirschner

1307.0598 (Rafael Sánchez et al.)

Correlations of heat and charge currents in quantum-dot thermoelectric

Rafael Sánchez, Björn Sothmann, Andrew N. Jordan, Markus Büttiker

1307.0609 (Sanjib Ghosh et al.)

Shell effect in strongly disordered superconductors    [PDF]

Sanjib Ghosh, Sudhansu S. Mandal

1307.0617 (Sofia Fahlvik Svensson et al.)

Nonlinear thermovoltage and thermocurrent in quantum dots    [PDF]

Sofia Fahlvik Svensson, Eric A Hoffmann, Natthapon Nakpathomkun, Phillip M Wu, Hongqi Xu, Henrik A Nilsson, David Sánchez, Vyacheslavs Kashcheyevs, Heiner Linke

1307.0690 (Ryota Ifuku et al.)

The density of states of graphene underneath a metal electrode and its
correlation with the contact resistivity

Ryota Ifuku, Kosuke Nagashio, Tomonori Nishimura, Akira Toriumi

1307.0726 (Bruno Rizzo et al.)

Transport phenomena in helical edge states interferometers. A Green's
function approach

Bruno Rizzo, Liliana Arrachea, Michael Moskalets

1307.0734 (Andrea Tomadin et al.)

Theory of the plasma-wave photoresponse of a gated graphene sheet    [PDF]

Andrea Tomadin, Marco Polini

1307.0835 (J. A. Reyes-Retana et al.)

Centered honeycomb NiSe$_2$ nanoribbons, structure and electronic

J. A. Reyes-Retana, G. G. Naumis, F. Cevantes-Sodi

1307.0868 (A. Churkin et al.)

The strain gap in a system of weak and strong interacting two level

A. Churkin, I. Gabdank, A. Burin, M. Schechter

1307.0892 (Roy Aad et al.)

Leaky mode analysis of luminescent thin films: the case of ZnO on

Roy Aad, Laurent Divay, Aurelien Bruyant, Sylvain Blaize, Christophe Couteau, Dave John Rogers, Gilles Lerondel

1307.0897 (Wen Yang et al.)

General theory of feedback control of a nuclear spin ensemble in quantum

Wen Yang, L. J. Sham

1307.0906 (Feng Mei et al.)

Analog Superconducting Quantum Simulator for Holstein Polarons    [PDF]

Feng Mei, Vladimir M. Stojanovic, Irfan Siddiqi, Lin Tian

1307.0926 (D. V. Vlasov et al.)

Simple approach for detection and estimation of photoactivity of silver
particles on graphene oxide in aqueous-organic dispersion

D. V. Vlasov, L. A. Apresyan, T. V. Vlasova

1307.0932 (M. Bagheri Tagani et al.)

Investigation of coupling geometry and dimerization effects on
thermoelectric properties of a C60 molecular transistor

M. Bagheri Tagani, Z. Golsanamlou, S. Izadi, H. Rahimpour Soleimani

1307.0940 (Qi Chen et al.)

Enhanced Hot-Carrier Luminescence in Multilayer Reduced Graphene Oxide

Qi Chen, Chunfeng Zhang, Fei Xue, Yong Zhou, Wei Li, Ye Wang, Wenguang Tu, Zhigang Zou, Xiaoyong Wang, Min Xiao

1307.0941 (Yu Song et al.)

Generation of quasi one-valley current in bulk graphene    [PDF]

Yu Song, Feng Zhai

1307.0946 (Bing Dong et al.)

Full counting statistics of a single-molecular quantum dot    [PDF]

Bing Dong, G. H. Ding, X. L. Lei

1307.0979 (E. L. Gurevich et al.)

Laser Induced Preiodic Surface Structures Induced by Surface Plasmons
Coupled via Roughness

E. L. Gurevich, S. V. Gurevich

1307.0984 (Soong-Geun Je et al.)

Asymmetric Magnetic Domain-Wall Motion by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya

Soong-Geun Je, Duck-Ho Kim, Sang-Cheol Yoo, Byoung-Chul Min, Kyung-Jin Lee, Sug-Bong Choe

1307.1004 (J. Baranski et al.)

In-gap states of the quantum dot coupled between a normal and
superconducting lead

J. Baranski, T. Domanski

1307.1018 (Jonathan H. Prechtel et al.)

A frequency-stabilized source of single photons from a solid-state qubit    [PDF]

Jonathan H. Prechtel, Andreas V. Kuhlmann, Julien Houel, Lukas Greuter, Arne Ludwig, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, Richard J. Warburton

1307.1075 (I. V. Rozhansky et al.)

Resonant exchange interaction in semiconductors    [PDF]

I. V. Rozhansky, I. V. Kraynov, N. S. Averkiev, E. Lahderanta

1307.1087 (Rafael Roldan et al.)

Dielectric screening and plasmons in AA-stacked bilayer graphene    [PDF]

Rafael Roldan, Luis Brey

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

1307.0062 (Ling Tang et al.)

First-principles calculations of current-induced spin-transfer torques
in magnetic domain walls

Ling Tang, Zhijun Xu, Zejin Yang

1307.0143 (G. A. Patterson et al.)

On the beneficial role of noise in resistive switching    [PDF]

G. A. Patterson, P. I. Fierens, D. F. Grosz

1307.0210 (A. Zazunov et al.)

Transport properties of the Coulomb-Majorana junction    [PDF]

A. Zazunov, A. Altland, R. Egger

1307.0217 (G. Cordourier-Maruri et al.)

Graphene Enabled Low-Control Quantum Gates between Static and Mobile

G. Cordourier-Maruri, Y. Omar, R. de Coss, S. Bose

1307.0228 (Shlomi Matityahu et al.)

Spin filtering in a Rashba-Dresselhaus-Aharonov-Bohm double-dot

Shlomi Matityahu, Amnon Aharony, Ora Entin-Wohlman, Seigo Tarucha

1307.0249 (Yuri M. Brovman et al.)

Electric Field Effect Thermoelectric Transport in Individual Silicon and
Germanium/Silicon Nanowire

Yuri M. Brovman, Joshua P. Small, Yongjie Hu, Ying Fang, Charles M. Lieber, Philip Kim

1307.0260 (L. Fang et al.)

Quantized Interface Topological State and Superconductivity in the
Homologous Structures (AgxPb1-xSe)5(Bi2Se3)3m, m=1,2

L. Fang, C. C. Stoumpos, Y. Jia, A. Glatz, D. Y. Chung, H. Claus, U. Welp, W. K. Kwok, M. G. Kanatzidis

1307.0288 (Zheyong Fan et al.)

Efficient linear-scaling quantum transport calculations on graphics
processing units and applications on electron transport in graphene

Zheyong Fan, Andreas Uppstu, Topi Siro, Ari Harju